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NPC Convoys on Holiday?
Logged on at 2310 PST last night to find Lines and clusters of NPC convoy ships at their company/faction stations. Also was hearing reports that escort missions were auto-aborting. They still had not moved by the time I logged off at 0530 this AM. Could they all be taking a Vacation? Just a curious question and suggested RP reason for this oddness... :-)
Yeah, I noticed this too. There was a pileup of convoy ships in Latos C-2 that had no destination or mission assigned to them.
They just sat there even when i tricked one of them in to shooting the other with its turrets.
They just sat there even when i tricked one of them in to shooting the other with its turrets.
Thanks for the report. I'm on it.
And to add to it some missions arent working such as Escort missions and from what i hear a denebe battle