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Observations of "sector lag" from a Leviathan sector

Oct 14, 2013 abortretryfail link
So, last night we had between 5-7 players trying to slay the Milanar Leviathan and kept running into sector-wide "lag" problems. Ultimately, we gave up because the issues made successfully bombing the damn worm impossible.

Symptoms observed during "lag" spikes:

- NPCs stopped firing and fly in a straight line for several seconds, only to re-appear elsewhere and shoot again. Seemed to happen to all of them at the same time.

- NPC shots fired appear in space far away from the ships firing the shots. This happened quite a lot with Assault bots trying to shoot my Trident who ended up missing because their shots were coming out of the other side of my ship.

- Players on board capital ships get stuck in turrets for several seconds. (I had this happen a lot, as I was flying a Trident Type M and spent a lot of time operating turrets.)

- Players' shots would hit targets (and explode, for missiles) but register no hit beep and do no damage to NPCs.

- NPCs would die and explode, but the concussion blast from the explosion would be delayed. I counted one Queen explosion that took approx 10s to hit.

- Sector chat messages are delayed while group, guild, and channel chat messages appear to be unaffected.

I had a pretty consistent ping in the 60-70ms range with ~4ms jitter and no measured packet loss to the VO server (Had MTR running the whole time).