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Magical TempKOS immunity

Sep 02, 2012 TheRedSpy link
If you trigger tempKOS at say, ineubis or your home faction, you are granted immunity from it at corvus.
Sep 03, 2012 meridian link
Are you sure that isn't a feature? Preventing Corvus tempKOS while a player already has tempKOS somewhere else prevents the player from getting bounced around between stations for 15 minutes.
Sep 03, 2012 Espionage link
No, you can also tempKOS yourself at your home nation, and pick any other station and you can't be tempKOS'ed there. That doesn't make sense because, well, if it's corvus that's the fall back, why do you get immunity from everywhere?
Sep 03, 2012 Pizzasgood link
If it's a feature, it's a poor and misguided one. Would be better to only take anti-bounce measures when you die - a big aspect of the 15 minute tmpkos is denial of docking and denial of peace within that faction's space. You should not be able to blow up a moth inside the NFZ and immediately grab the cargo and haul it into the station.
Sep 03, 2012 Kierky link
You could use the same idea to enter the newb stations :D
Sep 04, 2012 yodaofborg link
Nah, newb station turrets don't work on the same level as KOS or even temp KOS, they shoot you once you have a certain flag set, regardless of faction standings.

But yes, this is a bug. It's not been around long enough to be a feature.
Sep 10, 2012 raybondo link
Corvus lets anyone dock there. That is not a bug.
I don't understand Espionage's post. How do you 'pick' any other station and not be tempKOS'ed there?
Sep 10, 2012 yodaofborg link
Basically, you shoot someone to death (or not, that's my prefered method) at say, Xang Xi, and then go to a Corvus station or wherever(Not Xang XI in this case) really and you can shoot things inside the no fire zone without getting temp KOS for as long as the (Xang Xi) temp KOS lasts. Usual faction loss applies.


Lol, a quick way to say it would be, you cannot be temp KOS in two different factions at once.
Sep 10, 2012 CrazySpence link
Corvus doesn't have to be involved , any tempkos prevents you from getting tempkos somewhere else

And any tempkos prevents you from going to any conq station
Sep 10, 2012 raybondo link
Ah I see.
I just found a bug that causes the problem of tempKOS not getting applied if you're already tempKOS with another faction.
What's supposed to happen is that the tempKOS is removed from the first faction and a new tempKOS is applied against the second faction.
Sep 10, 2012 CrazySpence link
Now, before that happens, i just wanna clarify what you just said if all things were working as you expected...., if i shoot down the ctc in Xang Xi and get tempKOS'd I can go to corvus get tempkos and cancel it then go back and shoot xang xi stuff again?
Sep 10, 2012 raybondo link
yes, but then the Corvus tempKOS would be cancelled and you'd get a Xang Xi tempKOS again.
This may change in the future in that there could be multiple tempKOSes for different factions simultaneously.
Sep 11, 2012 TheRedSpy link
why wouldn't you just have multiple tempKOSes in the first place? that makes more sense than having one faction magically be okay with you again because another one hates you. It makes no sense :S
Sep 11, 2012 CrazySpence link
I had a dream I stole the code last night and fixed tempkos, war voys and disappearing PCC NPC's

Look at what you bastards are doing to me!!!!!
Sep 11, 2012 TheRedSpy link
lol, time for the Player Code Contribution Core!
Sep 11, 2012 abortretryfail link
Legend has it that's happened before...