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Unable to log in

Nov 14, 2011 Mordeth Kai link
date is 11/14/2011 time is 21:00 server time if I'm reading the active player charts correctly. The game became extremely slow, as in taking 2 minutes to make a jump, so I logged off and attempted to re-load. The lagg did not occur until I tried to jump, and I have been unable to get back into the game since. It takes about 2-4 minutes for the uela agreement to show up when trying to log into the game and connection always times out. I have the miss-fortune of a satellite connection so my ping usually averages at 1k, however I have had no problems playing until this occurred. If the active players section is anything to go by then the game is still up and running and there does not appear to be any significant changes to the number of players online in the past 4 hours. Not sure what could cause this but I have tested my connection on various other online games and there does not appear to be a problem on my end. I figured I should report it just in case, though I do not see evidence of other players experiencing said problem.