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Unknown lag latency connection issue

Mar 15, 2011 Captain86 link

Sorry for the long description in advance but this subject has backround I wanted to post it.
See traceroute / tracepath at the bottom

The backround of this subject did not become apparent until I started pvp with other players mostly
The reason is because without knowing exactly how the game play is suppose to look/feel.
I figured it was normal and that all other players were seeing and getting the same exact play action that I was getting

It was not until I noticed that when in pvp, I seem to be killed all the time.
In fact there is really NO players that I can really beat in combat with maybe a couple exceptions or rare occasion.

Having said that, this led me to think that I just need to improve and that my aim is just no good or I'm not hitting the targets or that they are dodging really well.

During combat I also noticed that other players can fire on me and what appears to be super weapons from my view.
I can only take a limited amount of hits from them with any ship it makes no difference what ship and how much armor.
Sometimes what appears to be only 1 gauss hit, or maybe 2 at best.
Sometimes only 1-3 neutron hits.
Sometimes 1 rocket seems to cause multiple explosions and hits on my ship. Considering they must have fired 2 rockets or more that I did not see.
Sometimes in combat a players ship may disappear for less then a fraction of a second and reappear in another location slightly away from where I was firing this only happens rarely but frequent enough to notice it. I noticed spidey's ship seems to do this much more then any other players.

This is all from my point of view and what I see on my screen.
've been trying to get input on this to see if things seem normal.
Most have indicated they did not see any lag, however when asked if they made hits that did not score many have indicated they hit me but no score registered.

A lot of the time I go from 97% armor to explode with just one gauss hit, or perhaps a couple n2 shots.

After getting higher lic levels and getting better weapons thinking this would be what I need to actually hit someone with the same level of fire power that I was experiencing.
This was no different.

I tested further on mining bots that were not moving just to observe and try to diagnose this or at least describe this subject to others.

Many tried to help diagnose ping,fps and other subjects.

After many tweeks and changes the last time I descreased all the video settings and got the fps up much higher I noticed a major difference.

That day for about 1/2 day I was winning all my combat fights or almost all of them and hits were being registered as they should be or what I believe they should be.
That was for about 1/2 day and I thought I had the problem solved with these vid changes but that eventually changed back to the normal no hits again.

Anyhow when testing on these mining bots I noticed that I can completely unload a turrent on a bot and it will not register those hits. Maybe something like this ........beep.................empty.
Sometimes it may go beep......beep....................emtpy
Rarely it may go beep.........beep..........beep.....emtpy
But never beep,beep,beep,beep explode.

I only experienced this ability to fire after making changes to the vid settings which everyone seems to think this had nothing to do with it, but it seemed much better for about 1/2 day as I said.
Gave me new encouragement to keep playing the game.
But if I cannot solve this I think I will be stuck as a miner or trader because there is no way to improve in combat to overcome what I believe is a real handicap or it seems.

Anyhow here is the traceroute/tracepath which many have indicated I should also contact my ISP to look into this too

I have what they call high speed business class cable with static ip and ping and fps seems to be ok from what everyone is saying.

Sorry again for the long description but I just want to try to figure this out somehow.
Mar 15, 2011 Captain86 link
all other sites do the same things with tracepath etc.

comcast says no problems they can tell from the router to any other sites and they did not get the same results

They recommended to plugin directly to the router and bye pass the server to see if I get any different results.

They said something about port forwarding rule that may do something but they did not seem to have the ability to instruct on this subject specifically.

Anyhow thats where I'm at with it so far

Thanks for any help
Mar 15, 2011 Captain86 link
After testing tracepath and traceroute with the PC directly connected to the router/modem I get the same results multiple no reply and IP address shown as before.

I'll followup with comcast again to inform them but I don't know whatelse to be done at this point.

Mar 15, 2011 PaKettle link
you forgot to mention your image server..... it aint helping.

Twitch games and connection sharing dont work well.

The trace looks like your being lost somewhere in the net itself. The too many hops message means the packet had to take to many jumps to reach VO.

beyond what you have done it is mostly an ISP problem but they should be able to fix it. You may have to do a lot of griping in person to get them to do something tho.
Mar 18, 2011 incarnate link
I wouldn't read too much into that traceroute. There are a number of ways to trace a route, and it appears that the method being used there is filtered somewhere along the way by a router, or potentially just deprioritized by a busy router (some routers, for instance, only prioritize traffic flowing through them, sometimes when they receive packets destined to them they place them in a low priority queue and don't respond until much later.. which sometimes results in erroneous latency on route hops). If you're able to connect to the game, obviously packets are being passed through the route, but the ISPs involved along the path may not care much about.. well.. people tracing routes.

It's more important what kind of latency you see in-game, using /ping.
Mar 26, 2011 Captain86 link
Ok thanks, I'll try to diagnose some more but I'm unsure if there are other related topics with regard to the connection or latency.

Recently someone mentioned it could be also related to targetless.

I also noticed recently there is about 25% of the time seems to be invisible rockets

I explode with no rockets being fired from my view but shooters express they did fire a rally.

Other times I have fired rockets at an opponent and what I thought was a hit or within range for detonation, however after a short time and after ships move toward a better firing position the opponent suddenly explodes with no real reason but what would appear to be a delayed rocket detonation.
And I mean very delayed sometimes as late as 15 seconds or more with no other weapons being fired due to both ships making another run or moving to better position while cells recharge.

Other issues after further review seem to be that weapons disappear on impact with no explosion nor hit score/beep. Also you can clearly see the weapon did not continue into space as it would with a mis of the target, but it just disappears on what I assume is an impact. Since there is no continuation of the weapons fire into space.

I still am assuming this is related to this traceroute and the connections but I really do not know for sure I'm no expert.

I can only listen to what others may be telling me and yet the ISP insists they are not getting this missed traceroutes when testing from the cable/router modem to where ever the test to.

Anyhow thanks for the response, I'll try a few more things and see if it makes any difference

I have been testing on non moving mining bots since this will be the simplest method to test since the do not move and I can easily target and count shots and watch and observe the results.

I'll just have to deal with it for now I guess not sure what else I can do to test it.

I guess it could be possible this old modem they gave me could be getting weak as well of course only speculation.
Mar 26, 2011 Pizzasgood link
try taking your computer to a friend's house and see if you still have issues.
Apr 06, 2011 Captain86 link
Further testing and conclusions

Just prior to taking to a friends house who has fios

I booted to Windows XP 32bit OS on the same machine to see if I get similar results and keeping in mind that this condition did not exist when I first started playing the game on this same computer.

So booting to Windows OS did not duplicate this topic, however it had other issues that do not matter for the sake of testing this topic of: registering hits when a target is hit occurs.

Anyhow, since windows OS 32 did not duplicate this topic, I wondered about linux and/or the linux 64bit client and if this may be an issue.

So for kicks the only thing I could think of that I was running linux in windowed mode while windows xp was in full window mode.

After changing my /vendetta/conifig.ini to run linux in full window mode so far the results have been positive.

It would appear that the tracepath for linux shows these no replies that windows OS does not.
It would appear that the tracepath is not filtering some of the non essential or non important (no replies) that the windows ping and tracert seems to filter out.

So to conclude at least for the past 7 days or about there has been NO noticeable problem with hit beeps and/or hits registering in full window mode on linux 64bit except for some minor ones so far.
Although it does occur but not many.

I have to conclude there is some problem with windowed mode in the 64bit linux client so far as I can tell by researching and observation. Although it can still be related to my vid card although my card exceeds the requirements of the game which is a nvidia 512mb PCIE GS8400, however it is the weaker of cards for gaming.
I'll test in windowed mode once again after I obtain another vid card as well. I do not feel confident that this will change anything but I should be able to at least eliminate this from the pool of suspicion.

So now as it stands I suspect windowed mode on the 64bit client causing or mimicking a lag effect or rendering issue that is not registering hits when a player hits a target either all the time or intermittently on the heavy side.

Others have confirmed they have similar observations.

Apr 20, 2011 Captain86 link
Additional info on the net regarding similar game topics:

This specifically identifies the exact same topic with other games.

Hits not registering with otherwise fast connection, good ping and good fps readings.

Ordering Fios for further testing and also will take to another persons house for testing with several different computers and video cards.

I'll post back with the final research and conclusion
May 15, 2011 Captain86 link
With fios the results of hit beeps are a bit different.

Ping is essentially about the same slightly better then my business class cable in the 35-45 range. Packet loss testing seems intermittent results from

However, from both comcast and verizon now indicating that not all sites will prove 0 packet loss and may not be setup correctly or may block certain things when ping testing or packet loss testing.

Google repeatedly shows packet loss as well as amazon and ebay on verizon but not on comcast, but guildsoftware never showed any packet loss with comcast or verizon fios

However, cable had the hit register problem but otherwise game play was super smooth with these exceptions of hit beeps being registered and the occasional getting hit from something that is unseen or invisible.

Fios does not appear to have the hit register problem and yet game play intermittently seems jittery or perhaps jumpy.
Initial game play so far after a couple weeks of playing do not produce the hit beep problem, however a slew of other topics are arising.

So I have to conclude both the connection and/or the nature online games in general as suggested above, along with vo hardware and connection service is causing the various degrees of intermittent and annoying subjects related to jitter,hit register, appearance of lag where there may be no lag etc. etc.

Anyhow after much research and determination to find out exactly what may be causing the hit beeps problem I cannot say for sure that it was comcast connection but can only observe that fios is not having this exact problem but other problems have emerged.
With no other apparent flaws on comcast or problems in over 6 years using comcast;and the DMZ zone providing no effect/change I can only observe that not everyone may get the same exact play action experience from online games due to the nature of the programming and connections in general.

That's all I know so I guess this should not really be in the bug zone but more in the geneal topic section instead

Thanks for reading