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PCC Mission Editor is not working for me.
The only link that is working is the Create New Mission link. It only allows me to enter Headline, short description, long description, then the Nation and faction info. There are no other options beyond that to create actions ect. I started to create one mission and went as far as I could and then saved it. On the main PCC Mission Creator page none of the other links like edit, delete, submit, disable, comment, or view comments are working in the section MISSIONS YOUR WORKING ON or EXAMPLE MISSIONS. Does this only work with netscape or some other browser? I'm using Internet Explorer 8 on a Windows XP Pro machine. Any help here is appreciated. thanks
Nevermind, I DL'ed netscape navigator IE was the problem. thx
Is he joking, or trolling? I can't tell.
Not trolling, half the links were dead on my Internet Explorer, no idea why. Works fine with netscape though.
Internet Explorer
Netscape Navigator
Windows XP
If you really aren't trolling, you're completely clueless. You need to go get a real browser before you unwittingly surrender control of your machine to a botnet and start DDOS'ing some poor government server.
Netscape Navigator
Windows XP
If you really aren't trolling, you're completely clueless. You need to go get a real browser before you unwittingly surrender control of your machine to a botnet and start DDOS'ing some poor government server.
Chome? Real browser? Are you f-ing kidding me? Chrome is in serious beta... one of the reasons its so goddamned fast is has little security checking.
Not that I'd ever call Netscape or IE better than Chrome. Just saying there are better (and more secure) options out there than Chrome.
Not that I'd ever call Netscape or IE better than Chrome. Just saying there are better (and more secure) options out there than Chrome.
Seriously, guys? Glad it's working for you now, hawk67.