Forums » Bugs
Vulture wing bug thingy.
Recently I've been hooked on using the Vulture. It's a very cool and easy to use ship, but it has one problem--it issues too damn much. This is a known bug, I know, and we'll probably have to wait for the collision detection code to be completely reworked to stop it. But until then I was thinking that maybe the Vulture's wings can be trimmed to half of its current wingspan. It would look a lot cooler, in addition to fixing the whole wing bug thing. Snip snip.
aw... but I like to have bots bring me down from 100 to 0 by running into me!
Yeah, when I was running through the roid in 11 from Arolte and LethaL in my Vulture I issued every time the wings grazed the roid. However, the Centurion lasted a long time. Mmm.
know this isent really helping,but from my freespace days i used banking all the time...espesially when hogging objects...flying with a bat inside a vesudan shippingwarf that had a destroyer in it was fun...espesially when you had a couple of herc on your tail...all power to engines and burn in between the bars...ohh had alot of touch and go there....*drool*..erm yes as i was saying,if you can use banking.Ex when diving in and cutting in around a asteroide level you ship with the asteroid...might help..