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Jump SFX
I just jumped and didn't notice any sound effect. still seemed silent. Has any one heard it?
Okay I did just hear a faint jump out sound. barely noticeable. still can't detect a jump in sound. straining to hear.
Jumping out is much louder if you jump from a complete stop.
I have noticed that the jump in sound is not always present.
I have noticed that the jump in sound is not always present.
There is no jump-in sound. There are jump-out, warp-out, warp-in sounds. The out sound originates from the effect position, so the view being further away from it causes it to be quieter. We can change the bias but then it becomes really loud if you are close to it.
The warp-in sound is played as a fixed sound at a fixed volume.
The warp-in sound is played as a fixed sound at a fixed volume.
The underline in the title of thie thread looked like
"Jump SEX" to me initially.
Heh. Uh, nevermind. Carryon.
"Jump SEX" to me initially.
Heh. Uh, nevermind. Carryon.