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broke hive missions, broke levi and very broke sectors
We had a group of about 15 players after the serco levi just now. We had everything cleared out except 3 missions in rhamus B-13, one of them had an ion storm present. Lag city would be a formula 1 race compared to what we had. It was like a strobe like but when the light was on we had activity, when it was off there was nothing. When on nothing seemed to work that well.
Queens had 200% shields and everything we did could not dent them. The levi was shooting THROUGH queens and hitting me.
I was somewhat monitoring my traffic at the time because many times I would get flooded (like a DDOS flood) and my network connect would take a dump due to the high number of packets inbound. at the time my fps numbers were 40-50, mostly in those 2 sectors, levi sector and B-13.
I took a group mission and the group list went *OFF* the screen. the hive list was also off the screen and all I saw was serco <xxx> and below that Queen. nothing else. I ended up having to leave the group and we abandoned the levi kill.
Queens had 200% shields and everything we did could not dent them. The levi was shooting THROUGH queens and hitting me.
I was somewhat monitoring my traffic at the time because many times I would get flooded (like a DDOS flood) and my network connect would take a dump due to the high number of packets inbound. at the time my fps numbers were 40-50, mostly in those 2 sectors, levi sector and B-13.
I took a group mission and the group list went *OFF* the screen. the hive list was also off the screen and all I saw was serco <xxx> and below that Queen. nothing else. I ended up having to leave the group and we abandoned the levi kill.