Forums » Bugs
Ingame voice chat /ship buying bug
When useng the ingame voice chat,there seems to be a bug that when you are in the ship buying screen and you press P to talk,it will buy a ship that you may have been looking at,as i found out when i logged back in to day i had around 40 or so Atlas mrk 2's,so just be carefull and as i say "you live and learn"lol.
P is the "Purchase Ship" hotkey.
Don't know if that's the default push-to-talk key or not though; I don't use VC.
Don't know if that's the default push-to-talk key or not though; I don't use VC.
There is no default for push-to-talk that I know of- I had to set it manually. That was about three revisions ago, so it may have changed.
Yes the "P" button is the default push to talk key,so that may be where the problem lies.