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Takes a while (possibly forever?) to "Get Characters" when logging in
It's usually less than instant the first time I start up VO. Hitting escape and logging back in usually works fine, but still thought you should know.
I've got this problem too. I log in, accept the EULA, and then get stuck on the "Loading Character Data..." bit. The Cancel button saves my bacon from getting old and crusty- I just smack it, and log in again until it finally passes the "Loading Character Data..." screen and lets me choose a character.
Hmm, I have seen this a couple of times over the last couple of weeks, previously character data loaded so quickly that I had never seen the " loading character data " message .
Cancel and relog seems to sort it out .
Cancel and relog seems to sort it out .
I just tried it and had no problem.
Do you happen to always be trying it at about the same time each day or is it more random?
Do you happen to always be trying it at about the same time each day or is it more random?
Seems random , doesn't happen all that often , maybe less than 10 % of the time.
Actually, it does appear to be time-of-day dependent. I've done a few tracerts, and they showed that a backbone node in the midwest has been snarky lately, adding on up to 200ms to pings and occasionally dropping packets when the net congestion hits. I know Guild Software can do little to nothing about third party network companies, but perhaps a change to the method with which VO waits for character data is in order? Say, a timeout and automatic retry if the character data isn't received in, oh, four seconds or thereabout?
I'm getting the same thing's pretty anoying.
If it is time of day, it covers a broad spectrum. I've tried many times between 1 pm and 1 am and it usually happens at least once. Sometimes more than once.
Well ive been trying for the last half hour to log in and get the same.Rebooted my computer,and router, checked all error logs all fine.Im in the UK and time is 8-25pm now. I just wanna play lol.
Gentlemen, I just figured out what triggers this, and I roffled heartilly.
Clicking through the EULA too quickly.
If I pause on the EULA for a count of three, it jumps right to the character select screen when I hit Accept. However, if I bust out the mad trackball skillz and click through it in a nanosecond, it jams up on the character data. I've just done it both ways several times, with those results for each method every time. Your results?
Clicking through the EULA too quickly.
If I pause on the EULA for a count of three, it jumps right to the character select screen when I hit Accept. However, if I bust out the mad trackball skillz and click through it in a nanosecond, it jams up on the character data. I've just done it both ways several times, with those results for each method every time. Your results?
Hah .. that's cool!
Er... I never have this issue, I just hit tab once and then enter. Takes about half a second... or less.
I have occasionally had this problem, and it is always due to other traffic on my network. Turning off any torrents on all computers behind my router has always worked to fix it. Of course, if the network congestion isn't behind your router but somewhere out in the backbone as IRS suggested, there's not much you can do about it.
Yeah like Miharu I do tab-enter to get through it almost instantly. I've been doing this every time for at least 3 years and never had the problem.
Happened to me yesterday for no apparent reason. Worked like a charm on the 2nd try.
I'm with IRS, this has something to do with the EULA being loaded when you click accept, used to drive me crazy, but my mad xnee skills can prove this...
This should be fixed now.
The time is 9:09 EST. I tried several times to unsuccessfully log on. Each time my client would never get past the getting characters screen. I tried waiting 30 seconds , tried waiting 10 seconds, and tried not waiting at the EULA agreement. I also tried waiting up to a minute at the getting characters screen. And yes my internet was working fine.
Edit: Just tried to get on again after posting this and it let me on. Maybe restarting the client helped, but I still don't get why it wouldn't let me on the first time(s).
Edit: Just tried to get on again after posting this and it let me on. Maybe restarting the client helped, but I still don't get why it wouldn't let me on the first time(s).