Forums » Bugs
Launching while auto-buying
When pvping I tend to be auto-buying my ship and really get into a rush. Sometimes I press the Launch button before my ship is rebought and I launch anyway in a ship witha battery and maybe a weapon; not only that I get a lua error and the station menu interface is superimposed over my entire screen. The only ways I have found to 'refresh' my screen is redocking which can be a bit difficult or restarting VO entirely. Is this problem fixable because I remember the rebuy ship option before the station menu comming up and it doesn't pop up until your ship is fully bought.
Can this be fixed?
Can this be fixed?
Ok, I'll do something about this.
Hmm. The station menu isn't supposed to appear until the ship is fully purchased. Are you auto-buying after exploding or just buying a Preset via the Ship Upgrade menu?
I'm auto-buying after exploding.