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mentor too high level.

Dec 03, 2006 drazed link
It seems that if someone levels up during a gaming session they can no long give out mentor points without first logging out/in. This means if a n00b plays for a bit and lvl's up, they can no longer invite a mentor without logging. This seems wrong, should we encourage n00bs to do the first couple of lvls and learn a little before searching for a mentor?
Dec 05, 2006 yun link
Disable mentoring for trial users?
Dec 05, 2006 MSKanaka link
I would consider that to be a bad idea, Leeyun. Namely because sometimes the game *is* hard to get into at first, as some people (including you) have pointed out in recent memory. Were I in the position of a person just trying out the game, I'd be much more likely to subscribe to the game after having been mentored by someone who took the time out of their day to answer my questions and show me the ropes than I would be if I had to subscribe first in order to be able get that service (that is, an official mentor).

In fact, that seems to be the general consensus, if the fact that newer players tend to ask their questions over 100 instead of asking for a mentor is ignored.

One person I asked just a few minutes ago said "I had several [students] that had told me that if I had not helped them that they would have quit".

drazed: I'm not sure that it's too much a bug so much as a side effect of some of the code used to restrict the accounts to three mentor points across all characters. It usually doesn't take very long to just dock, log off and log back in, so it's just a minor annoyance if anything... even if you were on a trial, the eight hours is only used up by time actually playing on the server; if you just let the client idle at the login you'll never use up the time.
Dec 05, 2006 yun link
Your totally right that ppl trying out the game are most likely to need help and that they may be much more inclined to subscribe when they experience a warm welcome and get a good start. That`s something important to keep up.

The question is if it`s good for them when trial users can be mentored. If you mentor them, you want to get a vote for doing so, but it`s questionable if you get one from a trial user who may log after a short time and eventually never comes back. I prefer to help them without creating a mentorship and instead to mentor players from whom to get a vote is more likely --- which is expecially true for subscribers. That may have the disadvantage that trial users may not get as much help as they otherwise would.

But since it seems to work, of course it would be a bad idea to disable it.