Forums » Bugs
BP and BS both borked
There was a thread in General about BP being broken, but I thought I'd post here since it's a bug. Basically, it treats players as individuals even if they're in a group. So if I'm in a group and I take the BP mission, it doesn't update for the other group member and only gives me 15 bots to kill as opposed to 30. Both members in the group can take the mission and it just acts like 2 separate people each killing 15 bots where my kills don't count towards his mission and vice versa.
BS may have to do with deliverator, but currently the first wave of ships come in for each side, then just sit there after one side is destroyed. No more ships warp in for either side.
BS may have to do with deliverator, but currently the first wave of ships come in for each side, then just sit there after one side is destroyed. No more ships warp in for either side.
I'm looking into the BS bug, and Andy is looking at the grouping BP weirdness; they're unrelated.
Thx mom. I have an edit for the BP bug too. Turns out if you create a brand new group and take a BP mission, it sets the kill count at 30 instead of 15 as it should (with 2 players). However, even though both players kills count towards the total, only the group leader recieves the reward and the other group member's mission is not completed and will not advance with further kills.
We're these fixed with the recent patch by any chance?
Group missions do not work. None of them do.
I took a group for adv combat today, and 3 of the 4 group members got credit for kills, yet only I got any mission updates. After 160-some bots, I aborted the mission.
We switched to BP. This time with a total of 3 group members, I took the BP. One member had to take their own BP mission because they weren't included, and the other *thought* they were included, but were really still in the Adv combat mission that I had aborted, and thus got no credit.
Group missions do not work. None of them do.
I took a group for adv combat today, and 3 of the 4 group members got credit for kills, yet only I got any mission updates. After 160-some bots, I aborted the mission.
We switched to BP. This time with a total of 3 group members, I took the BP. One member had to take their own BP mission because they weren't included, and the other *thought* they were included, but were really still in the Adv combat mission that I had aborted, and thus got no credit.
BS is working now. The grouping bug that is affecting BP and Adv Combat (in a group) is still there.
Thx mom =)
What the crap?
So group missions sorta sometimes work? Cunjo, do you recall whether the three of you for whom the mission worked were in the same sector during the bot-killings?
So group missions sorta sometimes work? Cunjo, do you recall whether the three of you for whom the mission worked were in the same sector during the bot-killings?
When I did it with another group member, both of us were in sector for the killings and only he (the group leader) got the reward. I also did not recieve any updates during the mission, although both of our kills counted towards the total and the bot count was at 30 as opposed to 15. Once the kill count was reached, the leader's mission completed but mine remained active. Further kills did not contribute to the kill count and if the mission was taken again, it would be for a count of 15, each person's kills counting individually and not towards the group.
Ok, I think I see the problem. Should be fixed on Friday.
a1kon, we were all in the same sector.
The discontinuity seemed to be related to who was in the group when the first mission was started.
The second time we tried Adv Combat, I had three members in the group when one of the members took to the mission early. I told them to quit it again before I invited the fourth person, and they did, and I did... but when I re-took the mission, only the three who were in the mission the first time were included in it, and of those, one was not sharing the same updates with us, and their mission didn't end when ours did.
The discontinuity seemed to be related to who was in the group when the first mission was started.
The second time we tried Adv Combat, I had three members in the group when one of the members took to the mission early. I told them to quit it again before I invited the fourth person, and they did, and I did... but when I re-took the mission, only the three who were in the mission the first time were included in it, and of those, one was not sharing the same updates with us, and their mission didn't end when ours did.
BP has definitely not been fixed. Still just as broken as before the patch. I'm encountering the same problems as described above with one difference. In a two person group, if one person takes the mission it doesn't show active for the other. Both people are able to take individual BP missions while in the same group. Their kills do not count together, but count towards individual goals of 15. This is as opposed to before when a group of two people could still get a mission for 30 bots, but only the leader's kills would count and only he would get the reward. If a group is created or a person joins a group mid-mission, all kills stop counting.