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Odia M-14 / Verasi I-5 Music
Around 1.5.9 or so I first noticed that the special music for Corvus and Valent's capitol was no longer there. It was fun to visit those stations as the music varied from the typical generic music found in those areas of space. I was wondering if this change was intentional, or perhaps a goof some time ago with some configuration.
Verasi I-5 is an Axia Commercial station. Only the Itani, Serco, UIT, TPG and Corvus have Capitol stations. It's available with the /playmusic command; type /playmusic music/stargazing_4.ogg if you want to listen to it.
Well maybe it wasn't I-5, but I do distinctly remember there being a special background music that played in one of the Verasi stations. Perhaps it was C-4, I didn't go there as often so my memory isn't as solidified on that song as Odia M-14.
Yes, I know I can play the Odia music now wherever I want (thanks to you), but the playing experiance for new people isn't as good without the cool music at these stations! Anything to increase the variety in the soundtrack is good IMO.
Yes, I know I can play the Odia music now wherever I want (thanks to you), but the playing experiance for new people isn't as good without the cool music at these stations! Anything to increase the variety in the soundtrack is good IMO.