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two players simultaneously leaving the station
A few minutes ago, horse and I left the Sedina L-2 station at the same time. We both had the perception of being inside eachother's ship model.
You mean that the view out of the ship's "windshield" was swapped between the two of you, or that the entire screen, including the HUD and other stuff was swapped?
How long did it last? How did you KNOW that you were seeing each other's view?
How long did it last? How did you KNOW that you were seeing each other's view?
More likely, he means that they both were able to see the internal frames of each other's ship models- as if VO had a clipping mode, for instance. We used to see this more often before the collision meshes were tweaked.
lol RattMan.
hmm. Stations are supposed to have a person on duty to keep that stuff sorted out. I guess he went on a break without telling anyone.
Yes, Whistler knows what I mean.
Ray, I'll poke my head in the break room before I undock from that station in the future. Obviously Xang Xi runs a pretty sloppy operation...
Ray, I'll poke my head in the break room before I undock from that station in the future. Obviously Xang Xi runs a pretty sloppy operation...
This has happened to me too. In Sedina L-2. :)
This happened to me yesterday when I was leaving class. It got pretty ugly, actually.
Hmm. I wonder if that station has two virtual launch bays in the same spot.
/me pulls out the station blueprints...
Nope, there are 2 launch bays and the station knows of only those two. There are no virtual ones.
Nope, there are 2 launch bays and the station knows of only those two. There are no virtual ones.
so... what happens when 3 people leave the station at once?
Dunno. Someone want to schedule a fire drill?`
I think there is a mission in Xang Xi stations on the test server that does that.