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Vendetta Active Players Graph

May 08, 2005 FiReMaGe link
Sure, I will do that (make it png) some time later when I have the time.
May 29, 2005 roguelazer link
Coiuld you turn VAPG back on now?
Jun 01, 2005 FiReMaGe link
It's functioning already. For some reason I wasn't notified by any of my buddies that it wasn't function, but it's not their fault. I should have been checking myself. I checked Friday when it already lost 10 days of data and that was when I was finally told. I just assumed that it was working because IRC was on the active players list.

I tried get it to work again but someone has tried to break into my account on Ashpyxia's computer (it doesn't run on my computer, so that's why I had no idea it wasn't working), triggering tripwire, which locked my ssh access. A few days later Asphyxia was there to give me back ssh access, but it's too bad I already lost some days of data.

Of course I want VAPG on all the time, but I'm getting busy in other areas so I incorrectly decided to rely on other people to tell me if Relay isn't working... but Relay runs independently of VAPG so that created problems.

I wish I could get that data back but if the script continues to run for months, that data loss won't matter too much.
Jun 07, 2005 FiReMaGe link
Well, it only ran for three days and went down again. I'm sorry for that, I will try to find out what's wrong this time.
Jun 13, 2005 jdigital link
In the mean time, a no frills solution to track user numbers:
Jun 30, 2005 who? me? link
when will it start archiving?
Jul 02, 2005 FiReMaGe link
Oh, I'm sorry. Asphyxia is on vacation once again and I can't access his machine. I'll have to wait for him. I don't know when.

Edit: It's working now. I don't know how it's working. I guess the script never broke down, it just decide to take a break or something.
Jul 13, 2005 who? me? link
adverts! nooooooooo! be gone with them!

singles pop-up ads???

FiReMaGe what is going on!!!?!?
Jul 17, 2005 FiReMaGe link
Ah. Use

Sorry, the other one was using Smartdots but they turned evil or something.

Edit: I've made some updates on it. It now updates the graph every minute. I may keep the graph's resolution at one minute, but change how much it is uploaded to the site to every ten minutes if Asphyxia finds the bandwidth being used is too much.

Edit Mk II: Well, I'm not too sure if anyone checks the first page of this post anymore.. it features a link to my new project Active, but it's pretty basic at the moment.

Edit Mk III: Asphyxia is moving, so the graph is down for awhile which also means Active won't update.

Edit Mk IV: IRC post in General forum detailing Asphyxia's broadband status:
Sep 21, 2005 roguelazer link
Is asphy fixed yet?
Sep 23, 2005 FN link
Last update in the image is August :(

Is this project inactive?
Nov 01, 2005 FiReMaGe link
I apologize, I am just very busy.

I felt I was "leeching" a little too much from Asphyxia to ask him to return IRC and VAPG. In the long run, no, I won't forever end this. I will talk to Asphyxia possibly in December.
Nov 26, 2005 DragonEmpire link
I just checked the graph and it was last updated in Aug, any chance we can get that fixed?
Nov 26, 2005 thergvk link
no, no, no. you dont understand.

this is a dead project, thta will never be restarted, and well...

someone should probably unstick it by now.
Dec 02, 2005 Moofed link
Dec 11, 2005 FiReMaGe link
Eh? Anyway, the graphs with my silly copyright are continuing again. The automatically updating active list is working too. I advise you don't stop your graphs Moofed, but I think you already knew that.

It'll take 30 days for my graphs to be of much use.

Anyway, I will restore the graph on a new more reliable server. The same one that resides on. I will try to put it up as soon as possible. If not soon, then later. I always get this running back up.

Edit: And it's running on that server now.
Jan 04, 2006 zamzx zik link
woah, we peaked at 50 online at once..
Mar 06, 2006 Yuutuu1 link
the new peak is at almost 60 i think...
Apr 11, 2006 zamzx zik link
Sixty one ^^
May 06, 2006 Yuutuu1 link
73! new record beat that eve... wait... oh well its still VO good