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Little while back, I saw the fruits of a1k0n's hard work in the form of a display sort of thing with cargo. At once, I was filled with a bitter and jealous rage and vowed at once to some day best him at the dark art of... cargo art!
The result of the festering jealousy was the following bunch of binds.
Included in the above text file is a bunch of lovely letters, some art, and the stuff that makes it all tick, with the exception of dump.ogg, which in my case, is a short recording of my electric shaver. The purpose of said recording is simply to inform the user of the binds of when she should drop a bit of cargo. For a while I'd used an alternating set of echos (dump1 and dump2), but at some point the chat became not visible from the jettison menu, so I made the recording thinger. If you don't want to bother with finding your own ogg, just alias dumper to dump1 or dump2, seeing as how they're included too.
Now, the basic idea behind the binds is that in order to make easily reproducible images, it might be a good idea to move around in some sort of predictable way, where every stop you make falls on a grid. From this simple "philosophy" came the goright and other basic binds of the sort. All of them do the same thing, but in different directions: accelerate for a second, fly on pure inertia for a second, and brake for a second. This alone, combined with a way of telling something to drop a piece of cargo and a grasp of continuity, is plenty to make any "black" and "white" image.
Since I made all my binds by typing them in through the console, the main constraint was the length of the bind, so I made a few shortcuts. Namely, the basic move binds, such as mur, which is illustrated below:

This particular basic move takes, like all of them, five seconds and starts but inviting you to drop a piece of cargo, giving you two seconds to do so, and taking three seconds to move your ship up and to the right. In the end, your ship is in a position to either drop another piece of cargo or move again, without dropping anything. Dropping cargo and moving takes five seconds, just moving takes three.
With this knowledge it's fairly easy to construct a bind to make, for example this fine greek letter:
Here's an example of what a path to describe this letter might look like, with solid arrows for moves where you drop cargo, and hollow for when you don't:

I also marked the point where we start as pirates do, to avoid confusion.
The alias for this fine letter would then be:
alias greekletter "mu; wait 5 mur; wait 10 mur; wait 15 mul; wait 20 mul; wait 25 mu; wait 30 mr; wait 35 mr; wait 40 mr; wait 45 mr; wait 50 md; wait 55 mdl; wait 60 gd; wait 63 gdl; wait 66 gdl; wait 69 gd; wait 72 mr; wait 77 mr; wait 82 mur; wait 87 md; wait 92 mr; wait 97 gr; wait 100 finit"
Normally, this would be fine, but as it happens, the parser in VO thinks that cutting this baby off right around 87 is a good idea, so I'll split it into two parts:
alias greekletter "mu; wait 5 mur; wait 10 mur; wait 15 mul; wait 20 mul; wait 25 mu; wait 30 mr; wait 35 mr; wait 40 mr; wait 45 mr; wait 50 md; wait 55 mdl; wait 60 gd; wait 63 gdl; wait 66 gdl; wait 69 gd; wait 72 mr; wait 77 mr; wait 82 greek2"
alias greek2 "mur; wait 5 md; wait 10 mr; wait 15 gr; wait 20 finit"
The result is the following:

It's kinda hard to see on the screen, seeing as how I don't have rglow on, but it's pretty clear on the radar. I also added a few random letters to the thing, so as to better illustrate the alphabet, which happens to be the thing I'll talk about next!
Various alphabets, as some of us might now, are for the most part basically a collection of shapes, and shapes happen to be well-defined by images. Thus, we can represent an alphabet with a bunch of pictures of the various letters! In my case, I made the letters out of cargo, see!
The bind for each letter is /ls* where the l stands for "letter," the s for "small" and the * is replaced by whatever letter you want. All the letters have several things in common: the path for each starts in the bottom left corner and ends in the bottom right, leaving a bit of room for spacing, and to top it all off, they all end with the command "finit" which alerts you to the end of the bind. All these work to make it easier to string together letters to form words.
Take for example the simplest letter I've got, the letter i. The alias for it is
alias lsi "mu; wait 5 mu; wait 10 mdr; wait 15 gdr; wait 18 finit"
As you can see, the bind goes up twice, while dropping cargo, drops another chunk, and moved down and right twice more to end up in a position to start the next letter. What's more, the above alias thing tells you just how long the letter takes, since finit is the last thing to go, and doesn't take any time at all. Knowing this, you could string together a bind which spells out a word one letter at a time. Thus, if you were, say, mute and really needed to communicate to someone that infrared is the best fairly often, you could make a simple bind along the lines of the following:
alias thebest "lsi; wait 18 lsr"
The command /thebest would then draw the letter i, and having waited eighteen seconds, which is how long the letter i takes, start drawing the letter r. In the end you'd have a nice ir. Obviously, you can string together more letters than two, as the above screenshot illustrates.
Anyway, I think I'm done. Hope someone finds this at least vaguely interesting.
Edit: There are a few artsy binds included in the cargoes .txt file:
niner: spells out "ninny"
scullr: mediocre picture of a scull
luv: an unrecognizable picture of a heart
uitr: spells out "uit"
itanir: spells out "itani"
sercor: spells out "serco"
tre: draws a pretty elaborate Christmas tree
sml: a smily face
The result of the festering jealousy was the following bunch of binds.
Included in the above text file is a bunch of lovely letters, some art, and the stuff that makes it all tick, with the exception of dump.ogg, which in my case, is a short recording of my electric shaver. The purpose of said recording is simply to inform the user of the binds of when she should drop a bit of cargo. For a while I'd used an alternating set of echos (dump1 and dump2), but at some point the chat became not visible from the jettison menu, so I made the recording thinger. If you don't want to bother with finding your own ogg, just alias dumper to dump1 or dump2, seeing as how they're included too.
Now, the basic idea behind the binds is that in order to make easily reproducible images, it might be a good idea to move around in some sort of predictable way, where every stop you make falls on a grid. From this simple "philosophy" came the goright and other basic binds of the sort. All of them do the same thing, but in different directions: accelerate for a second, fly on pure inertia for a second, and brake for a second. This alone, combined with a way of telling something to drop a piece of cargo and a grasp of continuity, is plenty to make any "black" and "white" image.
Since I made all my binds by typing them in through the console, the main constraint was the length of the bind, so I made a few shortcuts. Namely, the basic move binds, such as mur, which is illustrated below:

This particular basic move takes, like all of them, five seconds and starts but inviting you to drop a piece of cargo, giving you two seconds to do so, and taking three seconds to move your ship up and to the right. In the end, your ship is in a position to either drop another piece of cargo or move again, without dropping anything. Dropping cargo and moving takes five seconds, just moving takes three.
With this knowledge it's fairly easy to construct a bind to make, for example this fine greek letter:

Here's an example of what a path to describe this letter might look like, with solid arrows for moves where you drop cargo, and hollow for when you don't:

I also marked the point where we start as pirates do, to avoid confusion.
The alias for this fine letter would then be:
alias greekletter "mu; wait 5 mur; wait 10 mur; wait 15 mul; wait 20 mul; wait 25 mu; wait 30 mr; wait 35 mr; wait 40 mr; wait 45 mr; wait 50 md; wait 55 mdl; wait 60 gd; wait 63 gdl; wait 66 gdl; wait 69 gd; wait 72 mr; wait 77 mr; wait 82 mur; wait 87 md; wait 92 mr; wait 97 gr; wait 100 finit"
Normally, this would be fine, but as it happens, the parser in VO thinks that cutting this baby off right around 87 is a good idea, so I'll split it into two parts:
alias greekletter "mu; wait 5 mur; wait 10 mur; wait 15 mul; wait 20 mul; wait 25 mu; wait 30 mr; wait 35 mr; wait 40 mr; wait 45 mr; wait 50 md; wait 55 mdl; wait 60 gd; wait 63 gdl; wait 66 gdl; wait 69 gd; wait 72 mr; wait 77 mr; wait 82 greek2"
alias greek2 "mur; wait 5 md; wait 10 mr; wait 15 gr; wait 20 finit"
The result is the following:

It's kinda hard to see on the screen, seeing as how I don't have rglow on, but it's pretty clear on the radar. I also added a few random letters to the thing, so as to better illustrate the alphabet, which happens to be the thing I'll talk about next!
Various alphabets, as some of us might now, are for the most part basically a collection of shapes, and shapes happen to be well-defined by images. Thus, we can represent an alphabet with a bunch of pictures of the various letters! In my case, I made the letters out of cargo, see!
The bind for each letter is /ls* where the l stands for "letter," the s for "small" and the * is replaced by whatever letter you want. All the letters have several things in common: the path for each starts in the bottom left corner and ends in the bottom right, leaving a bit of room for spacing, and to top it all off, they all end with the command "finit" which alerts you to the end of the bind. All these work to make it easier to string together letters to form words.
Take for example the simplest letter I've got, the letter i. The alias for it is
alias lsi "mu; wait 5 mu; wait 10 mdr; wait 15 gdr; wait 18 finit"
As you can see, the bind goes up twice, while dropping cargo, drops another chunk, and moved down and right twice more to end up in a position to start the next letter. What's more, the above alias thing tells you just how long the letter takes, since finit is the last thing to go, and doesn't take any time at all. Knowing this, you could string together a bind which spells out a word one letter at a time. Thus, if you were, say, mute and really needed to communicate to someone that infrared is the best fairly often, you could make a simple bind along the lines of the following:
alias thebest "lsi; wait 18 lsr"
The command /thebest would then draw the letter i, and having waited eighteen seconds, which is how long the letter i takes, start drawing the letter r. In the end you'd have a nice ir. Obviously, you can string together more letters than two, as the above screenshot illustrates.
Anyway, I think I'm done. Hope someone finds this at least vaguely interesting.
Edit: There are a few artsy binds included in the cargoes .txt file:
niner: spells out "ninny"
scullr: mediocre picture of a scull
luv: an unrecognizable picture of a heart
uitr: spells out "uit"
itanir: spells out "itani"
sercor: spells out "serco"
tre: draws a pretty elaborate Christmas tree
sml: a smily face
With out a doubt, one of the most elaborate sets of binds I've ever seen. You should be proud of all the hard work and dedication you put into this genka.
Heres the updated version of Roda Slane’s Chainfire bind.
echo save to file chainfire.cfg in vo's directory and use /load chainfire.cfg
alias chainDelay "wait 0.21 chainStateTrigger"
alias chainFireBase "chainFire5"
alias chainFire5 "Weapon5; alias chainNext 'chainFire4'"
alias chainFire4 "Weapon4; alias chainNext 'chainFire3'"
alias chainFire3 "Weapon3; alias chainNext 'chainFire2'"
alias chainFire2 "Weapon2; alias chainNext 'chainFire1'"
alias chainFire1 "Weapon1; alias chainNext 'chainFireBase'"
alias +chainFire "alias chainStateTrigger 'chainOn'; chainState"
alias -chainFire "alias chainStateTrigger 'chainOff'"
alias ChainWaiting "echo loading..."
alias ChainStopped "chainStateTrigger"
alias chainOn "+shoot2; alias chainState 'chainWaiting'; chainDelay; wait 0.07 chainOn_"
alias chainOn_ "-shoot2; chainNext"
alias chainOff "alias chainState 'chainStopped'"
alias -shoot2 "+shoot2 0"
alias chainFireEnable "chainFireBase; chainOff; -chainFire; bind lmbutton +chainfire; echo Chain Fire Enabled"
alias chainFireDisable "bind lmbutton +shoot2; echo Chain Fire Disabled"
echo chainfire.cfg loaded. : opensource : Roda Slane of Vendetta Online
echo use /chainFireEnable and /chainFireDisable to set and restore your left mouse button.
echo set one port to the primary group for each key 1-5
echo save to file chainfire.cfg in vo's directory and use /load chainfire.cfg
alias chainDelay "wait 0.21 chainStateTrigger"
alias chainFireBase "chainFire5"
alias chainFire5 "Weapon5; alias chainNext 'chainFire4'"
alias chainFire4 "Weapon4; alias chainNext 'chainFire3'"
alias chainFire3 "Weapon3; alias chainNext 'chainFire2'"
alias chainFire2 "Weapon2; alias chainNext 'chainFire1'"
alias chainFire1 "Weapon1; alias chainNext 'chainFireBase'"
alias +chainFire "alias chainStateTrigger 'chainOn'; chainState"
alias -chainFire "alias chainStateTrigger 'chainOff'"
alias ChainWaiting "echo loading..."
alias ChainStopped "chainStateTrigger"
alias chainOn "+shoot2; alias chainState 'chainWaiting'; chainDelay; wait 0.07 chainOn_"
alias chainOn_ "-shoot2; chainNext"
alias chainOff "alias chainState 'chainStopped'"
alias -shoot2 "+shoot2 0"
alias chainFireEnable "chainFireBase; chainOff; -chainFire; bind lmbutton +chainfire; echo Chain Fire Enabled"
alias chainFireDisable "bind lmbutton +shoot2; echo Chain Fire Disabled"
echo chainfire.cfg loaded. : opensource : Roda Slane of Vendetta Online
echo use /chainFireEnable and /chainFireDisable to set and restore your left mouse button.
echo set one port to the primary group for each key 1-5
here is version 3 of Roda Slane's chainfire bind echo ::: - chainFire : OpenSource : Roda Slane of Vendetta Online
echo ::: - set one port to the primary group for each key 1-5
echo ::: - use /TriFlare and /DefaultMouse to set and restore your left mouse button.
alias chainHelpExamples "echo --- examples demonstrate setting delay, number of ports, bind, weapongroup, and initilizing the chain"
alias Biflare "WeaponDelay1_0; WeaponPorts2; useLmbutton; useShoot2; chainActivate"
alias Triflare "WeaponDelay1_0; WeaponPorts3; useLmbutton; useShoot2; chainActivate"
alias Quadflare "WeaponDelay1_0; WeaponPorts4; useLmbutton; useShoot2; chainActivate"
alias Quintflare "WeaponDelay1_0; WeaponPorts5; useLmbutton; useShoot2; chainActivate"
alias Bigauss "WeaponDelay0_4; WeaponPorts2; useLmbutton; useShoot2; chainActivate"
alias Trigauss "WeaponDelay0_4; WeaponPorts3; useLmbutton; useShoot2; chainActivate"
alias Quadgauss "WeaponDelay0_4; WeaponPorts4; useLmbutton; useShoot2; chainActivate"
alias BiPosi "WeaponDelay0_21; WeaponPorts2; useLmbutton; useShoot2; chainActivate"
alias AgtLmineSunRag "TriFlare"
alias AgtLmineSunRagAlt "TriFlare; DefaultMouse; useShoot1; useRmbutton"
Alias DefaultTrigger "useLmbutton; useShoot2"
alias ChainHelpBinds "echo --- [ useLmbutton | useMmbutton | useRmbutton | DefaultMouse ] ---"
alias useLmbutton "bind Lmbutton +chainfire"
alias useMmbutton "bind Mmbutton +chainfire"
alias useRmbutton "bind Rmbutton +chainfire"
alias DefaultMouse "bind lmbutton +shoot2; bind mmbutton +shoot3; bind rmbutton +shoot1"
alias ChainHelpGroups "echo --- [ useShoot2 | useShoot3 | useShoot1 ] --- "
Alias UseShoot1 "alias +WeaponFire '+shoot1'; alias -WeaponFire '+shoot1 0'"
Alias UseShoot2 "alias +WeaponFire '+shoot2'; alias -WeaponFire '+shoot2 0'"
Alias UseShoot3 "alias +WeaponFire '+shoot3'; alias -WeaponFire '+shoot3 0'"
alias chainHelpPorts "echo --- [ WeaponPorts1 | WeaponPorts2 | WeaponPorts3 | WeaponPorts4 | WeaponPorts5 ] --- "
Alias WeaponPorts1 "alias WeaponPortMax 'WeaponPort1'; Alias chainDelay 'd1'"
Alias WeaponPorts2 "alias WeaponPortMax 'WeaponPort2'; Alias chainDelay 'd2'"
Alias WeaponPorts3 "alias WeaponPortMax 'WeaponPort3'; Alias chainDelay 'd3'"
Alias WeaponPorts4 "alias WeaponPortMax 'WeaponPort4'; Alias chainDelay 'd4'"
Alias WeaponPorts5 "alias WeaponPortMax 'WeaponPort5'; Alias chainDelay 'd5'"
alias chainHelpDelay "echo --- [ WeaponDelay2_0, 1_5, 1_0, 0_7, 0_4, 0_25, 0_21, 0_14 ] --- "
alias WeaponDelay2_0 "alias d1 'wait 2.0 dE'; alias d2 'wait 1.0 dE'; alias d3 'wait .67 dE'; alias d4 'wait .50 dE'; alias d5 'wait .40 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay1_5 "alias d1 'wait 1.5 dE'; alias d2 'wait .75 dE'; alias d3 'wait .50 dE'; alias d4 'wait .38 dE'; alias d5 'wait .30 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay1_0 "alias d1 'wait 1.0 dE'; alias d2 'wait .50 dE'; alias d3 'wait .34 dE'; alias d4 'wait .25 dE'; alias d5 'wait .20 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay0_7 "alias d1 'wait 0.7 dE'; alias d2 'wait .35 dE'; alias d3 'wait .24 dE'; alias d4 'wait .18 dE'; alias d5 'wait .14 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay0_4 "alias d1 'wait .4 dE'; alias d2 'wait .20 dE'; alias d3 'wait .14 dE'; alias d4 'wait .10 dE'; alias d5 'wait .08 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay0_25 "alias d1 'wait .25 dE'; alias d2 'wait .13 dE'; alias d3 'wait .09 dE'; alias d4 'wait .07 dE'; alias d5 'wait .05 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay0_21 "alias d1 'wait .21 dE'; alias d2 'wait .11 dE'; alias d3 'wait .08 dE'; alias d4 'wait .06 dE'; alias d5 'wait .05 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay0_14 "alias d1 'wait .14 dE'; alias d2 'wait .07 dE'; alias d3 'wait .05 dE'; alias d4 'wait .04 dE'; alias d5 'wait .03 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay0_1 "alias d1 'wait .1 dE'; alias d2 'wait .05 dE'; alias d3 'wait .04 dE'; alias d4 'wait .03 dE'; alias d5 'wait .02 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay0_075 "alias d1 'wait .75 dE'; alias d2 'wait .04 dE'; alias d3 'wait .03 dE'; alias d4 'wait .02 dE'; alias d5 'wait .02 dE'"
alias chainHelpFire "echo --- [ chainActivate | +chainFire | -chainFire ] --- "
alias chainActivate "-chainFire; chainFiringHalted; WeaponPortMax"
alias +chainfire "alias chainTriggerState 'ChainTriggerOn'; chainFiringState"
alias -chainfire "alias chainTriggerState 'ChainTriggerOff'"
alias ChainHelpCylinderNote "echo --- delay times of less than 0.041 may fail. --- "
alias ChainHelpCylinderNote "echo --- 0.03 second delay added to reduce misfires. --- "
Alias WeaponPort5 "alias WeaponPortNext 'WeaponPort4'; Weapon5"
Alias WeaponPort4 "alias WeaponPortNext 'WeaponPort3'; Weapon4"
Alias WeaponPort3 "alias WeaponPortNext 'WeaponPort2'; Weapon3"
Alias WeaponPort2 "alias WeaponPortNext 'WeaponPort1'; Weapon2"
Alias WeaponPort1 "alias WeaponPortNext 'WeaponPortMax'; Weapon1"
alias chainTriggerOn "alias chainFiringState 'chainFiringActive'; +weaponFire; wait 0.03 chainDelay; wait 0.07 chainReload"
alias chainTriggerOff "alias chainFiringState 'chainFiringHalted'"
alias chainFiringActive "echo - click - waiting for next available port."
alias chainFiringHalted "chainTriggerState"
alias chainReload "-weaponFire; weaponPortNext"
alias dE "ChainTriggerState"
echo ::: - chainfire1_2.cfg loaded with /load chainfire1_2.cfg command.
echo ::: - set one port to the primary group for each key 1-5
echo ::: - use /TriFlare and /DefaultMouse to set and restore your left mouse button.
alias chainHelpExamples "echo --- examples demonstrate setting delay, number of ports, bind, weapongroup, and initilizing the chain"
alias Biflare "WeaponDelay1_0; WeaponPorts2; useLmbutton; useShoot2; chainActivate"
alias Triflare "WeaponDelay1_0; WeaponPorts3; useLmbutton; useShoot2; chainActivate"
alias Quadflare "WeaponDelay1_0; WeaponPorts4; useLmbutton; useShoot2; chainActivate"
alias Quintflare "WeaponDelay1_0; WeaponPorts5; useLmbutton; useShoot2; chainActivate"
alias Bigauss "WeaponDelay0_4; WeaponPorts2; useLmbutton; useShoot2; chainActivate"
alias Trigauss "WeaponDelay0_4; WeaponPorts3; useLmbutton; useShoot2; chainActivate"
alias Quadgauss "WeaponDelay0_4; WeaponPorts4; useLmbutton; useShoot2; chainActivate"
alias BiPosi "WeaponDelay0_21; WeaponPorts2; useLmbutton; useShoot2; chainActivate"
alias AgtLmineSunRag "TriFlare"
alias AgtLmineSunRagAlt "TriFlare; DefaultMouse; useShoot1; useRmbutton"
Alias DefaultTrigger "useLmbutton; useShoot2"
alias ChainHelpBinds "echo --- [ useLmbutton | useMmbutton | useRmbutton | DefaultMouse ] ---"
alias useLmbutton "bind Lmbutton +chainfire"
alias useMmbutton "bind Mmbutton +chainfire"
alias useRmbutton "bind Rmbutton +chainfire"
alias DefaultMouse "bind lmbutton +shoot2; bind mmbutton +shoot3; bind rmbutton +shoot1"
alias ChainHelpGroups "echo --- [ useShoot2 | useShoot3 | useShoot1 ] --- "
Alias UseShoot1 "alias +WeaponFire '+shoot1'; alias -WeaponFire '+shoot1 0'"
Alias UseShoot2 "alias +WeaponFire '+shoot2'; alias -WeaponFire '+shoot2 0'"
Alias UseShoot3 "alias +WeaponFire '+shoot3'; alias -WeaponFire '+shoot3 0'"
alias chainHelpPorts "echo --- [ WeaponPorts1 | WeaponPorts2 | WeaponPorts3 | WeaponPorts4 | WeaponPorts5 ] --- "
Alias WeaponPorts1 "alias WeaponPortMax 'WeaponPort1'; Alias chainDelay 'd1'"
Alias WeaponPorts2 "alias WeaponPortMax 'WeaponPort2'; Alias chainDelay 'd2'"
Alias WeaponPorts3 "alias WeaponPortMax 'WeaponPort3'; Alias chainDelay 'd3'"
Alias WeaponPorts4 "alias WeaponPortMax 'WeaponPort4'; Alias chainDelay 'd4'"
Alias WeaponPorts5 "alias WeaponPortMax 'WeaponPort5'; Alias chainDelay 'd5'"
alias chainHelpDelay "echo --- [ WeaponDelay2_0, 1_5, 1_0, 0_7, 0_4, 0_25, 0_21, 0_14 ] --- "
alias WeaponDelay2_0 "alias d1 'wait 2.0 dE'; alias d2 'wait 1.0 dE'; alias d3 'wait .67 dE'; alias d4 'wait .50 dE'; alias d5 'wait .40 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay1_5 "alias d1 'wait 1.5 dE'; alias d2 'wait .75 dE'; alias d3 'wait .50 dE'; alias d4 'wait .38 dE'; alias d5 'wait .30 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay1_0 "alias d1 'wait 1.0 dE'; alias d2 'wait .50 dE'; alias d3 'wait .34 dE'; alias d4 'wait .25 dE'; alias d5 'wait .20 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay0_7 "alias d1 'wait 0.7 dE'; alias d2 'wait .35 dE'; alias d3 'wait .24 dE'; alias d4 'wait .18 dE'; alias d5 'wait .14 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay0_4 "alias d1 'wait .4 dE'; alias d2 'wait .20 dE'; alias d3 'wait .14 dE'; alias d4 'wait .10 dE'; alias d5 'wait .08 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay0_25 "alias d1 'wait .25 dE'; alias d2 'wait .13 dE'; alias d3 'wait .09 dE'; alias d4 'wait .07 dE'; alias d5 'wait .05 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay0_21 "alias d1 'wait .21 dE'; alias d2 'wait .11 dE'; alias d3 'wait .08 dE'; alias d4 'wait .06 dE'; alias d5 'wait .05 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay0_14 "alias d1 'wait .14 dE'; alias d2 'wait .07 dE'; alias d3 'wait .05 dE'; alias d4 'wait .04 dE'; alias d5 'wait .03 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay0_1 "alias d1 'wait .1 dE'; alias d2 'wait .05 dE'; alias d3 'wait .04 dE'; alias d4 'wait .03 dE'; alias d5 'wait .02 dE'"
alias WeaponDelay0_075 "alias d1 'wait .75 dE'; alias d2 'wait .04 dE'; alias d3 'wait .03 dE'; alias d4 'wait .02 dE'; alias d5 'wait .02 dE'"
alias chainHelpFire "echo --- [ chainActivate | +chainFire | -chainFire ] --- "
alias chainActivate "-chainFire; chainFiringHalted; WeaponPortMax"
alias +chainfire "alias chainTriggerState 'ChainTriggerOn'; chainFiringState"
alias -chainfire "alias chainTriggerState 'ChainTriggerOff'"
alias ChainHelpCylinderNote "echo --- delay times of less than 0.041 may fail. --- "
alias ChainHelpCylinderNote "echo --- 0.03 second delay added to reduce misfires. --- "
Alias WeaponPort5 "alias WeaponPortNext 'WeaponPort4'; Weapon5"
Alias WeaponPort4 "alias WeaponPortNext 'WeaponPort3'; Weapon4"
Alias WeaponPort3 "alias WeaponPortNext 'WeaponPort2'; Weapon3"
Alias WeaponPort2 "alias WeaponPortNext 'WeaponPort1'; Weapon2"
Alias WeaponPort1 "alias WeaponPortNext 'WeaponPortMax'; Weapon1"
alias chainTriggerOn "alias chainFiringState 'chainFiringActive'; +weaponFire; wait 0.03 chainDelay; wait 0.07 chainReload"
alias chainTriggerOff "alias chainFiringState 'chainFiringHalted'"
alias chainFiringActive "echo - click - waiting for next available port."
alias chainFiringHalted "chainTriggerState"
alias chainReload "-weaponFire; weaponPortNext"
alias dE "ChainTriggerState"
echo ::: - chainfire1_2.cfg loaded with /load chainfire1_2.cfg command.
Props to Aleksey and Roda for posting their chainfire binds.
Seeing that the tech is already out there, I received permission to declassify these ones. The result is probably similar, but I think these are easier to read. Also, they contain a 2nd shutoff after a short delay, because sometimes chainfires can leave a gun firing if you're not careful. Lastly, I threw in a charge cannon infinite fire routine, which is another good way to pound the snot out of a Leviathan or cap ship.
alias REM "********** altfire code **********"
alias +altneut "+shoot1; wait 0.07 +shoot2"
alias -altneut "+shoot1 0; +shoot2 0; wait .3 '+shoot1 0; +shoot2 0'"
alias +altposi "+shoot1; wait 0.11 +shoot2"
alias -altposi "+shoot1 0; +shoot2 0; wait .3 '+shoot1 0; +shoot2 0'"
alias altcc_osc_1 "+shoot1; wait 0.05 '+shoot2'; wait 0.10 '+shoot1 0'; wait 0.15 '+shoot2 0'; wait 0.20 'altcc_osc'"
alias altcc_osc_2 "+shoot1; +shoot2; wait 0.1 '+shoot1 0; +shoot2 0'; wait 0.20 'altcc_osc'"
alias +altcc "alias altcc_osc altcc_osc_1; altcc_osc"
alias -altcc "alias altcc_osc ''"
Usage: Let's say you have a vulture with dual neutron blasters. Configure the weapons groups so that both guns are part of the primary group, and only one is part of the secondary group. Then type "/bind LMBUTTON +altneut" (without the quotes) in the client to bind the altfire to your left mouse button. To resume normal firing, type "/bind LMBUTTON +Shoot2".
- altneut is timed for neutron blasters
- altposi is timed for positron blasters
- altcc is for use with charge cannons and offers infinite, interleaved fire at 190 m/s and 400 damage per shot, even with 3 or 4 guns, but it is more sensitive than the others to low fps situations
- if you want infinite fire with charge cannons but don't want the shots interleaved, then modify +altcc to point to altcc_osc_2
- feel free to tweak the timings for different weapons and report a better version
Seeing that the tech is already out there, I received permission to declassify these ones. The result is probably similar, but I think these are easier to read. Also, they contain a 2nd shutoff after a short delay, because sometimes chainfires can leave a gun firing if you're not careful. Lastly, I threw in a charge cannon infinite fire routine, which is another good way to pound the snot out of a Leviathan or cap ship.
alias REM "********** altfire code **********"
alias +altneut "+shoot1; wait 0.07 +shoot2"
alias -altneut "+shoot1 0; +shoot2 0; wait .3 '+shoot1 0; +shoot2 0'"
alias +altposi "+shoot1; wait 0.11 +shoot2"
alias -altposi "+shoot1 0; +shoot2 0; wait .3 '+shoot1 0; +shoot2 0'"
alias altcc_osc_1 "+shoot1; wait 0.05 '+shoot2'; wait 0.10 '+shoot1 0'; wait 0.15 '+shoot2 0'; wait 0.20 'altcc_osc'"
alias altcc_osc_2 "+shoot1; +shoot2; wait 0.1 '+shoot1 0; +shoot2 0'; wait 0.20 'altcc_osc'"
alias +altcc "alias altcc_osc altcc_osc_1; altcc_osc"
alias -altcc "alias altcc_osc ''"
Usage: Let's say you have a vulture with dual neutron blasters. Configure the weapons groups so that both guns are part of the primary group, and only one is part of the secondary group. Then type "/bind LMBUTTON +altneut" (without the quotes) in the client to bind the altfire to your left mouse button. To resume normal firing, type "/bind LMBUTTON +Shoot2".
- altneut is timed for neutron blasters
- altposi is timed for positron blasters
- altcc is for use with charge cannons and offers infinite, interleaved fire at 190 m/s and 400 damage per shot, even with 3 or 4 guns, but it is more sensitive than the others to low fps situations
- if you want infinite fire with charge cannons but don't want the shots interleaved, then modify +altcc to point to altcc_osc_2
- feel free to tweak the timings for different weapons and report a better version
Also, they contain a 2nd shutoff after a short delay, because sometimes chainfires can leave a gun firing if you're not careful.
I solved that problem another way
My binds are more like demonstration of ideas, so they contain layouts for chainfiring, switching mouse buttons and infinite firing, but these are examples, any pilot should tweak them for their own needs
I solved that problem another way
My binds are more like demonstration of ideas, so they contain layouts for chainfiring, switching mouse buttons and infinite firing, but these are examples, any pilot should tweak them for their own needs
Zoom feature much like the one the devs recently implemented, only it is able to stay zoomed in without having the button held down.
This bind will be used in moldyman's (Erik C./Blue Streak) upcoming movie.
alias movieZoomToggle "movieZoomToggleIn"
alias movieZoomToggleIn "movieZoomIn; alias movieZoomToggle movieZoomToggleOut"
alias movieZoomToggleOut "movieZoomOut; alias movieZoomToggle movieZoomToggleIn"
alias movieZoomIn "zoom75_In"
alias movieZoomOut "zoom75_Out"
alias zoom75_In "set fov 75; alias movieZoomOut zoomMin; alias movieZoomIn zoom74_In; wait .025 zoom74_In"
alias zoom74_In "set fov 74; alias movieZoomOut zoom75_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom73_In; wait .025 zoom73_In"
alias zoom73_In "set fov 73; alias movieZoomOut zoom74_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom72_In; wait .025 zoom72_In"
alias zoom72_In "set fov 72; alias movieZoomOut zoom73_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom71_In; wait .025 zoom71_In"
alias zoom71_In "set fov 71; alias movieZoomOut zoom72_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom70_In; wait .025 zoom70_In"
alias zoom70_In "set fov 70; alias movieZoomOut zoom71_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom69_In; wait .025 zoom69_In"
alias zoom69_In "set fov 69; alias movieZoomOut zoom70_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom68_In; wait .025 zoom68_In"
alias zoom68_In "set fov 68; alias movieZoomOut zoom69_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom67_In; wait .025 zoom67_In"
alias zoom67_In "set fov 67; alias movieZoomOut zoom68_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom66_In; wait .025 zoom66_In"
alias zoom66_In "set fov 66; alias movieZoomOut zoom67_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom65_In; wait .025 zoom65_In"
alias zoom65_In "set fov 65; alias movieZoomOut zoom66_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom64_In; wait .025 zoom64_In"
alias zoom64_In "set fov 64; alias movieZoomOut zoom65_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom63_In; wait .025 zoom63_In"
alias zoom63_In "set fov 63; alias movieZoomOut zoom64_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom62_In; wait .025 zoom62_In"
alias zoom62_In "set fov 62; alias movieZoomOut zoom63_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom61_In; wait .025 zoom61_In"
alias zoom61_In "set fov 61; alias movieZoomOut zoom62_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom60_In; wait .025 zoom60_In"
alias zoom60_In "set fov 60; alias movieZoomOut zoom61_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom59_In; wait .025 zoom59_In"
alias zoom59_In "set fov 59; alias movieZoomOut zoom60_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom58_In; wait .025 zoom58_In"
alias zoom58_In "set fov 58; alias movieZoomOut zoom59_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom57_In; wait .025 zoom57_In"
alias zoom57_In "set fov 57; alias movieZoomOut zoom58_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom56_In; wait .025 zoom56_In"
alias zoom56_In "set fov 56; alias movieZoomOut zoom57_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom55_In; wait .025 zoom55_In"
alias zoom55_In "set fov 55; alias movieZoomOut zoom56_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom54_In; wait .025 zoom54_In"
alias zoom54_In "set fov 54; alias movieZoomOut zoom55_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom53_In; wait .025 zoom53_In"
alias zoom53_In "set fov 53; alias movieZoomOut zoom54_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom52_In; wait .025 zoom52_In"
alias zoom52_In "set fov 52; alias movieZoomOut zoom53_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom51_In; wait .025 zoom51_In"
alias zoom51_In "set fov 51; alias movieZoomOut zoom52_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom50_In; wait .025 zoom50_In"
alias zoom50_In "set fov 50; alias movieZoomOut zoom51_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom49_In; wait .025 zoom49_In"
alias zoom49_In "set fov 49; alias movieZoomOut zoom50_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom48_In; wait .025 zoom48_In"
alias zoom48_In "set fov 48; alias movieZoomOut zoom49_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom47_In; wait .025 zoom47_In"
alias zoom47_In "set fov 47; alias movieZoomOut zoom48_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom46_In; wait .025 zoom46_In"
alias zoom46_In "set fov 46; alias movieZoomOut zoom47_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom45_In; wait .025 zoom45_In"
alias zoom45_In "set fov 45; alias movieZoomOut zoom46_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom44_In; wait .025 zoom44_In"
alias zoom44_In "set fov 44; alias movieZoomOut zoom45_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom43_In; wait .025 zoom43_In"
alias zoom43_In "set fov 43; alias movieZoomOut zoom44_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom42_In; wait .025 zoom42_In"
alias zoom42_In "set fov 42; alias movieZoomOut zoom43_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom41_In; wait .025 zoom41_In"
alias zoom41_In "set fov 41; alias movieZoomOut zoom42_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom40_In; wait .025 zoom40_In"
alias zoom40_In "set fov 40; alias movieZoomOut zoom41_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom39_In; wait .025 zoom39_In"
alias zoom39_In "set fov 39; alias movieZoomOut zoom40_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom38_In; wait .025 zoom38_In"
alias zoom38_In "set fov 38; alias movieZoomOut zoom39_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom37_In; wait .025 zoom37_In"
alias zoom37_In "set fov 37; alias movieZoomOut zoom38_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom36_In; wait .025 zoom36_In"
alias zoom36_In "set fov 36; alias movieZoomOut zoom37_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom35_In; wait .025 zoom35_In"
alias zoom35_In "set fov 35; alias movieZoomOut zoom36_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom34_In; wait .025 zoom34_In"
alias zoom34_In "set fov 34; alias movieZoomOut zoom35_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom33_In; wait .025 zoom33_In"
alias zoom33_In "set fov 33; alias movieZoomOut zoom34_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom32_In; wait .025 zoom32_In"
alias zoom32_In "set fov 32; alias movieZoomOut zoom33_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom31_In; wait .025 zoom31_In"
alias zoom31_In "set fov 31; alias movieZoomOut zoom32_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom30_In; wait .025 zoom30_In"
alias zoom30_In "set fov 30; alias movieZoomOut zoom31_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom29_In; wait .025 zoom29_In"
alias zoom29_In "set fov 29; alias movieZoomOut zoom30_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom28_In; wait .025 zoom28_In"
alias zoom28_In "set fov 28; alias movieZoomOut zoom29_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom27_In; wait .025 zoom27_In"
alias zoom27_In "set fov 27; alias movieZoomOut zoom28_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom26_In; wait .025 zoom26_In"
alias zoom26_In "set fov 26; alias movieZoomOut zoom27_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom25_In; wait .025 zoom25_In"
alias zoom25_In "set fov 25; alias movieZoomOut zoom26_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom24_In; wait .025 zoom24_In"
alias zoom24_In "set fov 24; alias movieZoomOut zoom25_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom23_In; wait .025 zoom23_In"
alias zoom23_In "set fov 23; alias movieZoomOut zoom24_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom22_In; wait .025 zoom22_In"
alias zoom22_In "set fov 22; alias movieZoomOut zoom23_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom21_In; wait .025 zoom21_In"
alias zoom21_In "set fov 21; alias movieZoomOut zoom22_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom20_In; wait .025 zoom20_In"
alias zoom20_In "set fov 20; alias movieZoomOut zoom21_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom19_In; wait .025 zoom19_In"
alias zoom19_In "set fov 19; alias movieZoomOut zoom20_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom18_In; wait .025 zoom18_In"
alias zoom18_In "set fov 18; alias movieZoomOut zoom19_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom17_In; wait .025 zoom17_In"
alias zoom17_In "set fov 17; alias movieZoomOut zoom18_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom16_In; wait .025 zoom16_In"
alias zoom16_In "set fov 16; alias movieZoomOut zoom17_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom15_In; wait .025 zoom15_In"
alias zoom15_In "set fov 15; alias movieZoomOut zoom16_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom14_In; wait .025 zoom14_In"
alias zoom14_In "set fov 14; alias movieZoomOut zoom15_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom13_In; wait .025 zoom13_In"
alias zoom13_In "set fov 13; alias movieZoomOut zoom14_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom12_In; wait .025 zoom12_In"
alias zoom12_In "set fov 12; alias movieZoomOut zoom13_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom11_In; wait .025 zoom11_In"
alias zoom11_In "set fov 11; alias movieZoomOut zoom12_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom10_In; wait .025 zoom10_In"
alias zoom10_In "set fov 10; alias movieZoomOut zoom11_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom09_In; wait .025 zoom09_In"
alias zoom09_In "set fov 09; alias movieZoomOut zoom10_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom08_In; wait .025 zoom08_In"
alias zoom08_In "set fov 08; alias movieZoomOut zoom09_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom07_In; wait .025 zoom07_In"
alias zoom07_In "set fov 07; alias movieZoomOut zoom08_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom06_In; wait .025 zoom06_In"
alias zoom06_In "set fov 06; alias movieZoomOut zoom07_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom05_In; wait .025 zoom05_In"
alias zoom05_In "set fov 05; alias movieZoomOut zoom06_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom05_In"
alias zoom75_Out "set fov 75; alias movieZoomOut zoomMin; alias movieZoomIn zoom74_In"
alias zoom74_Out "set fov 74; alias movieZoomOut zoom75_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom73_In; wait .025 zoom75_Out"
alias zoom73_Out "set fov 73; alias movieZoomOut zoom74_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom72_In; wait .025 zoom74_Out"
alias zoom72_Out "set fov 72; alias movieZoomOut zoom73_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom71_In; wait .025 zoom73_Out"
alias zoom71_Out "set fov 71; alias movieZoomOut zoom72_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom70_In; wait .025 zoom72_Out"
alias zoom70_Out "set fov 70; alias movieZoomOut zoom71_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom69_In; wait .025 zoom71_Out"
alias zoom69_Out "set fov 69; alias movieZoomOut zoom70_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom68_In; wait .025 zoom70_Out"
alias zoom68_Out "set fov 68; alias movieZoomOut zoom69_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom67_In; wait .025 zoom69_Out"
alias zoom67_Out "set fov 67; alias movieZoomOut zoom68_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom66_In; wait .025 zoom68_Out"
alias zoom66_Out "set fov 66; alias movieZoomOut zoom67_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom65_In; wait .025 zoom67_Out"
alias zoom65_Out "set fov 65; alias movieZoomOut zoom66_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom64_In; wait .025 zoom66_Out"
alias zoom64_Out "set fov 64; alias movieZoomOut zoom65_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom63_In; wait .025 zoom65_Out"
alias zoom63_Out "set fov 63; alias movieZoomOut zoom64_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom62_In; wait .025 zoom64_Out"
alias zoom62_Out "set fov 62; alias movieZoomOut zoom63_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom61_In; wait .025 zoom63_Out"
alias zoom61_Out "set fov 61; alias movieZoomOut zoom62_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom60_In; wait .025 zoom62_Out"
alias zoom60_Out "set fov 60; alias movieZoomOut zoom61_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom59_In; wait .025 zoom61_Out"
alias zoom59_Out "set fov 59; alias movieZoomOut zoom60_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom58_In; wait .025 zoom60_Out"
alias zoom58_Out "set fov 58; alias movieZoomOut zoom59_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom57_In; wait .025 zoom59_Out"
alias zoom57_Out "set fov 57; alias movieZoomOut zoom58_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom56_In; wait .025 zoom58_Out"
alias zoom56_Out "set fov 56; alias movieZoomOut zoom57_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom55_In; wait .025 zoom57_Out"
alias zoom55_Out "set fov 55; alias movieZoomOut zoom56_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom54_In; wait .025 zoom56_Out"
alias zoom54_Out "set fov 54; alias movieZoomOut zoom55_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom53_In; wait .025 zoom55_Out"
alias zoom53_Out "set fov 53; alias movieZoomOut zoom54_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom52_In; wait .025 zoom54_Out"
alias zoom52_Out "set fov 52; alias movieZoomOut zoom53_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom51_In; wait .025 zoom53_Out"
alias zoom51_Out "set fov 51; alias movieZoomOut zoom52_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom50_In; wait .025 zoom52_Out"
alias zoom50_Out "set fov 50; alias movieZoomOut zoom51_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom49_In; wait .025 zoom51_Out"
alias zoom49_Out "set fov 49; alias movieZoomOut zoom50_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom48_In; wait .025 zoom50_Out"
alias zoom48_Out "set fov 48; alias movieZoomOut zoom49_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom47_In; wait .025 zoom49_Out"
alias zoom47_Out "set fov 47; alias movieZoomOut zoom48_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom46_In; wait .025 zoom48_Out"
alias zoom46_Out "set fov 46; alias movieZoomOut zoom47_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom45_In; wait .025 zoom47_Out"
alias zoom45_Out "set fov 45; alias movieZoomOut zoom46_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom44_In; wait .025 zoom46_Out"
alias zoom44_Out "set fov 44; alias movieZoomOut zoom45_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom43_In; wait .025 zoom45_Out"
alias zoom43_Out "set fov 43; alias movieZoomOut zoom44_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom42_In; wait .025 zoom44_Out"
alias zoom42_Out "set fov 42; alias movieZoomOut zoom43_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom41_In; wait .025 zoom43_Out"
alias zoom41_Out "set fov 41; alias movieZoomOut zoom42_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom40_In; wait .025 zoom42_Out"
alias zoom40_Out "set fov 40; alias movieZoomOut zoom41_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom39_In; wait .025 zoom41_Out"
alias zoom39_Out "set fov 39; alias movieZoomOut zoom40_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom38_In; wait .025 zoom40_Out"
alias zoom38_Out "set fov 38; alias movieZoomOut zoom39_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom37_In; wait .025 zoom39_Out"
alias zoom37_Out "set fov 37; alias movieZoomOut zoom38_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom36_In; wait .025 zoom38_Out"
alias zoom36_Out "set fov 36; alias movieZoomOut zoom37_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom35_In; wait .025 zoom37_Out"
alias zoom35_Out "set fov 35; alias movieZoomOut zoom36_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom34_In; wait .025 zoom36_Out"
alias zoom34_Out "set fov 34; alias movieZoomOut zoom35_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom33_In; wait .025 zoom35_Out"
alias zoom33_Out "set fov 33; alias movieZoomOut zoom34_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom32_In; wait .025 zoom34_Out"
alias zoom32_Out "set fov 32; alias movieZoomOut zoom33_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom31_In; wait .025 zoom33_Out"
alias zoom31_Out "set fov 31; alias movieZoomOut zoom32_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom30_In; wait .025 zoom32_Out"
alias zoom30_Out "set fov 30; alias movieZoomOut zoom31_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom29_In; wait .025 zoom31_Out"
alias zoom29_Out "set fov 29; alias movieZoomOut zoom30_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom28_In; wait .025 zoom30_Out"
alias zoom28_Out "set fov 28; alias movieZoomOut zoom29_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom27_In; wait .025 zoom29_Out"
alias zoom27_Out "set fov 27; alias movieZoomOut zoom28_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom26_In; wait .025 zoom28_Out"
alias zoom26_Out "set fov 26; alias movieZoomOut zoom27_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom25_In; wait .025 zoom27_Out"
alias zoom25_Out "set fov 25; alias movieZoomOut zoom26_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom24_In; wait .025 zoom26_Out"
alias zoom24_Out "set fov 24; alias movieZoomOut zoom25_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom23_In; wait .025 zoom25_Out"
alias zoom23_Out "set fov 23; alias movieZoomOut zoom24_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom22_In; wait .025 zoom24_Out"
alias zoom22_Out "set fov 22; alias movieZoomOut zoom23_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom21_In; wait .025 zoom23_Out"
alias zoom21_Out "set fov 21; alias movieZoomOut zoom22_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom20_In; wait .025 zoom22_Out"
alias zoom20_Out "set fov 20; alias movieZoomOut zoom21_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom19_In; wait .025 zoom21_Out"
alias zoom19_Out "set fov 19; alias movieZoomOut zoom20_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom18_In; wait .025 zoom20_Out"
alias zoom18_Out "set fov 18; alias movieZoomOut zoom19_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom17_In; wait .025 zoom19_Out"
alias zoom17_Out "set fov 17; alias movieZoomOut zoom18_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom16_In; wait .025 zoom18_Out"
alias zoom16_Out "set fov 16; alias movieZoomOut zoom17_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom15_In; wait .025 zoom17_Out"
alias zoom15_Out "set fov 15; alias movieZoomOut zoom16_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom14_In; wait .025 zoom16_Out"
alias zoom14_Out "set fov 14; alias movieZoomOut zoom15_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom13_In; wait .025 zoom15_Out"
alias zoom13_Out "set fov 13; alias movieZoomOut zoom14_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom12_In; wait .025 zoom14_Out"
alias zoom12_Out "set fov 12; alias movieZoomOut zoom13_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom11_In; wait .025 zoom13_Out"
alias zoom11_Out "set fov 11; alias movieZoomOut zoom12_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom10_In; wait .025 zoom12_Out"
alias zoom10_Out "set fov 10; alias movieZoomOut zoom11_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom09_In; wait .025 zoom11_Out"
alias zoom09_Out "set fov 09; alias movieZoomOut zoom10_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom08_In; wait .025 zoom10_Out"
alias zoom08_Out "set fov 08; alias movieZoomOut zoom09_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom07_In; wait .025 zoom09_Out"
alias zoom07_Out "set fov 07; alias movieZoomOut zoom08_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom06_In; wait .025 zoom08_Out"
alias zoom06_Out "set fov 06; alias movieZoomOut zoom07_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom05_In; wait .025 zoom07_Out"
alias zoom05_Out "set fov 05; alias movieZoomOut zoom06_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom05_In; wait .025 zoom06_Out"
bind "key" movieZoomToggle
This bind will be used in moldyman's (Erik C./Blue Streak) upcoming movie.
alias movieZoomToggle "movieZoomToggleIn"
alias movieZoomToggleIn "movieZoomIn; alias movieZoomToggle movieZoomToggleOut"
alias movieZoomToggleOut "movieZoomOut; alias movieZoomToggle movieZoomToggleIn"
alias movieZoomIn "zoom75_In"
alias movieZoomOut "zoom75_Out"
alias zoom75_In "set fov 75; alias movieZoomOut zoomMin; alias movieZoomIn zoom74_In; wait .025 zoom74_In"
alias zoom74_In "set fov 74; alias movieZoomOut zoom75_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom73_In; wait .025 zoom73_In"
alias zoom73_In "set fov 73; alias movieZoomOut zoom74_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom72_In; wait .025 zoom72_In"
alias zoom72_In "set fov 72; alias movieZoomOut zoom73_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom71_In; wait .025 zoom71_In"
alias zoom71_In "set fov 71; alias movieZoomOut zoom72_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom70_In; wait .025 zoom70_In"
alias zoom70_In "set fov 70; alias movieZoomOut zoom71_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom69_In; wait .025 zoom69_In"
alias zoom69_In "set fov 69; alias movieZoomOut zoom70_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom68_In; wait .025 zoom68_In"
alias zoom68_In "set fov 68; alias movieZoomOut zoom69_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom67_In; wait .025 zoom67_In"
alias zoom67_In "set fov 67; alias movieZoomOut zoom68_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom66_In; wait .025 zoom66_In"
alias zoom66_In "set fov 66; alias movieZoomOut zoom67_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom65_In; wait .025 zoom65_In"
alias zoom65_In "set fov 65; alias movieZoomOut zoom66_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom64_In; wait .025 zoom64_In"
alias zoom64_In "set fov 64; alias movieZoomOut zoom65_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom63_In; wait .025 zoom63_In"
alias zoom63_In "set fov 63; alias movieZoomOut zoom64_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom62_In; wait .025 zoom62_In"
alias zoom62_In "set fov 62; alias movieZoomOut zoom63_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom61_In; wait .025 zoom61_In"
alias zoom61_In "set fov 61; alias movieZoomOut zoom62_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom60_In; wait .025 zoom60_In"
alias zoom60_In "set fov 60; alias movieZoomOut zoom61_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom59_In; wait .025 zoom59_In"
alias zoom59_In "set fov 59; alias movieZoomOut zoom60_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom58_In; wait .025 zoom58_In"
alias zoom58_In "set fov 58; alias movieZoomOut zoom59_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom57_In; wait .025 zoom57_In"
alias zoom57_In "set fov 57; alias movieZoomOut zoom58_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom56_In; wait .025 zoom56_In"
alias zoom56_In "set fov 56; alias movieZoomOut zoom57_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom55_In; wait .025 zoom55_In"
alias zoom55_In "set fov 55; alias movieZoomOut zoom56_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom54_In; wait .025 zoom54_In"
alias zoom54_In "set fov 54; alias movieZoomOut zoom55_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom53_In; wait .025 zoom53_In"
alias zoom53_In "set fov 53; alias movieZoomOut zoom54_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom52_In; wait .025 zoom52_In"
alias zoom52_In "set fov 52; alias movieZoomOut zoom53_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom51_In; wait .025 zoom51_In"
alias zoom51_In "set fov 51; alias movieZoomOut zoom52_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom50_In; wait .025 zoom50_In"
alias zoom50_In "set fov 50; alias movieZoomOut zoom51_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom49_In; wait .025 zoom49_In"
alias zoom49_In "set fov 49; alias movieZoomOut zoom50_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom48_In; wait .025 zoom48_In"
alias zoom48_In "set fov 48; alias movieZoomOut zoom49_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom47_In; wait .025 zoom47_In"
alias zoom47_In "set fov 47; alias movieZoomOut zoom48_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom46_In; wait .025 zoom46_In"
alias zoom46_In "set fov 46; alias movieZoomOut zoom47_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom45_In; wait .025 zoom45_In"
alias zoom45_In "set fov 45; alias movieZoomOut zoom46_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom44_In; wait .025 zoom44_In"
alias zoom44_In "set fov 44; alias movieZoomOut zoom45_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom43_In; wait .025 zoom43_In"
alias zoom43_In "set fov 43; alias movieZoomOut zoom44_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom42_In; wait .025 zoom42_In"
alias zoom42_In "set fov 42; alias movieZoomOut zoom43_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom41_In; wait .025 zoom41_In"
alias zoom41_In "set fov 41; alias movieZoomOut zoom42_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom40_In; wait .025 zoom40_In"
alias zoom40_In "set fov 40; alias movieZoomOut zoom41_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom39_In; wait .025 zoom39_In"
alias zoom39_In "set fov 39; alias movieZoomOut zoom40_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom38_In; wait .025 zoom38_In"
alias zoom38_In "set fov 38; alias movieZoomOut zoom39_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom37_In; wait .025 zoom37_In"
alias zoom37_In "set fov 37; alias movieZoomOut zoom38_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom36_In; wait .025 zoom36_In"
alias zoom36_In "set fov 36; alias movieZoomOut zoom37_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom35_In; wait .025 zoom35_In"
alias zoom35_In "set fov 35; alias movieZoomOut zoom36_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom34_In; wait .025 zoom34_In"
alias zoom34_In "set fov 34; alias movieZoomOut zoom35_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom33_In; wait .025 zoom33_In"
alias zoom33_In "set fov 33; alias movieZoomOut zoom34_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom32_In; wait .025 zoom32_In"
alias zoom32_In "set fov 32; alias movieZoomOut zoom33_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom31_In; wait .025 zoom31_In"
alias zoom31_In "set fov 31; alias movieZoomOut zoom32_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom30_In; wait .025 zoom30_In"
alias zoom30_In "set fov 30; alias movieZoomOut zoom31_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom29_In; wait .025 zoom29_In"
alias zoom29_In "set fov 29; alias movieZoomOut zoom30_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom28_In; wait .025 zoom28_In"
alias zoom28_In "set fov 28; alias movieZoomOut zoom29_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom27_In; wait .025 zoom27_In"
alias zoom27_In "set fov 27; alias movieZoomOut zoom28_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom26_In; wait .025 zoom26_In"
alias zoom26_In "set fov 26; alias movieZoomOut zoom27_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom25_In; wait .025 zoom25_In"
alias zoom25_In "set fov 25; alias movieZoomOut zoom26_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom24_In; wait .025 zoom24_In"
alias zoom24_In "set fov 24; alias movieZoomOut zoom25_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom23_In; wait .025 zoom23_In"
alias zoom23_In "set fov 23; alias movieZoomOut zoom24_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom22_In; wait .025 zoom22_In"
alias zoom22_In "set fov 22; alias movieZoomOut zoom23_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom21_In; wait .025 zoom21_In"
alias zoom21_In "set fov 21; alias movieZoomOut zoom22_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom20_In; wait .025 zoom20_In"
alias zoom20_In "set fov 20; alias movieZoomOut zoom21_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom19_In; wait .025 zoom19_In"
alias zoom19_In "set fov 19; alias movieZoomOut zoom20_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom18_In; wait .025 zoom18_In"
alias zoom18_In "set fov 18; alias movieZoomOut zoom19_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom17_In; wait .025 zoom17_In"
alias zoom17_In "set fov 17; alias movieZoomOut zoom18_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom16_In; wait .025 zoom16_In"
alias zoom16_In "set fov 16; alias movieZoomOut zoom17_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom15_In; wait .025 zoom15_In"
alias zoom15_In "set fov 15; alias movieZoomOut zoom16_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom14_In; wait .025 zoom14_In"
alias zoom14_In "set fov 14; alias movieZoomOut zoom15_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom13_In; wait .025 zoom13_In"
alias zoom13_In "set fov 13; alias movieZoomOut zoom14_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom12_In; wait .025 zoom12_In"
alias zoom12_In "set fov 12; alias movieZoomOut zoom13_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom11_In; wait .025 zoom11_In"
alias zoom11_In "set fov 11; alias movieZoomOut zoom12_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom10_In; wait .025 zoom10_In"
alias zoom10_In "set fov 10; alias movieZoomOut zoom11_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom09_In; wait .025 zoom09_In"
alias zoom09_In "set fov 09; alias movieZoomOut zoom10_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom08_In; wait .025 zoom08_In"
alias zoom08_In "set fov 08; alias movieZoomOut zoom09_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom07_In; wait .025 zoom07_In"
alias zoom07_In "set fov 07; alias movieZoomOut zoom08_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom06_In; wait .025 zoom06_In"
alias zoom06_In "set fov 06; alias movieZoomOut zoom07_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom05_In; wait .025 zoom05_In"
alias zoom05_In "set fov 05; alias movieZoomOut zoom06_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom05_In"
alias zoom75_Out "set fov 75; alias movieZoomOut zoomMin; alias movieZoomIn zoom74_In"
alias zoom74_Out "set fov 74; alias movieZoomOut zoom75_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom73_In; wait .025 zoom75_Out"
alias zoom73_Out "set fov 73; alias movieZoomOut zoom74_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom72_In; wait .025 zoom74_Out"
alias zoom72_Out "set fov 72; alias movieZoomOut zoom73_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom71_In; wait .025 zoom73_Out"
alias zoom71_Out "set fov 71; alias movieZoomOut zoom72_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom70_In; wait .025 zoom72_Out"
alias zoom70_Out "set fov 70; alias movieZoomOut zoom71_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom69_In; wait .025 zoom71_Out"
alias zoom69_Out "set fov 69; alias movieZoomOut zoom70_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom68_In; wait .025 zoom70_Out"
alias zoom68_Out "set fov 68; alias movieZoomOut zoom69_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom67_In; wait .025 zoom69_Out"
alias zoom67_Out "set fov 67; alias movieZoomOut zoom68_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom66_In; wait .025 zoom68_Out"
alias zoom66_Out "set fov 66; alias movieZoomOut zoom67_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom65_In; wait .025 zoom67_Out"
alias zoom65_Out "set fov 65; alias movieZoomOut zoom66_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom64_In; wait .025 zoom66_Out"
alias zoom64_Out "set fov 64; alias movieZoomOut zoom65_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom63_In; wait .025 zoom65_Out"
alias zoom63_Out "set fov 63; alias movieZoomOut zoom64_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom62_In; wait .025 zoom64_Out"
alias zoom62_Out "set fov 62; alias movieZoomOut zoom63_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom61_In; wait .025 zoom63_Out"
alias zoom61_Out "set fov 61; alias movieZoomOut zoom62_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom60_In; wait .025 zoom62_Out"
alias zoom60_Out "set fov 60; alias movieZoomOut zoom61_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom59_In; wait .025 zoom61_Out"
alias zoom59_Out "set fov 59; alias movieZoomOut zoom60_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom58_In; wait .025 zoom60_Out"
alias zoom58_Out "set fov 58; alias movieZoomOut zoom59_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom57_In; wait .025 zoom59_Out"
alias zoom57_Out "set fov 57; alias movieZoomOut zoom58_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom56_In; wait .025 zoom58_Out"
alias zoom56_Out "set fov 56; alias movieZoomOut zoom57_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom55_In; wait .025 zoom57_Out"
alias zoom55_Out "set fov 55; alias movieZoomOut zoom56_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom54_In; wait .025 zoom56_Out"
alias zoom54_Out "set fov 54; alias movieZoomOut zoom55_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom53_In; wait .025 zoom55_Out"
alias zoom53_Out "set fov 53; alias movieZoomOut zoom54_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom52_In; wait .025 zoom54_Out"
alias zoom52_Out "set fov 52; alias movieZoomOut zoom53_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom51_In; wait .025 zoom53_Out"
alias zoom51_Out "set fov 51; alias movieZoomOut zoom52_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom50_In; wait .025 zoom52_Out"
alias zoom50_Out "set fov 50; alias movieZoomOut zoom51_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom49_In; wait .025 zoom51_Out"
alias zoom49_Out "set fov 49; alias movieZoomOut zoom50_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom48_In; wait .025 zoom50_Out"
alias zoom48_Out "set fov 48; alias movieZoomOut zoom49_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom47_In; wait .025 zoom49_Out"
alias zoom47_Out "set fov 47; alias movieZoomOut zoom48_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom46_In; wait .025 zoom48_Out"
alias zoom46_Out "set fov 46; alias movieZoomOut zoom47_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom45_In; wait .025 zoom47_Out"
alias zoom45_Out "set fov 45; alias movieZoomOut zoom46_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom44_In; wait .025 zoom46_Out"
alias zoom44_Out "set fov 44; alias movieZoomOut zoom45_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom43_In; wait .025 zoom45_Out"
alias zoom43_Out "set fov 43; alias movieZoomOut zoom44_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom42_In; wait .025 zoom44_Out"
alias zoom42_Out "set fov 42; alias movieZoomOut zoom43_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom41_In; wait .025 zoom43_Out"
alias zoom41_Out "set fov 41; alias movieZoomOut zoom42_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom40_In; wait .025 zoom42_Out"
alias zoom40_Out "set fov 40; alias movieZoomOut zoom41_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom39_In; wait .025 zoom41_Out"
alias zoom39_Out "set fov 39; alias movieZoomOut zoom40_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom38_In; wait .025 zoom40_Out"
alias zoom38_Out "set fov 38; alias movieZoomOut zoom39_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom37_In; wait .025 zoom39_Out"
alias zoom37_Out "set fov 37; alias movieZoomOut zoom38_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom36_In; wait .025 zoom38_Out"
alias zoom36_Out "set fov 36; alias movieZoomOut zoom37_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom35_In; wait .025 zoom37_Out"
alias zoom35_Out "set fov 35; alias movieZoomOut zoom36_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom34_In; wait .025 zoom36_Out"
alias zoom34_Out "set fov 34; alias movieZoomOut zoom35_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom33_In; wait .025 zoom35_Out"
alias zoom33_Out "set fov 33; alias movieZoomOut zoom34_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom32_In; wait .025 zoom34_Out"
alias zoom32_Out "set fov 32; alias movieZoomOut zoom33_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom31_In; wait .025 zoom33_Out"
alias zoom31_Out "set fov 31; alias movieZoomOut zoom32_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom30_In; wait .025 zoom32_Out"
alias zoom30_Out "set fov 30; alias movieZoomOut zoom31_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom29_In; wait .025 zoom31_Out"
alias zoom29_Out "set fov 29; alias movieZoomOut zoom30_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom28_In; wait .025 zoom30_Out"
alias zoom28_Out "set fov 28; alias movieZoomOut zoom29_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom27_In; wait .025 zoom29_Out"
alias zoom27_Out "set fov 27; alias movieZoomOut zoom28_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom26_In; wait .025 zoom28_Out"
alias zoom26_Out "set fov 26; alias movieZoomOut zoom27_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom25_In; wait .025 zoom27_Out"
alias zoom25_Out "set fov 25; alias movieZoomOut zoom26_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom24_In; wait .025 zoom26_Out"
alias zoom24_Out "set fov 24; alias movieZoomOut zoom25_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom23_In; wait .025 zoom25_Out"
alias zoom23_Out "set fov 23; alias movieZoomOut zoom24_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom22_In; wait .025 zoom24_Out"
alias zoom22_Out "set fov 22; alias movieZoomOut zoom23_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom21_In; wait .025 zoom23_Out"
alias zoom21_Out "set fov 21; alias movieZoomOut zoom22_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom20_In; wait .025 zoom22_Out"
alias zoom20_Out "set fov 20; alias movieZoomOut zoom21_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom19_In; wait .025 zoom21_Out"
alias zoom19_Out "set fov 19; alias movieZoomOut zoom20_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom18_In; wait .025 zoom20_Out"
alias zoom18_Out "set fov 18; alias movieZoomOut zoom19_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom17_In; wait .025 zoom19_Out"
alias zoom17_Out "set fov 17; alias movieZoomOut zoom18_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom16_In; wait .025 zoom18_Out"
alias zoom16_Out "set fov 16; alias movieZoomOut zoom17_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom15_In; wait .025 zoom17_Out"
alias zoom15_Out "set fov 15; alias movieZoomOut zoom16_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom14_In; wait .025 zoom16_Out"
alias zoom14_Out "set fov 14; alias movieZoomOut zoom15_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom13_In; wait .025 zoom15_Out"
alias zoom13_Out "set fov 13; alias movieZoomOut zoom14_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom12_In; wait .025 zoom14_Out"
alias zoom12_Out "set fov 12; alias movieZoomOut zoom13_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom11_In; wait .025 zoom13_Out"
alias zoom11_Out "set fov 11; alias movieZoomOut zoom12_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom10_In; wait .025 zoom12_Out"
alias zoom10_Out "set fov 10; alias movieZoomOut zoom11_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom09_In; wait .025 zoom11_Out"
alias zoom09_Out "set fov 09; alias movieZoomOut zoom10_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom08_In; wait .025 zoom10_Out"
alias zoom08_Out "set fov 08; alias movieZoomOut zoom09_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom07_In; wait .025 zoom09_Out"
alias zoom07_Out "set fov 07; alias movieZoomOut zoom08_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom06_In; wait .025 zoom08_Out"
alias zoom06_Out "set fov 06; alias movieZoomOut zoom07_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom05_In; wait .025 zoom07_Out"
alias zoom05_Out "set fov 05; alias movieZoomOut zoom06_Out; alias movieZoomIn zoom05_In; wait .025 zoom06_Out"
bind "key" movieZoomToggle
Is there a list of all the aliases that we can call in a custom bind, and what they do somewhere?
I'm also wanting to know how the weapon groups are set up in the new UI... they seem to have changed since last time, and there's no longer a simple group 1 2 and 3... I wanted to set up a bind that would alternate across primary and secondary fire in three seperate weapon groups in a specific order.
I'm also wanting to know how the weapon groups are set up in the new UI... they seem to have changed since last time, and there's no longer a simple group 1 2 and 3... I wanted to set up a bind that would alternate across primary and secondary fire in three seperate weapon groups in a specific order.
I think the weapon group alteration you want is something along the lines of weapon2, weapon2 and such, however you have to switch the groups for each fire key. It's all in the wittle list above, which happens to be quite old, so use with caution.
Also, /print is a useful command for figuring out various built-in commands.
Edit: looking at your other thread, I'd say that your problem is probably the wait commands and nothing else. Although that +tertiary thing confuses me. What in the world is that?
I think the weapon group alteration you want is something along the lines of weapon2, weapon2 and such, however you have to switch the groups for each fire key. It's all in the wittle list above, which happens to be quite old, so use with caution.
Also, /print is a useful command for figuring out various built-in commands.
Edit: looking at your other thread, I'd say that your problem is probably the wait commands and nothing else. Although that +tertiary thing confuses me. What in the world is that?
tertiary is/was the "group 3" set of commands... in alpha it was used to drop mines, if I remember right.
is/was? does it still work? I kinda neglected to check the original wgaf for the default v bind. I thought it was +tertiaryfire
it's listed as +shoot3 in the file I linked to above, and beyond that, I really don't know, seeing as how I'm altogether too lazy to go check.
That is truly awesome Genka!
Vendetta Art:)
I have a hard time believing that the other letters were just random though...
Vendetta Art:)
I have a hard time believing that the other letters were just random though...
/me requests a script to work iTunes from ingame
You know, Play, Last song, next song, stop and pause.... the basics
You know, Play, Last song, next song, stop and pause.... the basics
mecha as per your request:
alias chainDelay "wait 0.2 chainStateTrigger"
alias chainFireBase "chainFire5"
alias chainFire5 "Weapon5; alias chainNext 'chainFire4'"
alias chainFire4 "Weapon4; alias chainNext 'chainFire3'"
alias chainFire3 "Weapon3; alias chainNext 'chainFire2'"
alias chainFire2 "Weapon2; alias chainNext 'chainFire1'"
alias chainFire1 "Weapon1; alias chainNext 'chainFireBase'"
alias +chainFire "alias chainStateTrigger 'chainOn'; chainState"
alias -chainFire "alias chainStateTrigger 'chainOff'"
alias ChainWaiting "echo loading..."
alias ChainStopped "chainStateTrigger"
alias chainOn "+shoot2; alias chainState 'chainWaiting'; chainDelay; wait 0.07 chainOn_"
alias chainOn_ "-shoot2; chainNext"
alias chainOff "alias chainState 'chainStopped'"
alias -shoot2 "+shoot2 0"
alias chainFireEnable "chainFireBase; chainOff; -chainFire; bind lmbutton +chainfire; echo Chain Fire Enabled"
alias chainFireDisable "bind lmbutton +shoot2; echo Chain Fire Disabled"
alias chainNext "chainFire4"
alias chainState "chainStopped"
alias chainStateTrigger "chainOff"
alias chargeweap "+shoot2"
/chainfireenable turns on the chainfire
/chainfiredisable turns off the chainfire
/chargeweap charges any chargecannon you have on your primary trigger
alias chainDelay "wait 0.2 chainStateTrigger"
alias chainFireBase "chainFire5"
alias chainFire5 "Weapon5; alias chainNext 'chainFire4'"
alias chainFire4 "Weapon4; alias chainNext 'chainFire3'"
alias chainFire3 "Weapon3; alias chainNext 'chainFire2'"
alias chainFire2 "Weapon2; alias chainNext 'chainFire1'"
alias chainFire1 "Weapon1; alias chainNext 'chainFireBase'"
alias +chainFire "alias chainStateTrigger 'chainOn'; chainState"
alias -chainFire "alias chainStateTrigger 'chainOff'"
alias ChainWaiting "echo loading..."
alias ChainStopped "chainStateTrigger"
alias chainOn "+shoot2; alias chainState 'chainWaiting'; chainDelay; wait 0.07 chainOn_"
alias chainOn_ "-shoot2; chainNext"
alias chainOff "alias chainState 'chainStopped'"
alias -shoot2 "+shoot2 0"
alias chainFireEnable "chainFireBase; chainOff; -chainFire; bind lmbutton +chainfire; echo Chain Fire Enabled"
alias chainFireDisable "bind lmbutton +shoot2; echo Chain Fire Disabled"
alias chainNext "chainFire4"
alias chainState "chainStopped"
alias chainStateTrigger "chainOff"
alias chargeweap "+shoot2"
/chainfireenable turns on the chainfire
/chainfiredisable turns off the chainfire
/chargeweap charges any chargecannon you have on your primary trigger
I've got some stuff that can do that, moldy. However, it uses an external script to get the commands in and out of VO, and I haven't worked on it in a while. Send me an email (nerdeverde AT viperguild DOT com) if you are interested and I'll try to put it back together and post it somewhere.
Note: The last working version I had is Mac and Linux only, and can allow you to do pretty much anything you can do on the command line from within the game.
Note: The last working version I had is Mac and Linux only, and can allow you to do pretty much anything you can do on the command line from within the game.
Miharu told me about it and gave me a copy :) But did you port it yet to the other languages?
Yeah, I still have a working copy of PFS with iTunes support. It's been uploaded here.
I could probably bang out a Ruby version pretty quickly, which would make it fully cross platform. Of course, then you still need a music player for windows with a command line interface.
There never seemed to be much interest in those two projects whenever I actually did work on them (admittedly, not as much as I would have liked). Maybe I just needed a better goal in mind for it.
There never seemed to be much interest in those two projects whenever I actually did work on them (admittedly, not as much as I would have liked). Maybe I just needed a better goal in mind for it.
Your custom zoom binds? <-- Generator!
Default settings generates this:
alias zoom_75 "set fov 75; bind MWHEELUP zoom_70; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_75;"
alias zoom_70 "set fov 70; bind MWHEELUP zoom_65; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_75;"
alias zoom_65 "set fov 65; bind MWHEELUP zoom_60; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_70;"
alias zoom_60 "set fov 60; bind MWHEELUP zoom_55; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_65;"
alias zoom_55 "set fov 55; bind MWHEELUP zoom_50; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_60;"
alias zoom_50 "set fov 50; bind MWHEELUP zoom_45; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_55;"
alias zoom_45 "set fov 45; bind MWHEELUP zoom_40; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_50;"
alias zoom_40 "set fov 40; bind MWHEELUP zoom_35; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_45;"
alias zoom_35 "set fov 35; bind MWHEELUP zoom_30; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_40;"
alias zoom_30 "set fov 30; bind MWHEELUP zoom_25; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_35;"
alias zoom_25 "set fov 25; bind MWHEELUP zoom_20; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_30;"
alias zoom_20 "set fov 20; bind MWHEELUP zoom_15; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_25;"
alias zoom_15 "set fov 15; bind MWHEELUP zoom_10; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_20;"
alias zoom_10 "set fov 10; bind MWHEELUP zoom_10; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_15;"
bind Tab zoom_75
bind MWHEELUP zoom_70
bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_75
zoom_75 <-- Generator!
Default settings generates this:
alias zoom_75 "set fov 75; bind MWHEELUP zoom_70; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_75;"
alias zoom_70 "set fov 70; bind MWHEELUP zoom_65; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_75;"
alias zoom_65 "set fov 65; bind MWHEELUP zoom_60; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_70;"
alias zoom_60 "set fov 60; bind MWHEELUP zoom_55; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_65;"
alias zoom_55 "set fov 55; bind MWHEELUP zoom_50; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_60;"
alias zoom_50 "set fov 50; bind MWHEELUP zoom_45; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_55;"
alias zoom_45 "set fov 45; bind MWHEELUP zoom_40; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_50;"
alias zoom_40 "set fov 40; bind MWHEELUP zoom_35; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_45;"
alias zoom_35 "set fov 35; bind MWHEELUP zoom_30; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_40;"
alias zoom_30 "set fov 30; bind MWHEELUP zoom_25; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_35;"
alias zoom_25 "set fov 25; bind MWHEELUP zoom_20; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_30;"
alias zoom_20 "set fov 20; bind MWHEELUP zoom_15; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_25;"
alias zoom_15 "set fov 15; bind MWHEELUP zoom_10; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_20;"
alias zoom_10 "set fov 10; bind MWHEELUP zoom_10; bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_15;"
bind Tab zoom_75
bind MWHEELUP zoom_70
bind MWHEELDOWN zoom_75