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Vendetta Convention

Aug 28, 2006 macguy link
Me and other people and incarnate were talking about having a convention in a few years for VO!

He had the idea of us dressing up like ships from the game. I think this would be awesome.

Then people could duel like in a LARP with boffer weapons, which can be made by covering PVC pipe with foam insulation and then wrapping it in duct tape. You would make missle that you throw, and use bean bags as laser fire!
Aug 28, 2006 moldyman link
Aug 30, 2006 jexkerome link
You ppl should really stay off the dope before discussing a convention, truly.
Aug 30, 2006 smittens link
u rly shud tak the tim 2 typ al ur words b4 posting cuz lik this ur insults r even mor meaningless
Aug 31, 2006 drdoak007 link
a larp? are you serious?

come on man. i may not have been the most popular guy in highschool, but even i kicked those guys asses.

maybe a get-together of players in certain cities. go for a coffee or something, or how about a VO lan party, that could fly.

plus, a full convention requires more than just one genre to be successful. Comi-con, PAX, and though you may not agree with me on this last one, Star-Trek.

(reason: TNG, DS9, Enterprise, etc.)
Aug 31, 2006 moldyman link
The Vendetta BBQ Party?
Sep 01, 2006 Dark Knight link
Yeah, we won't even need lighter fluid or matches. We'll just use Jex, Genka, and Ananzi's posts. At least they'd serve some purpose that way.
Sep 17, 2006 terribleCabbage link
Then people could duel like in a LARP with boffer weapons, which can be made by covering PVC pipe with foam insulation and then wrapping it in duct tape. You would make missle that you throw, and use bean bags as laser fire!

I'm so in. I'll come in a couple of cardboard boxes, and call myself The 'Moth.
Sep 17, 2006 moldyman link
Cardboard boxes because that's all you'll have money for after the flight halfway around the world? >_>
Sep 18, 2006 roguelazer link
Vendetta ITR Games! Awesomeness!
Apr 05, 2007 Surbius link

<_<.... it looks interesting.
Apr 06, 2007 who? me? link
a vo lan party would only work in sconsin cause well
you know why
Apr 06, 2007 zamzx zik link
'slong as its in maryland. I'm lazy. (its merry in maryland.)
Apr 07, 2007 upper case link
this thread has suffered the ultimate punishment: community project.

possibly, the best get-together we can have is actually on-line.
Apr 07, 2007 greengeek link
If some guy shows up, throws a bunch of popcorn at everyone and then sits down for a beer...

It wasn't me.
Jun 09, 2007 WarSong link
i help run an anime convention that happens on south padre island in texas. i was considering having an MMO panel.. later today i have a meeting with the rest of our staffers and i plan on pitching it. we DO have a cyber punk larp session scheduled for the first day.

any wya, if you want more info on the con google shimakon.


got back from the meeting at around 8pm, the idea of covering online games was shot down. sci-fi and fantasy tie in so well to anime (and are so prevelant in MMOs); we're hosting table top and larp games, maybe i just phrased it wrong.. i'll approach a few specific people about this before trying to sell it to the group again.
Jun 18, 2007 LeberMac link
Nevermind the convention, how about we just party down in south padre? I'll bring the tequila...
Jun 19, 2007 upper case link
remember this line.
Jun 20, 2007 LeberMac link
Speaking of tequila, upper case... I've been checking my mailbox...
Jun 20, 2007 upper case link
oh! look! a hawk totally owning a pigeon!