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posthaste : after Christmas shopping
after Christmas shopping : "Save sixty, seventy, even EIGHTY PERCENT off of everything!"
"Save sixty, seventy, even EIGHTY PERCENT off of everything!" : I smell a rat.
I smell a rat. : "Can you smell what The Rock is cooking?"
"Can you smell what The Rock is cooking?" : crackrock
crackrock : crack coccain
crack coccain : "Them white boys had me on the crystal meth!"
"Them white boys had me on the crystal meth!" : Kentucky
I live there (as my name inplies) so I can say stuff like that. but really anyone else can if they want to. Go on, say something awful. Please. Kentucky sucks. but I did make 9th chair trombone in the state as a freshman...
I live there (as my name inplies) so I can say stuff like that. but really anyone else can if they want to. Go on, say something awful. Please. Kentucky sucks. but I did make 9th chair trombone in the state as a freshman...
Kentucky : Fried Chicken
Muahahahahaha... I said something nice (or at least not bad) about your home state, danielky
Muahahahahaha... I said something nice (or at least not bad) about your home state, danielky
Fried Chicken : Burning the house down because the deep-frier overflowed
Burning the house down because the deep-frier overflowed : lame excuse
What? I guess that's the most common thing people think of when they say Kentucky, but haven't you seen Dave Letterman before? Buck teeth, marrying cousins, stupid governor almost being shot down for flying over the U.S. Capitol (unfortunately he didn't)? Geez, you guys miss out for not living here.
What? I guess that's the most common thing people think of when they say Kentucky, but haven't you seen Dave Letterman before? Buck teeth, marrying cousins, stupid governor almost being shot down for flying over the U.S. Capitol (unfortunately he didn't)? Geez, you guys miss out for not living here.
lame excuse: llama excuse
llama excuse : Bad llama!
Bad llama! : fuzzy llama
fuzzy llama :
So what if they aren't llamas, it's still a horrific website.
So what if they aren't llamas, it's still a horrific website.
horrific ad: gillette
gillette : stubble
stubble : very uneven webcomic Sometimes it's pretty good, sometimes it's pretty awful. Sometimes it's pretty good, sometimes it's pretty awful.
very uneven webcomic : all webcomics
All webcomics are bad.
*gasp* Aeternalis! What have you done??! We're at SEVEN WHOLE PAGES now! MARK TEN IS DESPERATELY NEEDED!
All webcomics are bad.
*gasp* Aeternalis! What have you done??! We're at SEVEN WHOLE PAGES now! MARK TEN IS DESPERATELY NEEDED!