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Photoshop : The GIMP
The GIMP: Pepito
( I read somethingpositive )
( I read somethingpositive )
pepito: pep-talk
pep-talk : incoherent grunts
incoherent grunts : mornings
mornings : should be outlawed
should be outlawed : republicans
republicans: romans
romans : the Pope
YAY!!! Penguin: the Pope
YAY!!! Penguin: the Pope
the Pope : red cactus
red cactus: ego
ego : trip
trip : cross-country excursion
cross-country excursion : Lots of money spent on tourist traps
Lots of money spent on tourist traps : the Bahamas
I swear, Nassau is the single oddest city in the world. Average income: .000000026987 cents. Average business size: something you can't see because it's too big.
I swear, Nassau is the single oddest city in the world. Average income: .000000026987 cents. Average business size: something you can't see because it's too big.
the Bahamas : l'ananas
l'ananas: Pineapples
Pineapples: Shaft
( QW reference. Pineapples were the grenades. )
( QW reference. Pineapples were the grenades. )
Shaft : Can ya dig it?
Can ya dig it? : Hole to China