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Wacaday! mk. III

Jun 17, 2004 red cactus link
shot down : over Baghdad

New rule -- whatever the previous person responded, you have to use that entire phrase, not just a part of it.
Jun 17, 2004 paedric link
over Baghdad : dust
Jun 17, 2004 ctishman link
dust : and echoes
Jun 18, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
and echos: gunfire

Echos of gunfire, if you cant put that together then you probably shouldn't be playing this
Jun 18, 2004 red cactus link
gunfire : snap

Rounds make snaps if they pass by very close to you; it's the result of the round going fast enough through the air that it creates a hole in the air. The snap is the air collapsing back to it's original structure.
Jun 18, 2004 lunitary link
snap: snape
Jun 18, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
Snape: Harry Potter

Gunfire that passes close creates a snap also because it is creating mini sonic booms.
Gunfire that passes at a distance creates a popping noise. So if you ever end up comming under fire, listen for rounds, because if they're snapping, you're in deep dark trouble.
Also, avoid walls, bullets tend to ride the walls. Dont take cover on walls downrange of the enemy
Jun 18, 2004 danielky link
snape : Sirius Black
Jun 18, 2004 red cactus link
Sirius Black : grungy

That's what I just described....

And you're not necessarily in deep dark trouble. The instance that springs to mind is Rangers fighting in Somalia in the early 90's. I'm certain that the wild fire coming from the Somalians was passing close enough for the snapping to be heard, but relatively few rounds hit the Americans.

What do you mean by bullets tend to ride the walls? Are you talking about ricocheting? Because that's a rather no-brainer.
Taking cover on any wall as opposed to no cover is fine. If you're taking cover anywhere, even downrange as you put it, the cover is providing you with a shelter. You're a lot less likely to be hit that way. And speaking of downrange, what exactly do you mean by that? In battle, there's hardly a designated downrange. The only place where I think you'll hear that term used is in a firing range. Where there actually is a designated area. If what you mean by that is where the enemy is aiming, then what you are suggesting is impossible. The fact that you're taking cover implies that you're fighting in the battle, and if you're fighting in the battle, you will ALWAYS be "downrange" of the enemy.
Jun 18, 2004 Spellcast link
grungy : week old underwear


please note this is not something i wear, it just sounded good.

and what he means by riding the walls is that a bullet hitting a wall at a very obtuse or acute angle will actually follow the wall, riding on its air cushion parallel to the wall somewhat like an airplane riding on ground effect. The trick is to have the wall BETWEEN you and whomever is shooting at you. well, not getting shot at in the first place helps but still.
Jun 18, 2004 red cactus link
week old underwear : scrumptious

That's awesome! I've never heard of that, but that is super cool...
Jun 18, 2004 Spellcast link
scrumptious: blueberry & peanut butter pancakes

(try them before you say eeewwwwwww!!!!!!!)

it is a very low probability occurence. the angle to the wall has to be somewhat less than 1 degree, and lying on tthe ground behind any cover is much preferable to being out in the open in any firefight. The odds of a bullet riding a wall are so low as to be not really worth worrying about. the real danger of being right next to a wall in a firefight is actually from contact fused weapons such as rifle grenades.
Jun 18, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
blueberry & peanut butter pancakes : syrup

<but relatively few rounds hit the Americans>

No idea where you got that sentence. 18 American KIAs, multiple WIAs. My ROTC AAI (Associate Army Instructor) was a Delta Force Master Sergeant on the ground there, he survived unharmed, but a lot of guys didnt.

Whoever said there were few hits was amazingly WRONG.

By proportion to actual rounds fired by Somali gunmen, then perhaps you could deem it a low Shot/Impact factor for actually HITTING men, however, some of those Hum-vees RTB'd looking like Swiss Cheese.

When I said downrange, I meant that the enemy had their guns aimed towards you and firing, thus the bullets were heading in your direction. Hence, you are downrange from the enemy
Jun 19, 2004 Sheean link
syrup : sticky
Jun 19, 2004 Spellcast link
sticky : situation

Pyro, the somolians fired something to the tune of 100,000 rounds of ammo.(thats 100 rounds apice from a crowd of 1000, and as i recall the crowd was larger than 1000 people) Anything less than 1000 hits is "relatively few"

time for a lesson in the english language pyro
"relatively few" is not the same as "few"
few implies less than 10 total
relatively few is a comparison, meaning that compared to the total there was not a lot.
Jun 19, 2004 Pyroman_Ace link
situation: October 3, 1993

The estimated casualty figures for the Somali's was somewhere in near 2000-5000 (US/WHO/Somalis).

Oct. 3, 1993-Oct. 4, 1993 or as the Somali's put it "The Day Of The Rangers" was the most one sided firefight in US history. The US suffered 18 KIAs (Killed In Action) and dozens of WIAs (Wounded In Action). However, in the process, due to the amount of firepower brought in through the use of AH-6 Little Birds, Rockets, and UH-60 Blackhawks, as well as Hum-vees, and later, Pakistani Tanks and Malaysian Condor APCs and infantry.

The Battle Of Black Sea was the largest firefight fought by US troops since the Vietnam war.

One Ranger was quoted as saying at the Pakistani Stadium, the collection center for US Wounded on Oct 4, also the retreat point for the 2 mile long rescue convoy.

Paki: "Man I feel sorry for you guys."
Ranger: "Why? You should feel sorry for Sammy (somalians)because we kicked ass!"
Jun 20, 2004 Spellcast link
October 3, 1993: June 4, 1942

Jun 20, 2004 Sheean link
June 4, 1942 : World War II
Jun 20, 2004 red cactus link
World War II : Operation MARKET-GARDEN
Jun 20, 2004 lunitary link
Operation MARKET-GARDEN: shoping center