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Sector 1 : the shat doesn't matter. Just whatever works! doesn't matter. Just whatever works!
the shat : Shaq
shaq: shake
shake : Shakers
Utopian communities, including a nice one near where I am.
Utopian communities, including a nice one near where I am.
Shakers : booty
booty : Frank Zappa
Zappa: guitar
Really good at it too.
Really good at it too.
guitar : cool sound
cool sound: Moog!
Moog! : Moo
Penguin :: Moo. Right...
Penguin :: Moo. Right...
Moo: spacecow
SpaceCow : lunch
lunch : Quizno's
The word doesn't have to relate to the first word, you know. That would make it so much harder, and a lot less interesting, I think.
The word doesn't have to relate to the first word, you know. That would make it so much harder, and a lot less interesting, I think.
Quizno's : grinders
grinders : hurt to get caught in
hurt: back
back : penguin
penguin : cold
cold : turning down your date invitee
This one depends; sometimes your date invitee is a total jerk/jerkette and has to be turned down. But, if they're a decent person, you know...
This one depends; sometimes your date invitee is a total jerk/jerkette and has to be turned down. But, if they're a decent person, you know...
Turn down: shot down (makes shotgun pump noise...takes aim, fires)