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Apr 05, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
The point of the march was that a topless woman out in public should attract no more attention than a man walking around without a shirt on, said Ty MacDowell, 20, of Westbrook, who organized Saturday's event and promoted it on Facebook.

But as the event got under way in Longfellow Square, the marchers were soon outnumbered by scores of onlookers -- mostly young men eagerly snapping away with cameras and cell phones.

MacDowell said she was surprised by the turnout of those interested less in challenging societal convention than in seeing partially undressed women.

"I'm amazed," she said, and "enraged (at) the fact that there's a wall of men watching."

She's "amazed" and "enraged"? Idiot. Though it IS Maine: pasty flab and GLH are way too common up there, as the pictures clearly demonstrate. Ick.
Apr 05, 2010 Whytee link
I suggest Alaska in December for the next go....
Apr 05, 2010 diqrtvpe link
Apr 05, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
But they're just so nipable then, diq! Pardon the pun.
Apr 05, 2010 look... no hands link
lmao to be fair they weren't all bad looking, atlest from those pictures, had to be atleast 3 decent looking ones.
Apr 05, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
LNH, I'll simply point you to one particularly poignant comment: Haven't seen that many folds since the WSOP tournament.
Apr 05, 2010 peytros link
old news is old
Apr 06, 2010 Professor Chaos link
As usual, peytros, thanks for contributing with such an insightful comment. We're all glad you have so little to do with your time that you heard of this before today, the date of that article. Good for you. Also: Old meme is... annoying and lame.

On another note, those photos are exactly why I am all for decency laws. If any girl could just be topless or worse at any time, there'd be way too much to avert the eyes from. There'd have to be an "impartial" (hehehe), "objective" (just kidding) team of judges at a place where you could go apply for a nudity license. Nuding without a license would be punishable with mandatory liposuction and personal fitness program, not paid for with tax dollars.
Apr 06, 2010 Armonia link
It's funny how the world works. Women want to join the army, but when they get there they bitch they can't "do it" and it's "too hard". they want equal paying jobs and opportunities, but bitch when the jackhammer is "too heavy" and they "can't control it". Now listen, I'm not bashing women at all, my point here is Honesty. Did this lady HONESTLY think she could walk down a road topless and everyone would see it the way SHE did? FFS, i wouldnt have expected anything different (fat girls or not) but a bunch of 16 year old boys jerking off on the sidewalk. Society has made men the way they are, if women were so worried about sexual harassment, why invent the miniskirt? Like i said, my point here is Honesty, honesty around the world, and lets be real, women have MADE THEMSELVES sex icons, and now that it's too much to handle (again) they want the world to change. People need to learn how to call a spade a spade.

oh, and lecter, you really are a lowlife huh? i always hear you talkin about fat girls, must be nice to be so God Damned perfect.
Apr 06, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
What can I say, Armonia? I really, truly hate fat people. It's largely irrational, too, as some of them are perfectly nice human beings. But I just cannot stand the sight of them any more than I can stand the sound of bratty children or the taste of bad food, white wine, or beets.

As for my personal level of blubber, I love me a couple hours of daily PT and a few salads. Lets me indulge in the occasional foie gras and sauternes binge without looking like those disgusting Mainers, and I feel better all day, too. Those occasional periods of time when work is too crazy for me to hit the gym/trail regularly are the times I feel the worst.

Also, minor quibble: Nature, not Society, has made men the way we are.
Apr 06, 2010 Armonia link
we'll agree to disagree on the nature part, i just think society's own insecurities have formed the way things are.

Man wants to show off wife, wife gets attention and man wraps her up in clothes only showing her eyes.
Man #1 has super large penis, Man#2 has small penis and tells his wife she cant have any guys friends.

I guess the previous example can be applied to variety of different metaphoric situations, thus cutting my example list short, lmao.

in any case, nature has a balance, and a respect, i guess. Humans are.... disgusting.

Ah, but of course, this is just my opinion.

EDIT: Thanks for talking to me like a human being. =)
Apr 06, 2010 peytros link
i still find it hilarious that proffe chaos gets mad when i say old news is old oh also

Apr 06, 2010 Professor Chaos link
Oh, man... nature made us with the parts and instinctual reactions to those parts, and society decides how to handle it. But seriously, Armonia, very well put.

It's stupid to hate fat people, but it really is disgusting to see really fat people dress in the skimpiest clothes they can find. Armonia's point works both ways: If a physically attractive girl dresses like a hooker, then that's the treatment she should expect. If a fat girl dresses the same way, she should expect the disgusted reactions she gets (guys, too). However, if a physically attractive girl dresses appropriately, she's still attractive but she'll get the kind of guy who will treat her with respect. Same with fat people: Don't show what will gross people out! It's not fat people that are gross, it's fat people who show it off. Case in point, Should be the manual of what not to do.

And peytros, capitalization and punctuation have been around long enough you should have heard of them by now.

Apr 06, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
I beg to differ. Fat people are gross. Fat people who flaunt the fat are really gross. But even a burqua won't hide the fact that you are a vile, shambling mound of lard.
Apr 06, 2010 Professor Chaos link
Well, Lecter, you started by posting an interesting article, then an idiot decided to show off how he already knew about it, but now you can just dig your hole.
Apr 06, 2010 peytros link
proffe chaos:

Apr 06, 2010 Shadoen link
Then some other idiot started to make a fuss about the other idiot showing of his previous knowledge of some feminist article ;]
Apr 07, 2010 genka link
Beets are real tasty
Apr 07, 2010 Professor Chaos link
Oh, that's the last straw... beets are gross. Well, okay, they're not bad.
Apr 07, 2010 genka link
I am so hungry