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post stupid pictures ITT because the server is down

Feb 09, 2010 peytros link
Feb 09, 2010 rg10 link
peytros pre-emptively wins this thread
Feb 09, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
Thank GOD it wore a coat.
Feb 09, 2010 ladron link
Is it just me, or would any post containing "ITT" end up meaning exactly the same thing if you left out the acronym?
Feb 09, 2010 yodaofborg link
Pey does lots of strange things ladron, if you picked up on them all you would never shut u...

...Oh wait, you never shut up, carry on :)
Feb 09, 2010 peytros link
its all about syntax
Feb 09, 2010 raybondo link
Hmm, that'll give us added incentive to never take down the server.
Feb 09, 2010 Snax_28 link
Here Ray, make your dreams a reality.
Feb 09, 2010 ladron link
Hmm, that'll give us added incentive to never take down the server.

I think that was the idea.
Feb 09, 2010 peytros link
is anyone else going to post pictures?
Feb 09, 2010 Capt.Waffles link
Feb 09, 2010 ShankTank link
Feb 09, 2010 ladron link
Feb 09, 2010 peytros link
Feb 09, 2010 Capt.Waffles link
Feb 09, 2010 ladron link

This is actually me, sometimes. Minus the douchebag hairdo.
Feb 09, 2010 Dr. Lecter link
So far it's a toss up between the cactus and the RPG. I'm leaning toward the cactus, because (1) SERIOUSLY, WTF!??!? A FUCKING CACTUS!?!!!, and (2) we all know VO has nothing at all to do with a RPG.

And ladron, I think she called yer bluff on the whole "Tits or GTFO!" thing...
Feb 09, 2010 ladron link
To be fair, I don't think I've ever made such a demand. I generally don't have to.

Oh, doc, go check the CHRN forum.
Feb 09, 2010 peytros link
the cactus and rpg pic are both old. actually all the pics posted in here are old because there is no OC on the internet

oh this thread needs MOAR
Feb 09, 2010 ladron link
Just out of curiosity, why isn't this in off-topic?