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Mar 27, 2009 ArAsH link
Forget Whiskey try some budwiser :)

Lol, might just as well add some alcohol to piss ;)
Mar 27, 2009 peytros link
Ion Storm premium malt beverage only available at corvus stations in 40oz bottles
Mar 27, 2009 Whistler link
Whiskey is essential for my whiskey-sauteed onions. Vat-grown proto-steak just isn't the same without it.
Mar 27, 2009 Shadoen link
/me has pelt widget.
Buts I cants drink it. I tried once and kept throwing up furballs. A1k0n fur!!
Mar 27, 2009 toshiro link
Whiskey porridge!

Also, myself not being a beer drinker, I cannot comment on the Serco drinking only beer. But I don't think they'd have such narrow horizons.

And Itani probably drink Fernet Branca and Becherovka. That's why they have such pinched expressions. So there!
Mar 27, 2009 Whytee link
Budweiser is a bit like making love in a canoe...

40 oz bottles pey? Nice, 'eres to having one for the road;)

"Shorry offishaer, ah onlies haz wone botlle Ijon shthorhms shir"
Mar 27, 2009 LeberMac link
Bess, Budweiser takes like feet. Almost ANY OTHER beer you can think of tastes better than Budweiser. Except perhaps Old Style.
Mar 27, 2009 Dr. Lecter link
Dunno Leebs: PBR is pretty brutally bad, too.
Mar 28, 2009 everman7 link
keystone FTW!!!

'member the lined cans...

OMG! That was teh suck!
Mar 28, 2009 Whistler link
I once ran a BBS (yes, I'm that old) in CA with a friend who was from Germany. His two brothers flew in from Germany to visit and we sat around drinking one evening. Initially we horrified each other because they were drinking Southern Comfort with soft drinks, and I was drinking it straight. It ran out rather quickly, and it was decided that beer was needed. As very little SC had gotten to me, I agreed to walk to the store and get a case of beer (this was also a perfect opportunity to orient them to the "I fly, you buy" rule). So I asked our guests from Germany: Beer Capitol of the Universe, to choose the beer. Their response: "Bot!" "Bot?" I said, fearing the worst. "Ya, Botveysur!" I said "Please tell me you're kidding." They weren't. I brought them their case, and a little something for me on them.

Oh, and this is Off Topic.
Mar 28, 2009 LeberMac link
Lecter & k.p.: Yes, those beers suck as well. Especially Keystone.

And Whistler: Well, did your friends from Deutchland drink the Budweiser, or discover that it was crap and berate you for not stopping them from drinking it?

Seriously, I hope I don't come off like a beer snob, but when I first started drinking back in, oh, 1988, I would drink any alcohol that I could get someone to buy me. Now that I'm actually a consumer with CHOICES, I'll go for quality over quantity every time. Try a decent beer, the sooner you try something besides the crap you can buy at convenience stores, the sooner you will thank me.

Oh, and: VO needs no other liquor but tequila.
Mar 28, 2009 Whistler link
They knew what they were getting.

{moved to Off topic]
Mar 28, 2009 JestatisBess link
Whistler: LOL I know most people are beer snobs and hate Bud, but i actually do like it. I do try other beers though but i always go back to bud :)
Mar 28, 2009 Whytee link
this belongs in suggestions... Only way to get more widgets
Mar 30, 2009 look... no hands link
I'll drink most anything except coors light.
Mar 31, 2009 Ghost link
Try a 40 of Camo Ice. Could quite possibly be the worst tasting beer on the planet.
Mar 31, 2009 vskye link
The worse beer I've ever tried is Hoppin Gator. Pure evil taste combination of beer and gatorade.
Mar 31, 2009 Whistler link
I've heard of Hoppin Gator! It's not still made, is it?
Apr 01, 2009 Tertior link
Apr 01, 2009 vskye link
They stopped making it Whistler.