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Obama - Will he bring player owned stations to VO?

Nov 05, 2008 smittens link
Look, you could give every American that wanted one a pistol, and that still wouldn't do shit for a successful revolution. At least, not yet...

And haha, joke's on Chaos, cause Obama is gonna fucking rule as Prez, the world's gonna respect us, and his little stubborn "I'm all that matters" brain won't be able to handle it.
Nov 05, 2008 Daare link
This will be the last time I view this thread. I encourage everyone to take a deep breath and move on now that the election is over. Go play a video game and relax. May I suggest Vendetta Online as a likely candidate for your gaming pleasure?
Nov 05, 2008 Spellcast link
I didnt vote for obama, I dont think he was the best choice for president.

I do however wish him all the luck in the world, because he's gonna need it.

The same would be true if mc-cain had won, the presidency is not a job most people would want.

Come innauguration day the weight of the job is gonna land on his shoulders, and its not gonna be light.

He has the war in iraq to deal with, and it doesnt matter how many troops he wants to bring home, or how many promises he made, Getting OUT of iraq is going to be a lot harder than just saying "ok we're gone"

He's also got the economy, which is a mess; the national deficit, which is way too high; and congress, which democratic or not is just a bunch of people trying to bring home the biggest chunk of pork for thier state that they can.

On top of all this he has the "privledge" of being 'americas first black president', which means the media is gonna be watching him even more than they normally watch the pres. as if the color of his skin had anything to do with how good of a job hes gonna do.

Regardless, We've got him for 4 years at least, and I hope he brings some real change to washington, but i am definitely not going to hold my breath.
Nov 05, 2008 Professor Chaos link hands: You're damn right.

Spellcast: You also are right. I think Obama will be a disaster, but if it turns out he has an epiphany and ends up being awesome, I would gladly vote for him. That's about as likely as player-owned cap-ships appearing in-game this week.

Smittens: "Look, you could give every American that wanted one a pistol, and that still wouldn't do shit for a successful revolution. At least, not yet..." You're right, and that's not the way to go about it.

"And haha, joke's on Chaos, cause Obama is gonna fucking rule as Prez, the world's gonna respect us, and his little stubborn "I'm all that matters" brain won't be able to handle it." Uh.... what?
Nov 05, 2008 slime73 link
Obama changed what it means to be a president. His ability to get people to get together and... care, means that the general American population will probably have more of an affect on what happens in the government and how other people see America. I felt a very strong sense of community when reading stories and posts by people supporting Obama.
Nov 05, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Are you serious? The guy that deliberately basked in the hate mongering of Jeremiah Wright for twenty years? The guy who thinks white people can't help being racist? The guy who is good buddies with "reformed" William Ayers? Please tell me, slime, that your post was so coated with sarcasm that I just didn't notice.

EDIT: Obama did change what it means to be president; he proved that it doesn't take experience to get the job. I laughed every time they complained about Palin's lack of experience, when she had more experience governing than McCain, Obama and Biden put together! She was by far the most qualified of all four people on the Democrat and Republican tickets.

Go Palin 2012!
Nov 06, 2008 toshiro link
I thought arguments on the 'net were basically over as an argument once Godwin's law came into effect. Seems I was wrong.

Still, I'm glad Obama was elected... I wouldn't have wanted to see gov. Palin become president by accident, not now. I don't think she's the right choice in a few years, either (actually never... but in about ten to twenty years, a new president like her probably will be elected, silly oscillations), and everything so far has reinforced that opinion of mine.

I don't think Obama will be the cure-all for the ailings of the USA, but I'm hoping that he'll go some way in that direction (in case you hadn't noticed, the US is not in a position where they can continue building a neo-liberal economist's dream castle).
Nov 06, 2008 look... no hands link
in fairness when it comes to the issue of political experience, i do have to say this: I like Ike.

I think Obama will be a disaster, and not just because of his ultra far left ideas about gun control.

I also don't like his Marxist "spread the wealth" economics. Perhaps I'm old fashioned, but I still believe you have the right so succeed as much as your capable to, AND the right to fail however badly you please.

And it gets better. Do you like being able to flip a switch and suddenly the whole room is filled with light? Do you like your refrigerator nice and cold?

Slight problem there, 49% of our electricity is generated from coal, but obama doesn't like coal what he doesn't mention is that it would also effect nat gas too, which accounts for 20% of the electricity in the country.

I think this guy wants to lower the standard of living in this country and raise the standard of living everywhere else, not just to "spread the wealth" nationally, but globally, so we can all be equally miserable, like one giant soviet union.

oh i forgot, watch this one too
Nov 06, 2008 Professor Chaos link
But, no-hands, with Obama, we can power all our electric things with hope, and they will emit only rainbows!

Toshiro, that comment you made was mostly jibberish, and I don't quite get your point.
Nov 06, 2008 amotoma link
That Charlton Heston performance made me throw up in my mouth a little. Humanity is slowly moving on but until we're able to focus on common goals in a bigger perspective, which it seems nature is forcing us to do more and more anyway, I guess there's still a lot of need for pointless gun-toting and border painting. Yeehaw!
Definitely some interesting years ahead, we'll all have to step out of our comfort zones I think. I'm trying to drag my own ass out of mine, but it's damn hard work :p
Nov 06, 2008 Whistler link
I live in an area where the population is predominantly black. I was hoping for a change in outlook for my neighbors, but I was not prepared for their massive outpouring of jubilation and pride that came with the election of Obama. We can all sit an kibbitz about politics for the next 4 years, but the social ramifications of the first black president are profound.

Aside from that, I think he was the best choice. Only time will tell.
Nov 06, 2008 smittens link
Palin's experience is only an issue because of the other side calling Obama on his. I wouldn't have had a problem with her (in that regard), it just seems important to hold assholes to the double standard they live.

And really, this I think just sums up Palin and her deceiving character, and also sheds some light on the best chunk of her "experience"

Of course that is just liberal media propaganda, feel free to disregard it.
Nov 06, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Seriously, smittens, that's not just the liberal media, that's The Daily Show! It's occasionally funny, but it goes way farther than being the liberal media, it's an entertainment show. Their purpose is comedy, that's all, and it scares me that people like you turn to Jon Stewart for their news.

Even assuming it's legitimate news reporting, I could flip that right around and find some loonies in big cities and portray them as the norm. In fact, a friend of mine played me some audio of some people in I think New York who supported Obama being interviewed, and the interviewer would ask them why they support Obama and give them options that were McCain policies, and it would illustrate the ignorance of many people voting Obama. He would ask, "Do you support Obama more for his promise to keep troops in Iraq or for his stance against gay marriage and abortion?" and they would respond "both are important, I think." By your logic, smittens, I can apply that universally to Democrats, and assume you're as stupid. And that didn't come from The Daily Show.

Whistler, I know we disagree on Obama, and it will just take the next four years to see who's right. I honestly hope you are right, and that he will be a great president, but he really scares me with his socialist idea, especially with a Democrat majority in congress (I don't remember the numbers off-hand, I think they got a majority) and a spineless compromising Republican minority.

I hate that there's been so much race talk, even though it's inevitable with a black man running for president and winning. Yes, it's great that this country has progressed to the point that a black man can be president, but the tragedy there is that in our eagerness to have a black president, we've rushed in the most incompetent unqualified person ever to hold that office. Wouldn't it have been worth waiting 4, 8, 20 years, however long it takes, so that the first black/woman/whatever president would be someone who would do a good enough job to make everyone proud?

Like I said, we'll just have to watch these next four years. Meanwhile, I hope my party uses that time to re-examine itself, return to its conservative roots, and in 2012 nominate someone who is really a Republican in more than just name.
Nov 06, 2008 break19 link
Yea, we should do away with -all- double standards..

Like: The media sent an army of reporters to Alaska, to dig up dirt on Palin, yet left much of Obama's past uninvestigated, and unreported.

Like: Having one set of college admission requirements for whites, and lower requirements for minorities.

Like: The media criticizing McCain supporters for saying things like "Nobama, forget socialism!" and giving Obama supporters a pass for saying things like "Palin is a cunt."

yea.. we should do away with all double standards.
Nov 06, 2008 Professor Chaos link
I love how they couldn't find any real dirt on Palin, so they had to make up "scandals" like, she's a man who had a sex change!

Chelsea Clinton was off-limits, of course (never mind Bush's daughters!), and it really makes me mad that they forced Palin to reveal that her daughter was pregnant and unmarried by claiming that Palin's down-syndrome child was really her daughter's child. And then, because her daughter messed up, they accused Palin of a family values double standard!

And then there are the websites where you can paste in your picture shooting Palin, or the guy who had a Sarah Palin mannequin haning from a tree in his lawn for Halloween. Could you imagine what a big deal that would have been if someone had a fake hanging Obama? And rightly so, I think, but if it's Palin it's apparently okay.

It's also okay to hack Palin's email account, because that's just to find dirt on the only person getting Republicans fired up and who could ruin this thing for Obama, but I think the media would be screaming about privacy rights and illegal wiretapping, etc. if it had been Obama's email.
Nov 06, 2008 smittens link

Feel free to look at the crazy people in that video, but the main point was the interview with the mayor. The commercialism was a fine side dish, but that wasn't foolproof. And the rest of the media is just fucked up enough that sometimes it comes down to a comedy show.

Break, do you honestly believe that if there were a single shred of tiny dirt on Obama, the media would let it slide? I cannot imagine anyone is that naive. And there even was some, but it was never good enough to stick, IE terrorist, muslim, communist. The lack of anything real is a testament to Obama's honesty, not the media giving him a free pass.

I agree with you, I'm not a fan of affirmative action (although I do understand why it exists, and can sympathize. Just if it were up to me....). But even so, it's not like every black kid with divorced parents gets into Harvard. Even if it were easier than it would be for white people, he still beat out other people with similar backgrounds, and no matter how much of an advantage they gave him, growing up with a single parent and getting into Harvard is damned impressive.

I really just have no clue what you've been watching (or hearing) all these months if you think Obama gets a pass.

Chaos, if Obama's daughters had been pregnant, he would not have been able to run. That would've been harped on over and over until it drove him from the race. I don't agree with the coverage on Palin's daughter (except insofar as it shows her hypocrisy), but that's much less than Obama would've had.

And there are plenty of racist and just awful websites about Obama. So don't do a one-sided search and claim that's everything. Oh, and not just websites. If you spend 30 seconds you can find a long list of articles of real people suffering vandalism and racial hate just for having a yard sign for Obama.
Nov 06, 2008 break19 link
smittens.. In Palin's case, the media did a lot of "it has been said on other websites that <insert random stupid remark about P>"

But there was very little reports on Obama's ties to the PLO. Or how there were reports of people having their credit card #s used to donate to his campaign without their knowledge or consent.

They also never critized his connections with Ayers or Wright, but instead chose to wave them away.

Can you -imagine- the press, if someone ever found out that a Republican vice presidential candidate had listened to a KKK Kleegle for 20 years? The press have had a field day with that.

Honestly, if Obama had been white, do you think he would have made it past the primaries? Probably not. Even if he did, you think there would have been such massive voter turnout? Probably not.

The man seriously considers "Spreading the wealth" to be ok.. Good lord.. This aint a damn fairy tale book.. This is reality, and in reality, when you tax the rich, who -just happen- to run businesses, those businesses have less capital to invest in things like: Raises for their employees, Hiring MORE employees.

The man 'claims' he will give "95% of Americans" a tax cut. Who is he referring to? Only 40% of Americans EVEN PAY a federal income tax. And even the ones who won't be personally affected by the higher taxes on his "rich" cutoff (which was originally 250k, and now has been talked about extensively as being lowered to 150k), their EMPLOYERS will be.. And guess who that hurts in the long run? Not the employers, because they'll just pass the 'savings' to the employees.

Carter administration.. take two...
Nov 06, 2008 smittens link
This is so weird to see... especially having gotten used to a good ol fashioned liberal leaning college. And I'm sure the Daily Show and MSNBC might've gone after a KKK-affiliated Republican, but Fox would sure as hell skate over it. Everyone has their agendas, and these do not especially include "Make democrat win." To see the media as completely one-sided is, again, quite naive.

If everything were leveled out, and Obama and Hilary both became white men, I still think he would've won the primary. Whether or not he'd win the election (or the primary if Hilary was still Hilary) is debatable. Personally I think he still would've won it all (maybe not by as much), because he did lose a lot of votes on the race issue as well. Votes that could've swung states traditionally republican, but that are unhappy with Bush and were unwilling to just blindly let in another Republican.

As for spreading the wealth, that's just a difference of opinion. In principle, I'm with you all the way, let people succeed and fail on their own. But there's really just too much unfairness in the world right now for that to work, so while I'm not for an all out socialist regime (and um...neither is he?), I sure as hell am willing to put off a new car for a year to help someone born with a disability/injured-in-iraq/[other unlucky misfortunes here]. Maybe it comes down to religion, and believing in blind stupid chance or a master plan, but there is just so much that happens that doesn't make sense, and I've come to accept the government as (ideally) one way of balancing that out.
Nov 06, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Smittens, I'd love to live in the alternate universe you live in, where Palin got a pass and not Obama. Yikes. What hypocrisy on Palin's part does it show that her daughter messed up and got pregnant? If you can prove to me that even with perfect parenting every child listens and does exactly as their parents hope and never makes a mistake, then you can call it hypocrisy. Otherwise it's none of our business unless it was Sarah Palin fooling around. At least with Obama, Palin's daughter doesn't have to be "punished with a baby."

There were mountains of crap-filled dirt on Obama, and it was all ignored! To sum it all up, just quote the dozens of times Obama said things like "that's not the [insert name of terrorist/hatemonger here] I know," or, "I thought he was reformed." Associations do matter.

And taken as a whole entity, the news media is very left-leaning. Not all of it, but as an average it definitely is, especially the big names. Fox isn't as bad as most, and has real conservative voices, but still a lot of liberals as well.

As far as Obama making it through because he's black, well that's part of it. Also, he's extremely socialist, which makes him ideal for liberal extremists like Pelosi to get stuff through. The other part is that he's not Hillary, and there were enough in the Democrat party who wanted to be done with the Clintons that Obama became their pawn, at least in the beginning. He wouldn't have won primaries without that, but after that he's more and more wanting this for himself.

Who really gave Obama the presidency? Just like in 1992, it was Republicans. Conservatives weren't energized, so they didn't vote for McCain. This was not a record turnout election. There was no conservative on the ballot, except for Palin. The country has not shifted left, the right just didn't vote.

Break: Speaking of the KKK, Senator Robert Byrd, a Democrat, was a rather important member of that organisation, and that is ignored by the media; while Republicans have to be very wary of statements that can be taken out of context and overblown. No Republican could ever be elected anything if they even mention the name KKK.
Nov 06, 2008 smittens link
Uhhh where have you been? The whole issue with Palin is that she was campaigning to take away the right to choose on abortions, after she explicitly said she "discussed with her daughter the options and CHOSE to keep the baby." She wanted to take away a right her family took full advantage of.

That just kinda proves that you haven't been paying attention to much variety of media... my 2 year old brother now knows what "hypocrisy" means