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Obama - Will he bring player owned stations to VO?

Nov 04, 2008 ananzi link
Since, by March '09, we are all going to have universal health care, fantastic green jobs, catch bin ladin, and fly through rainbows on magical unicorns.... it begs the question....

can Obama bring player owned stations to VO? What does the Democratic Party platform have to say about this? Can he push player owned cap ships through congress, even without a fillibuster proof 60 seat majority in the Senate?
Nov 04, 2008 avirulence link
This may be one of your better posts.
Nov 04, 2008 Forboding_Angel link
He's the Messiah, he can do anything remember?
Nov 04, 2008 Aramarth link
If he can do all that, I expect orders to Darfur the day after his inauguration. I haven't met a fellow Marine who wouldn't jump at the chance to make a difference there either.
Nov 04, 2008 moldyman link
He has hope for change.
Nov 04, 2008 Snax_28 link
But does he have change for hope? I need to feed the meter....
Nov 04, 2008 JJPro link
I would expect some crazy ping times when playing VO from Darfur.

BTW Obama could shift all the billions now spent on military to Guild Software to improve VO. And don't worry Aramarth, Guild would have a job offer for you too...
Nov 04, 2008 Professor Chaos link
I believe in Obama, because he believes in hope for the future. Because the future is ahead of us, and the past has come before us, and the future is yet to come.
Nov 04, 2008 Whistler link
The polls just closed here, and I can literally hear people screaming "Obamaaaaaaa!"
Nov 04, 2008 Professor Chaos link
I'm sorry.
Nov 04, 2008 Surbius link
So that's why cars started honking down the street. Crazy liberals.
Nov 05, 2008 Ghost link
I believe Obama stated in his acceptance speech that player owned stations as well as cap ships will be coming... soon.
Nov 05, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Well, he promised them to get elected, that doesn't mean he'll deliver. I think what he'll do is find the average number of credits had by players, and anyone who has more than that will be brought down to that level with taxes so that those who were unfairly cheated out of that money because they didn't spend their time trading and mining can have their fair share. Of course, this won't stop the rich players from trading; why would it? It makes sense to me! Oh, and free repair guns for all, to replace the weapons you're no longer allowed to have.

Good thing I'm a red Serco, so he's not my president. You Itani's have to deal with him.
Nov 05, 2008 bojansplash link
Silly Americans.
Nov 05, 2008 toshiro link
Wrong forum.
Nov 05, 2008 Professor Chaos link
I agree, with both toshiro and bojanslpash. Silly Americans (yeah, I'm one, too, but I voted for Palin for VP; it's not my fault my party nominated a not-Republican), and wrong forum.
Nov 05, 2008 Whistler link
Of course, but given all the hype, I figured that I would let it go for the night.

[Moved to Off-Topic]
Nov 05, 2008 toshiro link
Thank you, Whistler :)
Nov 05, 2008 IRS link
Eh, he sold me with his promise to improve education. Waylonics scores have been dropping for decades, and now half the dockworkers can't read the large-print "DANGER: PLASMA EXHAUST IS HOT. DO NOT TOUCH." on my ship's engines.

Still, he was far from my first choice. Ron Paul ;_;
Nov 05, 2008 look... no hands link
Hehe PC the prospect of him getting the gun grabbers out worries the hell out of me. It reminds me of a few things;

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not."
- Thomas Jefferson

The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to permit the conquered Eastern peoples to have arms. History teaches that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by doing so.
-- Adolf Hitler

My own personal stance is that the right to bear arms is primarily to provide for the defense of the people FROM the government, not for recreational use (hunting, target shooting, etc).

one final quote, from a president who knew an armed revolution was coming.

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it."

-- Abraham Lincoln, 4 April 1861