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Did Norway get nuked?

Aug 20, 2008 moldyman link
The Pirate Bay is using it all for a secret mission.
Aug 20, 2008 break19 link
Funny you should ask that.. Norway -did- receive a communication from Russia, stating that the former USSR republic, would no longer be on speaking terms with any/all of NATO. Russia has also threatened to attack Poland. "We will use more than diplomatic measures in this" regarding the signed missile-defense system. And has hinted at possible nuclear response.

Aug 21, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Aren't we lucky to have Barack Hussein Obama to demand from Russia a ceasefire, and Nicolas Sarkozy to go talk reason to them? All is right with the world.
Aug 21, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Sweet! I didn't know any of you knew my birthday is next week!

Wait.... this isn't a gift from Putin, is it?
Aug 21, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Haha, that's great. Better make it St. Pierre; sure McCain is to old and spineless to take anyone in a fight, but Obama would insist on talking about a ceasefire and would be knocked flat by the first blow, which he wouldn't see coming but would figure he probably provoked by being American.
Aug 24, 2008 break19 link
But you forget.. He might have his terrorist buddy Ayers blow up Putin's car while it's on the way to the match.

No.. Ayers wouldnt do that. He only blows up AMERICAN targets..
Aug 25, 2008 Equanimizer link
Thu 01:30AM Professor Chaos
Aren't we lucky to have Barack Hussein Obama to demand from Russia a ceasefire, and Nicolas Sarkozy to go talk reason to them? All is right with the world.

Sun 12:02AM break19
But you forget.. He might have his terrorist buddy Ayers blow up Putin's car while it's on the way to the match.

No.. Ayers wouldnt do that. He only blows up AMERICAN targets..

Here we go with the bullshit about Barrack Obama having a fucking arab name...


Only reason i would vote for Obama is because im adamantly against McCain. Not because he is old but because he has sold his already tainted soul and changed his views to garner more support.

Anyway, most of the people in the US Federal Government are already cockheaded sellouts (Including Obama, McCain, Hillary) and i dont give two shits how much change someone says they are gonna accomplish.

There is one thing you cant poo poo Obama on though, he is a damn good manager, especially in contrast to Mrs. Ready On Day One.
Aug 25, 2008 smittens link
Good points Equanimizer. PC just likes to use Obama's middle name to be racy and controversial. It's his best weapon ;)

And please, if the guy can sink a three first try in front of the fucking military with cameras rolling I think he can take a punch or too. This guy's a balla.
Aug 25, 2008 smittens link
Oops! Sorry.

On topic:

Good question.
Aug 26, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
What do you mean, good question? Who cares?
Aug 27, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
It's Norway.
Aug 27, 2008 Aramarth link
Hey, step off Norway. They are worth more to me than your belligerent ravings, Lecter.

And don't get me started on Finland. Any nation that can hold off WWII USSR without a single ally like they did deserves nothing but respect.
Aug 27, 2008 Shadoen link
Aug 27, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Nice poster, Shadoen. Yeah, Finland is alright. Plus, they gave us Apocalyptica, which is extra cool.

Equanimizer: What do you mean bullshit about Obama having a fucking Arab middle name? I honestly don't care. But Obama's so insecure, it's fun to emphasize his middle name that he's so embarrassed about. Just like those big ears you can't talk about. There's a whole fucking list of things you can't say about Obama that can be boiled down to "don't criticize Obama about anything, because it means you're a racist." Haha, whatever, that just makes it more fun that he's so insecure.

Good manager? He doesn't even know his own party. He can't keep his own party unified in message, or even solidly behind him. That's why you have a black woman delegate in tears about how this should have been Hillary's big chance, not Obama's because he has no experience. Which he doesn't. If he can't unify and manage his own party, how will he unify and manage a country? Much less negotiate from a position of strength against aggressive world leaders like Ahmedinejad and Putin. Especially since one of the few policy points you can pin him down on is that he wants to disarm America as an example to the world. Yep, laying down arms will stop Iran nuking Israel, and Russia rebuilding the Russian Empire starting with Georgia, Ukraine and Poland. That's a position of strength, alright, from an amazing leader who can do no wrong.

Not that I would prefer Hillary.

I'm not jazzed about McCain at all, except that he's said some sensible things recently; but it's too little too late. Therefore I am voting against McCain. This election is little more than an up or down referendum on Obama. Barack HUSSEIN!!! Obama.
Aug 27, 2008 toshiro link
Chill out, guys. He'll be in office 8 years at most. I mean, how much can a man ruin in that time?

Oh, wait...

Also, go Norway. They rule. One of my best friends comes from there, so back off, Lecter :P
Aug 28, 2008 Aramarth link
I first learned about the Winter War about eight years ago. Attacking Scandinavia during a game of Risk has never been the same.
Aug 28, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
The Winter War had far less to do with Finland being impressive, and far more to do with Stalin gutting his officer corps right before the offensive. Silly commies.

Still, props to WWII era Finland. However, it's now 2008 and I could care less whether they're irradiated.
Aug 28, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Haha, toshiro. Eight years is plenty of time, as you sarcastically point out, to do some wrecking. But if you really think Dubya was that bad, what if Obama had been president this last eight years? Al'Qaeda bombs the WTC, and Obama's brand new revolutionary never been seen before policy is to talk tough to them and not take any action. Just like Bill Clinton did when Al'Qaeda bombed the WTC the first time. And just like that time, they would be emboldened by our lack of meaningful response, and carry out an even bigger attack. Then Obama demands a ceasefire, and gets one. Then they attack us again. Obama asks politely for a real ceasefire this time.... etc.

I'm sorry you've bought the Democrat/media talking points on the Iraq War and drilling for domestic oil. I think those, especially Iraq, are some of the few things I can actually still stand behind Bush on; though I wish he'd more strongly pursued the oil.

Lecter: Whatever your feelings on Finland, if Russia decides at some point that Finland is worth invading again, I hope the U.S. has stepped up our response and takes necessary action to help defend them. I don't know Finland's opinion, but believe it or not the world does not universally hate America! And even if they did, so what. That's not a reason to give up sovereignty to the UN just to make friends out of people who will take advantage of that friendship to destroy us.
Aug 28, 2008 toshiro link

If you're that much behind the Iraq War, perhaps you ought to join the army and do a tour? Or have you already done so? In that case, my apologies.

Personally, I just think it is ridiculous how the US government invaded Iraq and now points fingers at Russia for doing the same in Georgia (not that I approve of that war, either. Much too close for comfort, really).

And as for domestic oil drilling, or oil in general, and bio fuel:
It's not going to last. Period. The best bet is to start finding or actually pushing real substitutes *now* and use oil for other things than heating the atmosphere. We're at the beginning of the 21st century, not at the end of the 19th, and ICEs have reached the plateau of development. It's only because so many reactionary forces are behind the entire industry dependent on the ICE that it is still so important.

Edit: The fling at heating the atmosphere is not intended to elicit a response re: Global warming. It's just a fact that you hardly use more than 7-10% of the energy stored in gasoline for other things than heating up the environment.
Aug 29, 2008 SuperMegaMynt link
Then clearly the environment isn't warm enough.