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Hancock, the "LeberMac" of superheroes

Jun 20, 2008 LeberMac link

Coming soon to a theater near you...
Jun 20, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
I really did think of you when I heard about this one, LeberMeat.
Jun 20, 2008 genka link
This was the first I'd heard of this movie.
Jun 20, 2008 Professor Chaos link
That's hilarious, genka. I saw a bit flipping channels, I think it was MTV movie awards, where someone was trying to start a cheer, "when I say 'Han,' you say..." and Will Smith of course stopped him there.

Will Smith has proven to be a great actor, I really hope this is a good movie. It could go either way, depending on how well it's written.
Jun 20, 2008 Shadoen link
It's not getting good reviews so far, mostly average.
Jun 20, 2008 Professor Chaos link
That doesn't necessarily mean anything. I'll see what Orson Scott Card has to say about it (he'll probably see it), since usually I tend to share his taste in movies. Not always, though, he actually thought both Shrek 2 and Napoleon Dynamite weren't totally awful.

If he likes it I'll probably see it in theaters, otherwise I'll probably rent it.
Jun 20, 2008 look... no hands link
I thought the same thing, "wow, that looks like something leber would do".

Actually, it's probably not too far off from how I'd end up with super powers, except for the whole "I will be better" part, that'd be more like "Since I seem to break more than I save, I'm just going to sit on the beach and be lazy". That and I'd probably find some way to make mischief, like painting my name on the moon or something.
Jun 21, 2008 LeberMac link
Movie concept is kinda funny. Drunk underachieving superhero. What's not to like?

Scary to think that at least 2 other people had the same thought as me re: the character. Hm.
Jul 06, 2008 ingoguy15 link
I didn't like it. It was too short, and vague.

This movie really had potential, but the TV Spot had almost all of its scenes cut from the movie.
Jul 06, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Movie was shit. What the fuck was with the Highlander-esque twist?
Jul 07, 2008 The Shedu link
I've paid $10 and seen worse. I honestly enjoyed it. I left the theater laughing. It wasn't the same old Hollywood-does-Marvel that's been coming out for a few years.
Aug 14, 2008 ryan reign link
"Will Smith has proven to be a great actor"

are you fucking kidding me?
I Robot...(which had the balls to say suggested by, Isaac Asimov. as though he rose from the fucking dead and asked Smith, Alex Proyas and Vintar to chop up and piss all over some of his greatest works.

Independence Day...(blatant and poorly done rip off of War of the Worlds)

I am Richard Matheson (1954)...a brilliant and terrifying, psycologicaly duplicitous story. landed again on the chopping block to have anything of worth brutally hacked out and watered down to appeal to the lowest common denominator. the film was further demeaned when Will Smith brought his vaccuous intellect and saturday morning cartoon style of "acting" to the role of Robert Neville and savagley gouged the eyes out of Matheson's chilling pycological insights about the human race.

Wild Wild West...bad remake of a bad 1950s television show.

Men in Black...based...(very loosely)...on the comic book series The Men in Black by Lowell Cunningham, and once again proving there is no Science Fiction that Smith will not piss all over.

I truley hope he dies before inflicting his talentless wrath upon another SciFi story.

coming soon...Will Smith as Ender in a butchery of "Enders Game"

why doesnt anyone kill celebraties any more?
Aug 15, 2008 Professor Chaos link
There is something very interesting about your comment connecting Will Smith to Ender's Game, and that is that Orson Scott Card has expressed interest in Will Smith playing the role of Mazer Rackham. I don't know if that's a good idea or not, but Card is pretty good at recognizing talent, whether I always agree with his tastes or not (he likes more chick flicks than I do).

As far as your list of movies that are proof Will Smith sucks, I think you are mistaking poor writing/directing for poor acting. In all of those movies (except that I haven't and will not watch Wild Wild West) Will Smith plays his part brilliantly. Especially in I Am Legend; it's not Smith's fault they fucked up the end of that movie (though the ending they replaced from what I hear is far worse than the one they used). Compare I Am Legend to Castaway, and Legend has both a better script and a better lead actor.

Why doesn't anyone kill celebrities anymore? Why don't you go do that, and when they lock you up you can't make stupid statements like that any more.
Aug 15, 2008 ryan reign link
hey if anyone kills him I'll cover it, I'll even be nice and not mention the travesty that is his "SciFi career". and if Card is thinking about him for Mazer...although Morgan Freeman or Anthony Hopkins are clearly better suited for the role as well as being the caliber of acting talent the role deserves. Will smith is better suited as an "action hero" type of role.

I am Legend or any of Cards works have far to many subtleties for Will Smith. he is fine for Bad Boys and other action flicks...little if any character development, no subtleties in behaviour or plot.

I suppose we'll have to agree to disagree...while Will Smith polishes his Oscars...whoops, he has none.

anyways sarcasm aside, if you want quality in script, acting and everything else...check out these...

Dark City
12 Monkeys
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
Terminator 2
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
The Puppet Masters...(not the full moon entertainment series)
Solaris...(the original Russian version)

there really is quite a bit of mind bendingly good Science Fiction out there.

whoops, almost forgot Life Force.
Aug 15, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Interesting list. I've seen about half of those, and of those I agree, great sci-fi.


You are missing the best one!

Aug 15, 2008 genka link
Dude, serenity was a trash movie, with a trash plot, trash actors and a trash context.
If it was the only science fiction movie ever made, it would still somehow fail to be the best one.
Aug 15, 2008 ryan reign link
despite the disparities between series and film...Serenity, though not the greatest SciFi film of all time was, is and always shall be a truely great film.

it had great characters, development from the series and in the film. it avoided the typical "hero vs. villian" opting instead for "scoundrel vs. ultimate evil". it was in fact the only redeeming aspect of Joss Whedon's life...(cinematically speaking).

now I'm just going to back away from you before you are struck by lightning or ravaged by you obviously deserve to be, you philistine.
Aug 15, 2008 Professor Chaos link
I can't decide if my favorite all-time movie is Children of Men, Fight Club or Serenity. I like Serenity better every time I see it. I love the characters, I love the actors, I love the premise, I love the conflict, and I really love the anti-authority attitude of the movie. Also, I never thought I'd be a fan of a Baldwin, but Whedon made me one.

Disparities between series and film? I guess there are a couple things you could say don't agree, but you could defend them as well. I'm having a brain fart on the contents of a discussion I've had on that. As far as I'm concerned it's a seamless fifteenth episode of the best sci-fi TV show ever.

Joss Whedon's life isn't that devoid of achievement. Due to the tastes of female friends of mine I've seen plenty of Buffy and Angel; and while I've never liked Angel (though whatsisname is a good actor, I like him in Bones), Buffy at least had entertaining dialogue and interesting characters other than Buffy herself in the early seasons. Giles is pretty cool. Not a great show overall, though, and it went on long past its time, whereas his masterpiece show Firefly was murdered before it was really even noticed.

Also, Titan AE was surprisingly good, though not necessarily brilliant. There was a chase that reminded me a lot of the climactic duel at the end of Wrath of Khan, but with crystals instead of a nebula.

One comment on Terminator, though. The first one was just good, but hampered by budget and technology effects wise. Terminator 2 was brilliant despite tacky narration, and I love the "No Fate" message. Terminator 3 undid it all, and I choose to ignore that that movie exists, along with X-Men 3, Spider-Man 3, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and the Star Wars Prequels. All too awful do deserve notice. Out of morbid curiosity I watched season 1 of The Sarah Connor Chronicles, and while Sarah Connor sucks completely, the rest of the actors/actresses aren't bad (Summer Glau.... mmmmmm), and the concept is redeemable. I can't believe, though, that they're actually making a new trilogy. Lame.
Aug 16, 2008 LeberMac link
You forgot Blade Runner.
Oh and I vote for "Aliens".

I still have not seen "Hancock" - I'll try it on DVD.
Aug 16, 2008 ryan reign link
GAH!!! how the HELL did I forget Blade Runner!?!?!

also forgot...Donnie Darko