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Hancock, the "LeberMac" of superheroes

Aug 20, 2008 toshiro link

Try "Ergo Proxy" (dystopian future anime series), Samurai Champloo (samurai anime series, by the guys who made Cowboy Bebop) and perhaps Spirited Away (movie, by the guy who made Princess Mononoke. You can watch that together with your daughter, too, to give her anime intake... direction, if that is what you want).

Please keep in mind that these recommendations are based on what anime I know and like and think to be in the same ball park as the ones you said you liked.

Edited 'similar' in favour of something else.
Aug 21, 2008 LeberMac link
Oh yeah, I'd seen like two episodes of Samurai Champloo on Cartoon Network's "AdultSwim", I forgot that I also saw the first episode of "DeathNote", and I liked both of them. I just keep forgetting to TiVo them.

Ergo Proxy looks pretty cool, I'll have to find it on rental or on DVD though.
Aug 30, 2008 look... no hands link
never liked anime myself, actually i've alwasy disliked it.

wrath of khan has something wrong with it, I could never put my finger on it cause I've always happened to be really drunk when watching it. Still it was entertaining.

I really enjoyed Serenity, I especially liked Jane, and when they are available, I'd always take grenades.

Hancock was rather good for the first half, then it turned to shit, though I laughed my ass off seeing his grafitti on the moon I immediatly thought of my first post in this thread.

I liked I am legend, the alternate ending was much better, though there's something that bothers me about a 200lb man being able to push a 6000lb truck sideways, let alone get two wheels off the ground, and survive. Realistically he'd probably have to be running at 60 or so miles per hour, maybe more.

Titan AE was a good, I also liked that final fantasy movie.

Road Warrior is in my opinion one of the best movies ever made.

The day after, another great scifi movie

Independence day, while a knock off of war of the worlds, was a damn fun movie to watch. I still laugh when Will Smith punches the alien out.

War of the worlds (tom cruise version), personally I thought it was scarier than the original movie.

Soylent Green , a definate must see

Outbreak, yea vaporizing one town to save the rest of humanity, probably worth it.

ill add more later
Aug 31, 2008 toshiro link
Titan AE was most definitely not a 'good' movie. Animation was okay, story run-of-the-mill, voice actors pretty good. But it failed at being good. And Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within suffered from what a lot (not all) the full cgi movies suffer from: lack of good storytelling. Miyazaki should get down and make a cel-shaded, full cgi movie to show them how it's done.

Pixar is the obvious exception, SKG is just hanging on to Pixar's success.
Aug 31, 2008 LeberMac link
Titan AE was not a good movie.

On another note, tosh, I just finished the first DVD of Ergo Proxy. Pretty darn cool, I hope Netflix delivers disc 2 soon. It's not as good as "Ghost in the Shell" but it's close. (Needs more storyline explanations, I was totally lost for the first 2 episodes...)
Sep 01, 2008 toshiro link
Yes, it does not offer much in the way of those. I had to watch it twice, so as to get a better look at things.

lnh, the problem is that anime are so far the only way to watch animated movies or animated television series that are not intended for people below the age of 20 (and I'm not talking nudity). While Futurama is a great TV series, and also intended for adults, it does nothing to relieve that, sadly.

Not all of them are that deep, either, but a good part is, and that's what draws me to them. Perhaps you had a bad start?
Sep 01, 2008 Professor Chaos link
No Hands: Something that has always bugged me about Wrath of Khan is the whole Ceti Alpha 5 thing. Chekov was there for the whole Khan thing, why wouldn't he recognize where they were? And even if he didn't, wouldn't they know something was up when there are fewer planets in the system than the charts say there should be? How does a planet just blow up, anyway, unless it's the Genesis planet? And if the orbits shifted, it's unlikely that the next one would remain even that habitable. The rest of the movie is great, though, and Ricardo Montalban makes a good villain, so hey.

Jayne kicks ass, and I never thought I'd be a fan of a Baldwin but Whedon made me one.

Yes, Independence Day doesn't stand up to scrutiny and really should suck, but is a hell of a lot of fun. Basically, it would suck without Will Smith. He carries that whole movie on his shoulders, basically. He really is a good actor. Welcome to Earth! I also like when he threatens to leave the alien with the guards at Roswell.

War of the Worlds was great. I'm not in general a Spielberg fan; I don't think he understands what makes his good movies good, which is why he produces crap alongside the good stuff. For example, Minority Report has one of the best plots and scripts of a sci-fi movie ever, is directed by Spielberg and stars Cruise and sucks. War of the Worlds has less plot, is Cruise/Spielberg, and is great. It doesn't compute. Oh yeah, Cruise sucks overall, and Dakota Fanning is incredible.

Haha, I haven't seen Soylent Green in like ten years. I need to watch it again. IT'S PEOPLE!

toshiro: You're somewhat right about FF:TSW (though you don't give T:AE enough credit). Had they given more attention to the dialogue and characters, it could have been a truly great movie and would have been not only more successful but would have brought a bigger audience to the anime genre. The story was there, and was very good, but buried under awful dialogue and cardboard characters. The animation and music were good enough to keep me throughout the movie, but it was only on subsequent viewings that I realized there was a good story, and I like the movie better every time I watch it. Oh yeah, have I mentioned yet that it has the best soundtrack of any movie? Oh, I see that I have.
Sep 01, 2008 break19 link
<- Stargate fan, both the movie and the shows.

I dunno why, maybe it's just my age showing, but cartoons are what my kid watches. I don't care for anime at all.. cartoons.. meh

I liked the show, i cant even remember it's name now, but it was about a government-run timemachine, could only go back 7 days, was a sphere... etc.

I like the new Dr Who (as well as the old one) Like the OLD bsg, the new one just seems... too "off"

HUGE fan of Andromeda when it was on. That chick that played the ship hologram is H_O_T.

Like Jeremiah, and Eureka as well. pretty much if it comes on SciFi Channel, I enjoy it, other than the idiotic B horror movies like "zomg its killer ants the size of 18 wheelers" movies.
Sep 02, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Heh, I have seen none of those shows, though I am interested in both BSGs and Dr. Who, out of curiosity.

As for cartoons, I can't get enough of The Venture Bros., Futurama, South Park (although they peaked at about season six....), Metalocalypse, and Robot Chicken. Aqua Teen Hunger Force was good for the first couple seasons; I haven't seen it recently but I think it's in decline.

I miss MST3K. I keep meaning to check out RiffTrax.
Sep 02, 2008 toshiro link
Re Titan AE: They failed to make it a good movie, and that, as I see it, is ultimately because the american entertainment industry (and quite a large part of the populace, I suppose, for in the end, they dictate what will be shown) still think that cartoons are for kids, which is sad. But I guess they are playing catch-up with anime these days, so eventually I will be able to fully enjoy animated movies from Hollywood as an adult person, and not just as a kid.

FF:TSW might have had a good storyline, but I won't give a movie a good rating when it hasn't pleased me throughout. I'm egocentric that way. Also, what's up with the ending? Yikes. But maybe Squenix has learned from their mistakes and the rest will be all good (FF:AC was too much dependent on the game storyline for me to fully appreciate, sadly. I shall remedy that Soon™).
Sep 02, 2008 Professor Chaos link
You are right about Titan AE mistakenly marketing too much to kids. That's why I resisted seeing it until my wife suggested I'd like it, and I did.

On the other hand, while I'm not as wild for Pixar as a lot of people are, The Incredibles might be the greatest family movie ever. It works on every level, and is one of my favorite movies.

I understand what you're saying about FF:TSW not pleasing entirely, and so not giving it a good rating. If I'd only watched it once, I'd be in the same boat. I don't usually go asking people to re-watch movies they didn't like, though; I've had too many people say that if I watch Napoleon Dynamite a second time I might not want to kill myself this time.

What is your complaint about the end of FF:TSW? I was worried the dude would come back to life, and relieved when he didn't. I thought it was a good ending, but maybe I was carried away by the excellent climax music. Elliot Goldenthal does some amazing fanfares.

And with that, I'm gone on a field trip for a week.... later.
Sep 02, 2008 Shadoen link
Yay, no more threads turned into "Politics and Global Warming" discussions for a week ;)

Have fun PC.
Sep 02, 2008 look... no hands link
Toshiro, it's the animation style itself that bothers me, I just don't like it.

Far as final fantasy goes, I like it mostly because it wasn't all rainbows and sunshine, actually I probably would have liked it more if it ended in abject failure and doom.

Probably also why I like watching the third act of Requiem for a dream where everything falls apart. Hell, I liked how the book 1984 ended, even though I'm as opposed to the idea of big brother as possible.
Sep 03, 2008 break19 link
the hot chick on the show:

Seven Days: (wasn't sure it was the name of the show, but it is)

and I simply cannot believe you've never heard of the tv show :Stargate: SG-1, based on the original Stargate movie.. and then a spin off of the spinoffL Stargate: Atlantis
Sep 05, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Yay, I'm kind of back. One more day of geology field trip, but we're close enough to home to come back and sleep in our own beds and post silly comments in discussion forums.

look... no hands: I kind of understand what you're saying about FF:TSW. I like that it ended on a good note, actually, rather than failure and doom, but I really like when successes come at great personal sacrifice. FF:TSW did a passable but not awesome job at that.

And I can't stand many anime art styles, either, but I try to look past that... and still don't get it.

EDIT: Shadoen, hehe, I'm not the only person who steers topics that way....
Sep 06, 2008 toshiro link
Hm... I see what you mean, lnh. I guess the animation style (despite apparent dissimilarities, there are profound differences between 'western' and 'japanese' animation; I won't go into that too deeply unless you really, REALLY want me to) is not for everyone. I, myself can hardly stand live action TV series (no matter where they're from. If I want to immerse in a fantasy world, animations help me more).

As for FF:TSW,... well, it was sappy. I saw it twice, actually, once on the big screen, and once on my laptop. Both times it failed to please.

And perhaps, once Pixar has severed the ties to Disney, they might make great photorealistic CGI movies for an adult audience, as well. A man can dream, yeah? ;)
Sep 06, 2008 Snax_28 link
Considering that Disney owns Pixar, and that the Pixar heavy-weights are on the Disney Animation board, I can't see that happening anytime soon.
Sep 06, 2008 Professor Chaos link
I think The Incredibles is an amazing movie for an adult audience as well as children.
Sep 07, 2008 toshiro link
My bad, I was basing my opinion on old facts.

Damn you, Disney. Damn you.

Edit: Chaos, I don't want a 'family entertainment' movie. I want to see deep character and enigmatic plot development, blood and gore allowed to occur, worlds destroyed, hopes shattered, romantic scenes not totally laminated and polished to the highest grade of shininess.

Ergo Proxy was able to deliver some of the above. Others, like the Ghost in the Shell series (or Ghost Hound, Cry of the Cicada, Lovely Complex, FLAG, Vulgar Ghost Daydream, the list goes on) provide still other elements. Granted, few of them are full CGI yet, or contain any CGI at all. But they are animated, and some of them are geared explicitly towards the western market; the Japanese entertainment industry has long ago discovered the El Dorado that is Europe and the US/Canada. And the resident film studios are mostly sucking their thumbs and continue to cater to kids and perhaps teenagers.

So far, the western world of animation has utterly failed to deliver. I like feel good movies. But if there are nothing but feel good movies, I begin to retch.

Grah, this topic makes me angry. I'm not going to post on it anymore.

Edit v2, and then I'm really out of here:
NA comics, while there are some dissidents, mainly try to catch up with the egregious lead of Japanese/Korean manga/manhwa to capture audiences besides pubescent males and 30-something males. Part of me hopes they fail so I can laugh in malicious glee.
Sep 07, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Gotcha. I hope you can't resist at least peeking and reading a few more posts....

The Incredibles is one of my all-time favorite movies (I try not to call it an incredible movie, because I use the word incredible a fair amount), but it's not dark except in comparison to other Disney type cartoons.

As far as Western animation goes, I've been quite a fan of The Venture Bros., which deals with themes of failure and has characters who live in the generation after such heroes as Johnny Quest (of which show it is a parody), and can't live up to the legend. It is hilarious and somewhat sad and depressing at the same time. Plus, it has Patrick Warburton in it, whose voice I wish I had.