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Internet Memes

Jun 19, 2008 LeberMac link
Interesting. Remember Evil Bert? The first time you saw "O RLY?" Remember "Ask a Ninja?" Ahh yes, here's the timeline that goes with them:
I promise - no rickrolling. But that's in there, too. (Twice!)
Jun 19, 2008 moldyman link
Lol. I really like the Colbert video.
Jun 19, 2008 Surbius link
Prison Thriller ftw.
Jun 20, 2008 zamzx zik link
It's incomplete.

He obviously doesn't like mudkips.
Jun 20, 2008 LeberMac link
Oh yeah. Hrm. Maybe we should write to him.
Jun 20, 2008 Surbius link
I think he missed a few others as well.
Jun 21, 2008 toshiro link
Maybe he had a page hits/occurrence threshold?

That said, I didn't know all of those... the Last Lecture was definitely the best, though.
Jun 21, 2008 epadafunk link
chocolate rain is the most annoying video ever made
Jun 22, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Not quite, but it's up there. I just watched everything on that site, but I couldn't make it through Badger Badger Badger, Hamster Dance, *shudder* Peanut Butter Jelly Time or a couple others. I don't understand why someone would make such a thing, let alone how it could become popular at all. A lot of others were very boring. And I don't think I hate anyone enough to Rickroll them. And what's so cool about horrible spelling and grammar that something so irritating as LOLcats can be so popular? Some of those would be funny if they were proofread. I'm a huge fan of Stephen Colbert (even though I know he's mocking my conservative views), but I thought the White House Dinner video was very boring. It's the wrong format for him. The jokes were the same, and each one alone was funny, but the speech was very boring.

There's good stuff, though, for sure. My wife was emailed Charlie the Unicorn, and made me watch it. I was dubious, but once it started I decided it was hilarious, especially the magical leopleurodon. Lazy Sunday kicks ass, and I had no idea that "the internets," and "the Google" were Bushisms. I'll have to use them more often, now, I love Bushisms. Some other stuff new to me were Obama Girl (hilarious!), the beatbox flautist was cool, and I think I laughed so hard at Leeroy Jenkins I sharted.

One last annoyance, is it that hard to spell out "Oh, really?"

This was a great find, LeberMac, very interesting.
Jun 22, 2008 LeberMac link
Don't thank me. Thank Stumbleupon.

Best. Timewasting. Firefox. Plugin. Ever.
Jun 23, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Haha, anyway, it was interesting. I just wish people would stop popularizing annoying crap like Peanut Butter Jelly Time. Yech.
Jun 23, 2008 toshiro link
Chaos, he didn't put up other memes that were much, much more annoying (like or tubgirl). We should be thankful for it...
Jun 23, 2008 zamzx zik link
Jun 23, 2008 Professor Chaos link
In that case, I'm gladder than glad I've never heard of those ones!
Jun 23, 2008 The Shedu link
PC, just in case you couldn't follow it, here are the lyrics.
Jun 23, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Shedu, thank you very much! I feel better. I didn't appreciate the inherent complexity and underlying metaphor and deep reflection on the futility of existence that really comes from deep within the bowels of the poet's soul. For instance, the snake represents temptation, the mushroom being the true fruit of knowledge (ironically not a fruit, but do you seriously learn anything from eating an apple? come on.), and the badger's fierce courage in the face of temptation. The calisthenics, of course, representing self-improvement.

Thanks for the clarification.
Jun 23, 2008 epadafunk link
if i was on digg i'd digg pc's last comment up
Jun 24, 2008 Professor Chaos link
You can put it there if you'd like. I don't really know digg.
Jun 24, 2008 epadafunk link
then the joke was lost on you
Jun 25, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Yes, it was. Serisously, I don't do stumbleupon, digg, 4chan, whatever. So I have no idea what you're talking about. So if that was a joke I missed it.