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Internet Memes

Jun 25, 2008 toshiro link
4chan is very good for anime/manga pictures. The rest I couldn't care less about.
Jun 25, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Interestingly enough, I couldn't care less about anime/manga ;)

Actually, I think it was you, toshiro, recommended that I find some wallpapers there, and there was some kind of cool art. The rest of the boards were basically tasteless, though, and I haven't been back. Maybe someday. I [do] frequent deviantART, as I have a friends who does great pencil sketches and she posts them there.
Jun 25, 2008 toshiro link
Hmm... did I recommend them for anyting else besides anime/manga? Ah yes, general wallpapers... well... behind you, a three-headed monkey goat!

Jun 25, 2008 LeberMac link
Christ, tosh, 4chan is like the pervert's paradise. You go there for... wallpaper... suuuuure.

(For the record, I went there from work one day when Miharu told me to. I immediately had to go scrub the router logs.)
Jun 26, 2008 toshiro link
You don't have to believe me, LeberMac. Besides, 7chan is much, *much* worse than 4chan. Anime Wallpaper (/w/), while having ecchi stuff bordering on hentai and loli-/shotacon at times, is required to be SFW, outright NSFW postings usually get deleted, forbidden stuff (such as lolicon, shotacon...) can get your IP banned. Not so on 7chan, which was created exactly because 4chan does not allow the aforementioned. And if you look at /h/, /u/ etc., I'm sure you would have to purge your logs if at work.

Add to the above the fact that you only find decent resolutions in /w/ and /wg/, you can guess where I hang out (/wg/ sucks, for general wp I go to
Jun 26, 2008 Professor Chaos link
lolicon? shotacon? Hell, I don't even know what that is, and I'm pretty sure I don't want to.
Jun 26, 2008 toshiro link
To say it bluntly, it's pedophilia, in two tastes.

And before you go off saying 'those crazy Japanese', keep in mind that in Japan, there is an absolute right to freedom of speech. You can basically publish (and read) anything (e.g. antisemitic propaganda, which is forbidden where I live), including child porn.

That is not to say all of them are reading/watching it.
Jun 26, 2008 Professor Chaos link
I didn't say those crazy Japanese.

I support free speech limited only by laws against libel, slander, and chid porn, since those laws protect individual rights. Basically, what we're supposed to have in the U.S.

Thanks for, um, clarifying, I guess.

By the way, Japanese people are crazy! :) But it's often a good thing, because we get to have fun with Japanese TV shows here in the U.S. Man, I haven't seen MXC in forever....

There are crazy people everywhere.
Jun 27, 2008 Suicidal Lemming link
Chaos: It may be important to note that lolicon and shotacon are both drawn. Of course, your own ideologies determine if that's a valid point to make.

LeberMac: I find 4chan to be a good source for wallpapers, if you're willing to wade through all the crap.
Jun 27, 2008 MSKanaka link
» Man, I haven't seen MXC in forever....

The second to last clip in this video should do. (About 8:15 in.)
Jun 27, 2008 toshiro link
Now AMVs, they are horrible. My ears and eyes usually start bleeding once I watch one.
Jun 27, 2008 LeberMac link
I'd like to clarify that any of my previous statements are in no way to be represented as a slur against toshiro's character, as he is a longstanding VO netizen in good standing with the board.

This thread now scares me.
Jun 27, 2008 ShankTank link
Lol.... I feel nerdy that I can point out things that they missed.... like.... maybeh.... NEDM? *music*