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My first visit in the US, any travel advice?

Jul 03, 2008 Whistler link
Shocking. Maybe you did the touristy stuff?
Jul 03, 2008 Professor Chaos link
I was a total tourist when I went to SFS. Also, I was only eleven years old.
Jul 04, 2008 moldyman link
Maybe. I was just surprised with how overflowing with bums the place was o.o
Jul 04, 2008 Whistler link
Ah, yes, we don't have the fatally cold winters to thin the herds. Also, it's rather easy to become homeless here.
Jul 04, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Haha, I don't suppose you've seen the South Park about that? Night of the Living Homeless? Classic.
Jul 09, 2008 break19 link
If you want pure natural beauty, plus awesome "feel good" food, get your butts down here to my neck o the woods, along the "Emerald Coast" of SW Florida, Alabama, and Mississippi.

We have WHITE (not brown, not offwhite, BLEACH WHIE) sandy beaches, beautiful emerald-green waters, and of course, the BEST fresh seafood (fresh, as in, caught earlier in the day, maybe yesterday.)

Gulf Shores, AL, Orange Beach, AL, Pensacola Bch, FL, Mobile, AL. Mobile would be the first choice, for monetary reasons, its about an hour or so to the beaches from downtown Mobile, and while in Mobile, you could visit Victorian-era homes, with montrous oak trees, lining the streets, visit the USS Alabama WW2 battleship and airplane hangar (SR71 blackbird inside, come see the blackbird, plus other aircraft that's been in our military, past and present.. awesome) Plus, you're only about 45minutes from the Biloxi/Gulfport Casinos.. Including the Biloxi Hard Rock Casino, and Island View Casino, which hosts the restaurant Emeril's.

Plus, generally, folks are nicer down here. Especially if we know you're just visiting.... *G*

edit: Oh, and Leebs, got somethin for you too.

Mobile Bay’s Eleventh Annual International Beer Festival
Aug 23rd. :)
edit2: Mobile Bayfest, 3 day street party. Live music on multiple stages.
Jul 09, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Beaches are nice.... but mountains are more my taste.

Some friends of mine get to spend a week in Hawaii, though, and I've told them they have to bring me some black sand and green sand. One day I'll go myself; also to Iceland.
Jul 10, 2008 toshiro link
Visit the Alps, Chaos. And Japan. Both regions feature quite nice mountains (I can only personally vouch for the Alps, though, not been to Japan yet...)
Jul 10, 2008 Whistler link
PC, you would invoke the wrath of the volcano gods (not to mention the park service)
Jul 10, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
I mock these superstitious fools.

/me takes Pele's rocks, leaves them in Siberia
Jul 10, 2008 Professor Chaos link
toshiro: Yes, one day I will totally visit the Alps. Japan's not on my list of places I must see, but if I get an opportunity I will for sure. Also New Zealand. But at the top of my list is Iceland.

Whistler: Haha. Yeah, I know, it's "bad luck" to take sand from the green beaches. I'm not superstitious; besides, I have a good friend (one of the Geology professors at my school, though I haven't taken a class from him yet as he's new faculty there) who claims most of the good luck in his life came after collecting a sample of green, black and white sand. He's got a small jar of each.

Lecter: Right. Who's afraid of Pele? I'd love to go see her home.
Jul 10, 2008 Whistler link
OOokay, but remember what happened to the Brady Bunch and that tiki there.
Jul 10, 2008 LeberMac link
Hehe Eize, Yeah, I've been to Mobile...

On a summer night sometime in 1992, I was in one of the biggest bar fights in my life at some bar/club on Dauphin street. Bottles were thrown, poolcues were broken over heads, mace was sprayed, the whole thing spilled out into the streets, the entire downtown police department showed up, I managed to escape and make my way past bums & trashcan fires back to my hotel. My brother ran the wrong way and actually crossed that bay bridge, going approximately 10 miles or so out of his way. We did eventually find him, and we hooked up with some of the other friends after they got out of the hospital that night. (Yeah it was a doozie.)

Lessons learned:
1. In a large bar fight, stay on the outside and keep moving.
2. Serving trays make nice shields against thrown bottles in a pinch.
3. Pool cues are really hard to break if you hit people in the neck with them.
4. Bums do not give good directions.
Jul 22, 2008 break19 link
hehe.. we do know how to have a good bar brawl down here.. your brother had to run thru a traffic tunnel under the Mobile River before he could even get to the causeway over the bay.. how in the HELL did he not get run over? there's barely enough room for 2 passing cars, much less pedestrians. and yea. there's always traffic thru that tunnel.

Oh.. and that bar sounds like the one named "Grand Central" but Dauphin St has tamed quite a bit in the 16yrs since you last visited.. lol

Plus we now kill all our bums, extract the alcohol from their blood and use that to power our electric plants. Talk about your renewable resources.. there's always bums drunk somewhere.
