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On The Fence, what about PvP?

Apr 06, 2008 Adut link
Well I did the 8 hour demo, and I have to say I really like the gameplay, very well done.

The graphics are a bit on the dated side, but still no slouch. Also the native Linux client is Awesome, kudos to the dev Team for supporting this oft neglected platform.

What I didn't get a taste of though is the PvP in game. Is this like other games where you have to grind up to max level and camp for all the good gear before you can compete or if you have decent skills but are lower level can you still be effective in PvP? Even in a twitch based game if the gear has too wide of a range of effectiveness it can prevent less than max level players from participating in PvP.

As a secondary question, does the PvP really have a purpose/rewards or is it just random ganking?

It seems to be a well put together game, but I'd like to get more of a feel for what PvP will be like when I get out of the "noob" zone. Any comments by those who have PvP'd and what their experiences are would be most appreciated.
Apr 06, 2008 FatStrat85 link
PvP combat is by far the best part of VO as far as I'm concerned (aside from the community). You can start PvP'ing at any level really, but you probably should have at least license levels of 4/4/4/-/- or higher. You don't need amazing equipment to succeed at PvP combat. Many experienced players with very high licenses use fairly basic ships like Vulture Mk3's, Centaur Mk3's, Warthog Mk2's, etc... PvP in VO is skill-based, so it may take a bit of time before you can compete with more experienced players, but don't get discouraged. It's worth it.

As far as the "purpose" of PvP combat in VO, it depends on what you want to do in the game. You can be a nationalist, a pirate, or an anti-pirate. Those are the main roles in VO that involve heavy PvP. Yes, there is a lot of killing each other for the sake of killing each other, but for the most part everyone has a goal they are working for. Pirates are killing traders for money. Anti-pirates are killing pirates to protect the traders. Itani nationalists are killing Serco pilots to defend their nation. Serco nationalists are killing Itani pilots to defend their nation as well. Much of the content is player-driven.

To introduce yourself to PvP, I would suggest going to Sedina B-8. That is the main PvP zone in VO (along with Deneb B-12). People are sitting in B-8 close to 24/7 waiting for an opponent to test their skills against. To get good, fight as many people as you can and don't be afraid to break habits. It is customary to ask for fights, hail before attacking, and say "gf" when you're done. Pracitce, practice, practice. Also, try to find a mentor in-game who can give you some tips. Once you get a bit of experience fighting in general, you can start to decide WHO you want to fight, at which point your combat will have a goal and purpose.

Look here for a bit more info:
Apr 06, 2008 look... no hands link
I'm still effective with free guns, granted to a lesser extent, but still, I do win some fights with them
Apr 06, 2008 Lord~spidey link
the vulture MkIII is a great ship with neutron blasters MkII and a heavy battery that loadout is cheap and when its flown well it can take out anything.
Apr 06, 2008 genka link
"gf" is for idiots that think being actually considerate to other people is something they can replace with a thoughtless bind.
Apr 06, 2008 yodaofborg link
So you are Vulture MK III Spidey, good to know :P
Apr 06, 2008 LeberMac link
PvP is, in my opinion, the only reason to play Vendetta-Online. Best PvP I've experienced.

More content seems to be right on the horizon, as well, so I anticipate that soon there won't be too much to complain about in that arena, either - we'll all be too busy doing the missions.
Apr 06, 2008 zamzx zik link
Really though, PVP is awesome. There just aren't always players around.

In truth, there isn't a load of pvp induced by the game, the majority of it is player-induced. It's awesome, regardless
Apr 07, 2008 Spider link
There used to be a trend among players to take up "anonymous" characters, roll them up to level 4/4/4/-/- or similar in order to deck them out in the basics, and bring around to kick some ass against people "just for kicks". The levelling took an experienced player about half an hour to an hour, and the combat was usually very rewarding, and caused people to fire first, talk later when the unmarked vultures with unknown characters popped in.

Maybe it's a trend that passed, but hey, it was fun ;)
Apr 07, 2008 davejohn link
Oh, folk still do that spider .

Er, so I'm told....
Apr 07, 2008 ArAel link
yeah how'd all these people learn to dock and use an ecka taur
Apr 07, 2008 MysticRogue link
SPIDER! Get your butt back ingame NOW....or I will tell everyone about the aquean ore incident :P

*does anyway but...hehe

But on topic, the PvP in VO is cool and -most- of the best fighters ingame are happy to give you tips and spar to make sure you learn the best way to fight. So sub up now and join us! :)
Apr 07, 2008 Roda Slane link
PVP is the only reason I still play vo.

There are a number of weapons that are difficult to get, but they are not required to be good at pvp.

1/1/-/-/- : Basic Centurion, HX blaster, Light Power Cell (too weak to pvp, but great for killing collectors)
3/3/-/-/- : Vulture MkIII, Basic Neutrons, Heavy Power Cell (This is a good pvp ship).
4/4/-/4/- : Vulture MkIII, Neutron MkII, Fast Charge power cell (this is a fast chaser ship, with very good fire power).

Level 3/3/-/-/- is pretty easy to get, doing just the beginner combat mission.

Special mention should be made of the Orion Rev-C Centurion and Orion XGX weapon. Combined with the low cost medium power cell, this is a dirt cheap ship, with stellar performance.
Apr 07, 2008 davejohn link
Good points Roda .

Similarly the IBG or SVG with FC batts and n2 s or n3 s for folk that fancy having fun in deneb .

Getting killed is no big deal in vo pvp , you only ever lose a ship and possibly it's cargo . It's not like other games where you have to go back to basics .

Grab a ship and join in .
Apr 07, 2008 LeberMac link
We should mention that "Death Means Nothing" and that respawning imparts NO penalties whatsoever, besides shelling out a paltry sum (Usually less than 10,000 cr) for a new ship.

Even newbies can make a million credits in this game in, oh, about a week or so. So you can afford to lose 100+ ships a week and not sweat it. I should know.
Apr 08, 2008 Roda Slane link
At combat level three, you can take escort missions, and make millions in hours. The Rev-C I mentioned above is around 1k if I recall correctly. You could afford thousands of those ships from just a few hours escorts.

Level 4 is required to start a new BP mission in Deneb/GR, which is also what it takes to get the serco vulture mentioned by davejohn. The BP mission is often considered a fast track to high combat and weapons levels, but always has the danger of getting engulfed in extensive pvp.

Death can be very inconvenient if you forget to set your home station. Decide ahead of time where you want to end up when you die.
Apr 08, 2008 Adut link
Wow, with the exception of one post those were the most helpful constructive comments I have ever seen in a game forum. Kudos to your community for being so helpful, thank you.

I have decided so sub up. Put up my $10 and I'll see you in space.

I've been playing for a bit and I really do like seeing people say "gf". It's much better than what you see in most games, instead of "gf" it's "You Cheated" or "Exploiter", "Griefer", basically "Whaaaa stop hitting me with that stick, sniffle"

I also enjoyed a conversation I saw in chat they other night.

Player1: This guy won't stop killing me
Player2: Well maybe if you give him some money he'll go away
Player1: I'm not going to bow to terrorists
Player2: Then he'll probably keep killing you
Player1: I asked him to stop
Player2: Yes but you didn't give him any incentive to do so, he's a pirate, it's what pirates do.

In other words, quit whining and play the game, it was priceless. If that's the overall attitude of the community I think I will like it here.
Apr 08, 2008 genka link
Yes, whining is the overall attitude of the community.

Here are a couple scenarios:

I'm chillin in B8, as I like to do, waiting for someone to encourage me to attack'em with the full fury of my somethingorother. Some non-newb bastard does just that, and we go at it for the two or three hours it takes two light ships with energy weapons to hit each other the four times it takes to blow one of them up. Some time later, my fingers start to cramp up, I swear to start flying cheap flare setups instead, and die in a glorious ball of flame, leaving my opponent at a comfy 10% hull or so. (This happens every so often, I swear!) At this point, I sort of expect my killer to say something, and usually (s)he does.
Expected (response): "Phew" or "That was too close! I need a new fighting song!" or "Haha, pwnd n00b"
Actual: "gf"

Suppose then that I head back to B8 and get back to chillin by my rock. Now some other non-newb bastard yells obscenities at me, and naturally, we go at it like rabbits with knives. This time around, I shoot off my load of flares prematurely because I'm too nervous and it's my first such encounter in a long while. Every shot misses, and unsurprisingly I'm a pasta strainer within a minute or two of inept dodging. Again, I'd expect some comment:
Expected: "Man, flares ain't your best." or "Your mom tells me this problem is genetic." or "Haha, pwnd n00b"
Actual: "gf"

I'm a pretty stubborn guy, so I head back to B8, park again and chill a bit, maybe watching some newbs shoot neuts at each other for a while. Soon enough some player, newb or not, decides that I look like a mighty tempting target, lines up 300m behind me and fires off a few loads of rockets as (s)he boosts toward me. I slam w to strafe up when I hear the rockets, but it's a bit late by then and pop goes the genka! I like talking, so I assume other people do too, and thus expect some comment:
Expected: "Haha, man you're a tempting target over there" or "Newbs shouldn't sit around in B8!" or "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET, BITCH!"
Actual: "gf"

Naturally, since my homework isn't due for another three hours, I head back to B8, avoid the brave rocketeer and sit around waiting for someone to propose to me a violent union. Finally some newb does so, in the unambiguous terms of firing a salvo of swarms from the safe distance of 800m. Since this range is as safe for me as it is for him, I strafe around my roid, let the swarms pop on it, and enjoy a few minutes of hiding behind roids while the ragnewb wastes ammo, waiting for an opportune moment to try and chase'im down and watch the bastard jump out of the sector to reload. Unfortunately, just then my internet decides that it hates me and cuts out. By the time it starts to like me again, the ragnewb had managed to use the last of his swarms to good effect, and I log back in to a comment:
Expected: "Haha, pwnd newb" or "Hey man, did your internets cut out there?" or "Man, I am so hardcore! I just killed that genka dude no-one likes!"
Actual: "gf"

Back again to B8, then, and again I sit chillin until some bastard thinks it's time for me to pay for my loose lips by sinking my ship. This time around, however, I's got a shot of the booses in me, and therefore am chill enough to put my flares where they need to go, popping the bastard with my last pair. We exchange pleasant words about each others' mothers, and off I go to reload and repair my pretty fucked up ship. Standing in my way, however, is vigelantenewb! Now, vigelantenewb sees me not only kill his best buddy, who gave him his first mill and set him up in [ITAN], but also as a serco in [BLAK], which as we all know is one of the original pirate guilds. Quite logically, then, he drops everything his valk can manage on my beat up little flareboat and flies through my explosion in that effective way the ITANazis like so much. Of course, being a vigelantenewb he can't help but offer up a smug comment, right?
Expected: "Haha, that's what you get, you damn pirate bastard!" or "Haha, pwnd n00b!" or "Man, I guess that was a little low of me."
Actual: "gf"

Now that I'm drunk and still have time before class, I can't help but get back to B8. This time, however, luck is on my side and an eager newb fires off a couple of warning shots as a challenge. Fortunately for me, eager newb is a newb, and as such doesn't know how to strafe or aim. It's pretty easy pickings, and I have an extra kill to my name without so much as a scratch to my ship. Quite naturally, a comment arises in the eager newb:
Expected: "Oh man, I really need to practice more." or "Man, how the hell can I dodge those rockets?!" or "Haha, pwnd n00b."
Actual: "gf"

Since it only took four rockets to let eager newb's brains leak out into space, I feel comfortable enough to keep chillin without reloading. My own damn fault is I get caught up and run out of ammo. Just then, vigelantenewb returns, and he's brought friends! I'm not paying attention to the chat for once, so I spot the incoming rockets before they nail me to the roid I'm sitting on and do my usual strafe-around-roid-to-piss-off-attacker move. Maybe I'll even get lucky and put a rocket or two into vigelantenewb before I have to break away and actually fight the bastard. A little too late I realize that the worrying stream of neuts is coming from behind, and barrel-roll out of the cross fire. A few more seconds of flopping about, and I'm dead before I shoot off all my rockets, this time with two valks valiantly flying through my explosion in an effective manner. What snide comment awaits me this time?
Expected: "Hnaha! Pwnd, n00b!" or "That's what you get for messing with defenseless traders!" or "Recant they evil ways pie-rat, or I shalt smite thee till the morn!'
Actual: "gf"

I think there might be a trend here, but I'm not sure what it is. Maybe it's that all these people finished their fighting with a "gf," simply because that's the norm, and they're too cool to have their buddies think they're some kind of jerk that doesn't say "gf" at the end of every fight? Or maybe it's my constant expectation to hear someone say "Haha, pwnd n00b" every time I fight someone. I don't really know. Either way, fuck girlfrienders.
Apr 08, 2008 zamzx zik link
If you haven't noticed by now, Genka is one of our resident trolls. Learn to laugh with him.
Apr 08, 2008 Roda Slane link
"gf" is normally reserved for what both sides consider to be a fair or impressive fight. But it is not always the case that both or even either side sees it this way, and there is the occasional exchange of words. When level 2 newb lines up behind me and tries to sneak attack, and I turn around and boom him, you won't hear me say "gf". You are more likely to hear something like "you sneak attack from behind and still go boom? That's just too newb." But them again, I am also one of the resident trolls. The main difference between myself and genka, is: a) I can fight; b) I find true statements to be better trolling material than anything you can make up.

So... if you liked the fight, and found it satisfactory, then by all means say "gf". But if the crummy little newb shot you in the back with a last minute hail that said "I am an unarmed trader" or w/e, then feel free to give a piece of your mind (providing you can spare any).

And if you see genka... shoot him in the back and say "gf".