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On The Fence, what about PvP?

Apr 08, 2008 chillum baba link
Oh well done genka.

One of your better posts... definitely a keeper.
Apr 08, 2008 LeberMac link

Anyway, it's funny.
I can sneak up on a certain Viper (who pilots a Rev C with a single law neut and single sunflare loadout whose name begins with "S" and ends with "t") while he's chatting, fire a full load of swarms and flares, blow him up, insult his heritage, kill his dog, piss on his grave, date his ex-wife and then dump her for a model, and sell his children to a Siberian work camp. A pirate! A member of a guild who is his sworn enemy! An evildoer and fearmonger! His response?


I may or may not actually LIKE Roda Slane, but I can respect him for the 3 or 4 times I've gottan a "gf" out of him.

If you're saying "gf" like saying "Thank You" to a total stranger for holding the fucking door for you - that's stupid. I'd like to see a little more smack-talk. But just a little. It adds "color".

In 3 months I expect to see the "Please stop being so mean" thread. I also expect to see genka's commentary on that one.
Apr 08, 2008 Shadoen link
Well...we've had the "petition to ban <insert name of mean player here>" threads.
Apr 08, 2008 FatStrat85 link
LeberMac, I imagine the Viper you described would never say "gf" after the scenario you described. However, he might say it after being ganked or swarmed. Type-killing isn't fun or engaging gameplay. However, the fight does not have to be fair to be fun and engaging. He says "gf" when he feels the game has been played well and when he had fun. Pirates aren't always fair. That's why they're pirates. But if he feels the game was played well and fun was had, then he would most likely say "gf". Then again, what would I know?
Apr 08, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
I'm a pretty stubborn guy, so I head back to B8, park again and chill a bit, maybe watching some newbs shoot neuts at each other for a while. Soon enough some player, newb or not, decides that I look like a mighty tempting target, lines up 300m behind me and fires off a few loads of rockets as (s)he boosts toward me. I slam w to strafe up when I hear the rockets, but it's a bit late by then and pop goes the genka! I like talking, so I assume other people do too, and thus expect some comment:
Expected: "Haha, man you're a tempting target over there" or "Newbs shouldn't sit around in B8!" or "THAT'S WHAT YOU GET, BITCH!"
Actual: "gf"

Having done this to genka a number of times--simply because he's there and why not--I can assure him that, while I've never said gf after having done so, I'll remember to say it from now on.
Apr 08, 2008 Whistler link
So, any chance of this getting back on topic, or shall we bid it a fond adieu?
Apr 08, 2008 zamzx zik link
An off topic question; if this topic continues on this course, can you please just move it? =D
Apr 09, 2008 Whistler link
I'll just move it now, since I'm going to be away from a computer all day Tuesday - the irony being that I'll be helping to design a large computerized system.

Apr 10, 2008 LeberMac link
Strat, Just poking fun of that "Certain Viper's" extreme politeness and good-natured sense of propriety.

No insult was intended. ;)

But yeah, PvP is the best part of this game. Everybody knows THAT.
Apr 10, 2008 FatStrat85 link
Aye, LeberMac. My feelings are intact. Heh. Now get in-game so I can boom ya!
Apr 10, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Wait, Strat is booming people now? Damn, I have been gone a long time.
Apr 11, 2008 LeberMac link
Strat uses flares. Flares are my nemesis. Flares have an unexplainable affinity to my hull, which I'm sure is a programming glitch. I'm going to have Momerath look into it.