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Apr 08, 2008 Professor Chaos link
Apeiron was great, I should get the OSX version. I played Centipede on that Apple IIc, so Apeiron was good memories. Also, the noises were very funny, especially for the bonus multipliers.
Apr 08, 2008 toshiro link
Don't forget Ares (loved it) and Cythera. Ares is, in my book, to Homeworld as EV is to VO.
Apr 08, 2008 Professor Chaos link
You are correct. Ares is due for a remake, in my opinion.
Apr 08, 2008 toshiro link
And how. But I guess it's deader than Oni, even.

It's really sad that Bungie sold all rights to T2I (now belongs to Rockstar), they could probably make a great sequel now, even with MP, given the development of the internet and engines. Oh well, a man can dream, though.

Edit & update: In a not-so-recent interview, Bungie's Frank O'Connor didn't even know exactly who had the IP rights to Oni and Myth. What gives, you bastards?