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Oct 18, 2007 Tertior link
I think that everyone already saw this video, but for those which...
Vive le Groland
Oct 18, 2007 MSKanaka link
For those who might get in trouble for it, this video isn't exactly "safe for work" near the middle and end.
Oct 18, 2007 Lord~spidey link
No wai i was actually not expecting it to go that far
but to my surprise it did

fooking montreal and there outrageous comedy shows
Oct 18, 2007 epadafunk link
how'd she do that!
Oct 18, 2007 mr bean link
damn thats some good magic!
Oct 18, 2007 Professor Chaos link
She's kind of creepy with those weird facial expressions, but I guess that's Canadia for you. Nice boobs, though, and seriously, how'd she do that? I always figured they hid them in their clothes!! Not in their....
Oct 18, 2007 epadafunk link
its obvious how she got each one to appear, but how they went away! i'm mystified
Oct 28, 2007 Capt.Waffles link
epada, they evaporate... You see the hottness that coming from the magician was enough to cause the tissue hanky things to evaporate in to, well, thin air.
Oct 29, 2007 Professor Chaos link
Just as long as the things didn't get creeped out by her facial expressions, that might be the explaination.
Oct 29, 2007 Cunjo link
It's French... being French explains a lot.
Oct 29, 2007 Phaserlight link
omg! nudiy on the internet!

fake thumb
Oct 29, 2007 Professor Chaos link
"Don't worry, I chased them off with my nudity." - Romulox from ATHF.

Only the french could make nuditude so creepy. Or the canadian french, whatever.
Oct 29, 2007 Lord~spidey link
i have nothing against this kind of nudity
Oct 29, 2007 Ryce link
On camera actors can be lazy, but on stage you have to make everything waaay bigger to be seen.
Oct 29, 2007 Professor Chaos link
Everything way bigger? Hehe.
Oct 31, 2007 toshiro link
I think being able to make the things disappear is made possible through the awareness and use of eye seduction, i.e. making people look away by presenting something more immediately attractive to the eye than the motions of hiding something. That and nimble fingers.

And I'm not talking about being naked here, although that's a nice bonus.
Nov 02, 2007 Skyfox link
"I think being able to make the things disappear is made posible through the awareness and use of eye seduction, i.e. making people look away by presenting something more immediately attractive to the eye than the motions of hiding something. That and nimble fingers.

And I'm not talking about being naked here, although that's a nice bonus."

Ever hear of a Fake Thumb?

This trick is so common it boring, except for the nudity... Then again she looks creepy.
Nov 02, 2007 Professor Chaos link
That's an awful lot of things to be stuffing into a fake thumb. Then again, maybe she had a lot of fake thumbs, and stuffed them elsewhere when we didn't think there was anything to hide....
Nov 02, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
So wait, Skyfox... what you're saying is that it's just a trick? Damn, it's a good thing we have such a mental giant as yourself to keep us enlightened about these things.
Nov 02, 2007 Professor Chaos link
Wait, wait, wait.... trick? What's this? Oh, yeah, this is about magic. Sorry, all I saw was boobies.