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Nov 04, 2007 toshiro link
Sorry, 'misdirection' is the correct term (I think), not 'eye seduction'. Because the 'fake thumb' you mentioned, Skyfox, is really only half of it. If you blunder, people will still see it.
Nov 26, 2007 break19 link
Geez guys.. she's not even halfway attractive.. And "boobies" ? wtf, barely noticed em.. She's flatter than an armadillo on the freeway..
Nov 26, 2007 mr bean link
you need to remember that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. just cause one person thinks something is beautiful, doesnt make it so. its not really possible for something to be truly beautiful either, Its an opinion and opinions cant be proven or disproven, they are simply beliefs.
Nov 26, 2007 Professor Chaos link
Yeah, and the truth is that that chick has nice boobs and frightening facial expressions, and shakes her hands too much. Of course, that's how the magic works, I'm sure; she shakes the bandanas into the ether or something. Or elsewhere.
Nov 27, 2007 Whistler link
Just one silk cloth and a fake thumb to hide it in. The hand-shaking blurs the view of the thumb.

It looked like a normal body to me. How many of us would go out onstage naked?
Nov 29, 2007 Professor Chaos link
Hopefully not you, Whistler. No offense, I don't want to find out what any of you guys look like, not in that way.

This is hilarious that we're having a discussion about someone's boobs. Yeah, she was a very normal body. It was her stage makeup and mannerisms that got me. Then again, I always thought stage makeup was overdone. I know you have to show features so they can be seen from the back row, but it's not that important, seriously. It's just to give people who can't act or write a chance to be involved with the theater.

I'm not convinced she fit all those cloths into one fake thumb.
Nov 29, 2007 Whistler link
I promise not to go onstage nekkid.

It's just 1 silk cloth and one hiding spot. Watch what she does with her right hand when she's not shaking it around.

I found a video that makes it a bit clearer. I guess he went for the small silk for simplification. Note for the blind: watch his left hand.
Nov 29, 2007 Professor Chaos link
Haha! Gotcha! I watched it again. I thought I was watching without being distracted before, but apparently not. You're right! She always has her other hand hidden right where she's pulling the cloth. So she never stuck one up there after all. Craziness.