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Jun 29, 2007 JestatisBess link
Amy one have an iPhone yet? Anyone planning on getting one? If so what do you think of it?
Jun 29, 2007 epadafunk link
i got an iPhone!

im posting this right now with an iPhone!!

haha just kidding
Jun 30, 2007 richwmd3 link
i have heard with so many people trying to activate them it is taking some people hours to get them to activate, so hopefully that cools down in about a week. i have also heard that the AT&T edge wireless network for them is pretty slow and they could of gone with something faster like the G3 network or something like that. but the wifi is supposed to work well. im planning on buying one eventually once the bugs get worked out (if there are any) i really wish you could run some apps on it. like more widgets, yahoo messenger, MSN messenger, or IChat. right now you have to go through some website like hopefully that will change in the future.

other wise it looks great
Jun 30, 2007 moldyman link
They chose AT&T's EDGE because 3G is not as widely disbursed as EDGE is, covering nearly all of the continental USandA. Also, the fact that Apple is keeping a tight fist on the code is sad but expected in such a market where blackberries and Palms exist. So, Safari applets are the farthest it will get for now.
Jun 30, 2007 richwmd3 link
im just surprised you cant get more widgets on it
Jun 30, 2007 FatStrat85 link
First post on an iPhone!
Jun 30, 2007 Lord~spidey link
iBeg for iPhone


Jun 30, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
iHave teh iPhone... thanks to iFirm!
Jul 03, 2007 Suicidal Lemming link
Jul 03, 2007 upper case link
thanks for hurting my eyes you amateur pic taker!

and shoo! i'm jealous.
Jul 03, 2007 ShankTank link
I want an iPhone :'(

And I heard that like, you don't need to go to an AT&T store tosubscribe to them, but if you get an iPhone and hook it up to your computer that you could subscribe instantly via computer without dealing with "You want this deal." "No I don't, give meh mah foogin' iPhone!" "But you definitely want this other deal, don't you?"
Jul 03, 2007 Shadoen link
How much does one cost?
Jul 03, 2007 Surbius link
iWait for a hole in the iSystem to be found and a iHacker to exploit it.
Jul 06, 2007 mdaniel link
... I need to wait until the unlocking thing is confirmed before I buy one. I am not getting sucked into a 24 months contract.
Jul 06, 2007 FatStrat85 link
I got sucked in today... My first iPhone post was from a demo model at the Apple Store. This one is from my very own. Help me...
Jul 06, 2007 mdaniel link
2 year contract with at&t?
Jul 07, 2007 FatStrat85 link
Jul 23, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
Jul 23, 2007 Surbius link
1 week, but that's what they have found.
Jul 23, 2007 FatStrat85 link
I'm sure Apple will fix the exploit pretty soon and I'm sure there will be more exploits down the road, and those too will be fixed, on and on and on... It's the same with any popular device. Luckily, I keep mine in Airplane Mode at all times! Eat that, cyber villains!

After having it now for a few weeks, I have to say it really is one of the coolest devices I've ever owned, mostly becasue of the UI and overall experience of using it. However, I really hope Apple opens it up a bit more down the road by adding more software features and mostly by giving us access to the file system and geek-type stuff. I wish it was a bit less toy and a bit more computer. That's something they could eaily fix, but I guess the question is if they want to.

I've been following the hacking wiki and it looks promising, but I'd greatly prefer an Apple-approved solution.