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Jul 23, 2007 Whistler link
This is what I keep telling people who say "Get a Mac" whenever somebody has a security issue. If half of us got a Mac, the party would be over.

From the linked article:

"There are far more viruses, worms and other malicious software affecting Windows systems than Apple systems. But Mr. Rubin said that Apple products have drawn fewer attacks because the computers have fewer users, and hackers reach for the greatest impact.

'Windows gets hacked all the time not because it is more insecure than Apple, but because 95 percent of computer users are on Windows,” he said. “The other 5 percent have enjoyed a honeymoon that will eventually come to an end.'”
Jul 23, 2007 genka link
Whistler, you're full of shit.
Jul 23, 2007 Whistler link
You used to be such a clever troll.
Jul 23, 2007 genka link
Well, I appreciate your attempts to follow in my footsteps, but unfortunately, trying to start platform wars with ignorant parroting of inane statements ain't clever.
Well, sometimes. But not this time.
Jul 23, 2007 FatStrat85 link
Certainly part of the reason the Mac doesn't get bothered with viruses is that it is less popular. However, OS X is also extremely secure. Everything is locked down right out of the box. Popularity is only half the issue in my opinion. There are plenty of people who would love to spread a Mac virus out of spite or to prove a point, and yet we still have never had trouble with it.

This doesn't mean that there will never be a widespread Mac virus or security exploit, but I think Apple at least devotes a lot of time and energy to security and will continue to produce extremely stable and secure software.
Jul 23, 2007 Whistler link
I concede that I jumped on a quote that agreed with a belief that I already harbor and failed to check my facts before posting. I've done my research since. This page is a pretty fair summary of what I found in various other places:,1895,2140675,00.asp

So, I confess to have been somewhat ignorant, but not completely wrong.
Jul 23, 2007 JestatisBess link
"Consider this: The Mac is the most homogeneous computing platform in the world. That should make it the most vulnerable. Instead, it has the strongest real-world record when it comes to exploits."

FatStrat is right though. Mac os X is a great OS and it has alot of good security. But if it was more popular it would have more ppl trying to hack it.
Jul 24, 2007 Shadoen link
COuld be called Ipwn, Iplay, Iconsole, and so....
Jul 24, 2007 Surbius link
Macs are what they are but can they be just as customizable as a PC? Swapping RAM, new VGA, new CPU, over-clocking, new HDD, it goes on. As far as I can tell, you trade in the cheaper, customizable, and unstable option for the higher priced, stable, and "homogeneous" option.
Jul 24, 2007 Suicidal Lemming link
Jul 24, 2007 FatStrat85 link
Surb, you can customize the higher-end Macs plenty and RAM can be easily upgraded on any Mac. Also, the price thing is becoming less significant as time goes on.
Jul 26, 2007 Surbius link
Can you buy similar RAM? Or does it have to be Mac certified of the like?
Jul 26, 2007 JestatisBess link
ram is ram now. You can use the right pc ram in a mac.

I'm racking my memory but i think about 10 years ago there was mac only ram.
Jul 26, 2007 Cunjo link
I have to side with Maddox on this one.
Jul 26, 2007 Surbius link
I totally agree.
Jul 26, 2007 JestatisBess link
"There you have it: the most objective comparison of two cellphones ever made."

Not!! I personally don't have an iphone. I don't need it and i even if i did i wouldn't want to spend the money or go with AT&T. that said a lot of people still like the phone and the design. I think its cool looking phone. But its not worth allthe hype. Soon we will see more, cheaper phone at that do most of the things it does.

Its just a matter of preference.
Jul 27, 2007 FatStrat85 link
The worst thing about my iPhone has been having to hear everyone complain about how cruddy it supposedly is, and I'm not even talking about the posts in this thread. I love my phone. I've had it for weeks and it's still the coolest device I've ever owned. I've seen all the other "smartphones" and none of them interested me in the least until I tested the iPhone. It's become very fashionable to rip on it lately and it really starts to get annoying to have to listen to.

I'd suggest trying one if you haven't already. You might be surprised. Other phone companies will certainly copy Apple and come out with other similar and cheaper versions, but Apple will have new and better versions as well. Buy whatever makes you happy. I can honestly say that I enjoy my phone more than anyone I know.

If it is missing features that you need, then don't buy it. There are lots of other great phones with much more impressive feature lists than the iPhone, and some people really do need or want those features. For me, the iPhone does more than I need and is a pleasure to use. It all depends on what you are looking for.