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Petition to Ban "Emo Douchebags"

Jun 23, 2007 LeberMac link
Yes, all "honor" threads should be banned. I hereby submit a petition to ban all posters of honor threads.
Jun 23, 2007 upper case link
i think we need to move this into suggestions, back with the "space hoboes" suggestion.

we's have bums with nothing to look up to and emos with bleeding hearts and ships.

ultimately, emos cut themselves and bums inherit the bleeding ships. the depressing in-board gratifies will probably turn the bums into emo-bums but that's fine: it'll be their own portion of the economy. a never ending (and vicious) cycle of crying, bleeding and sploding.
Jun 23, 2007 jexkerome link
*signs Leebs' petition*
Jun 24, 2007 Roda Slane link
so cunjo? your saying that I'm a greater threat to newbs than keyser?
Jun 24, 2007 Glunnator link
If anyone has anything against honour threads, the threads in question are NOT real honour threads.
Because honour threads are supposed to talk about HONOUR, right?


Now let's go and play a fun game of VO with all of us!
Jun 24, 2007 incarnate link
I'm moving this to off-topic, where it can devolve into any thread.. whatsoever.
Jun 24, 2007 Cunjo link
"so cunjo? your saying that I'm a greater threat to newbs than keyser?"

I saw you killing one several times today, does that count? If I recall, he was in an atlas, and you swarm spammed him a few times.
Jun 24, 2007 jexkerome link
Glunnator, you n00b, honor (please drop the "u" and use proper american english from now, thankyouverymuch) is a subjective thing, and so all honor threads devolve into "my honor > your honor" flamefests. This is why they are so disliked.

As for constantly spamming (with swarms or whatever) Atlases and other tradeships, it is a normal and permitted thing, and people do it for a variety of reasons (griefing, "piracy", guy's on the enemy nation/guild/faction/soccer team/whatever).

Lastly, if we go by those words of "he who hasn't sinned yadda yadda yadda" I don't see anyone here who could throw that first stone; the only difference is that while people like Roda, Lecter or me openly admit this, some like Cunjo seem to believe they hold some sort of vague and totally non-existant moral high ground, and thus, this thread is one of those despicable and totally pointless (but oh so fun!) honor threads.
Jun 24, 2007 Roda Slane link
Your right Cunjo. When someone shoots at me, they automatically lose newb status in my book. They are still newbs, but they are newbs that shoot at people without cause. You can call them what ever you want, but that doesn't seam to affect what they shoot at. Some players seam to think this is some kind of honor thread, and they might be correct. If they are correct though, then I must confess, everyone else's idea of honor appears to be rather complex, or at least too complex for me too follow, whereas my idea of "honor" can be boiled down to "if you can shoot at me without my permission, I can shoot at you without your permission". Of course I'm human, and if you happen to find evidence that I'm not perfect, then you have only proven that I am human. I could argue about who follows who's code more, but the bottom line is how many newbs escape unharmed.

I have more than one alias, and I may sometimes post with more than one alias. But, as a general rule, unless the aliases disagree with each other's points, I try to consolidate their position under a single alias, so as to avoid presenting a false count of interested parties. Having multiple aliases mimic each others views just to present a false consensus is a sign of insecurity in your argument. In the same light, creating multiple newbs, in order to induce questionable situations, and paint someone with a color of your choice, is again demonstration that the truth is not really your first concern. Such deceitful tactics do not go unnoticed forever.
Jun 24, 2007 Cunjo link
Ha! You are pathetic...

"Oh, all these people disagree with me... they must all be Cunjo!"

Get over yourself, you whiny, pathetic pile of refuse.

By the way... great fun last night! I bet you just LOVED getting a tase of your own medicine, amirite? I suppose we should congradulate you, on finally pissing me off so much that I sank to your level and used your own tactics against you. What's really pathetic in this, is that I was better at them than you were! Although I killed you multiple times, You, Kragmier and that promjocking itani (I forget his name) couldn't kill me together. It's a shame about Krag, though... I actually had a lot of respect for the guy, until he tried to help you spam gank me.

So to anyone who's having trouble dealing with Roda Slane's spamming and running, try spamming and running right back... turns out the blight can't dodge swarms or catch runners!

I think it's about time we all gave the little [farg] a taste of his own medicine.
Jun 24, 2007 jexkerome link
See? This is the proper route for dealing with such behavior, namely, turnabout. Whining about it on the forums leads to nothing!
Jun 24, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
Nothing but hilarity, that is!