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A note to Mynt

Mar 20, 2007 Aramarth link
Nevertheless Mynt, you failed to address my key point (which I even repeated and highlighted). You will rarely hit me with neuts (assuming you ever use them), because you're not good enough. I could similarly avoid swarms all day long despite any skill you think you have, but it would get boring after about one missile rack.

Your only recourse if you want to actually hit me is flares. Good damn luck. Why not spend some of that energy learning to use a real weapon?

Once again, I'll put this in the simplest terms imaginable. Your statement:
to use them effectively one would have to be tactical genius
Dead wrong. The only reason swarms can be effective is if the target is a noob, or the target is bored. Bored with waiting for you to make a fool out of yourself wasting ammo before the actual dogfight can begin. You could literally follow me around all day launching them and you would never hit unless I allowed it by charging the missiles. It is defender failure, not attacker skill or triumph, when swarms connect. Neuts do not turn (or to use your words, 'home'), they travel in a straight line once fired. Do you get it yet? Can I stop repeating what every experienced player knows already?
Mar 20, 2007 bojansplash link
Its OK BG. :)
Mar 20, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
Alright. I've heard often some ill sentiments about these thing:

- Proms
- Ganking
- Swarms

It's been often stated that swarms are most effective when aimed at a larger, heavier ship. A Prometheus has the thrust/mass ration about that of a Ragnorak, and have more than enough damage to take one down.

On the Serco side, I've heard pilots that are fed up with the mass tactics Itani use. If only there were *some* way to temporarily take a fighter out of combat for about 20 seconds. Some sort of missle perhaps that doesn't necessarily hit all the time, but causes the target to waste time evading. Any ideas, guys?

I have a solution to both of these issues, but naturally, those same people don't like to use swarms either! If they'd simply quit thinking about things and use whatever weapons/tactics are available to them, most of their problems would solve themselves. Nonetheless, here you are insisting on using that n00b gun I mentioned ealier on me. Have you abandoned all forms of logic whatsoever?

"You will rarely hit me with neuts (assuming you ever use them), because you're not good enough."

That's nice Aramarth. *insert retaliating insult here*

"I could similarly avoid swarms all day long despite any skill you think you have, but it would get boring after about one missle rack."

You could, theoretically fly completely defensively and therefor avoid any chance of being hit with swarms. Of course, you can do that against every weapon, so I fail to see the value in your statement.

"Your only recourse if you want to actually hit me is flares. Good damn luck."

Well no. I could try Gatling Turrets, Devestators, Jackhammers, Screamers, Positrons, and many more besides. Likewise, I don't need a recourse. I've never lost a fight against you. Remember? You're fighting all these battles in your head.

"Why not spend some of that energy learning to use a real weapon?"

There's that n00b gun again. And tell me Aramarth, what do you know about the kinds of weapons I prefer? I don't even fly ships with large ports.

"Once again, I'll put this in the simplest terms imaginable."

I can think of simpler.

... More to come! =D
Mar 20, 2007 Aramarth link
I suppose you think you showed me pretty good with that post. Whoa now, I should reconsider everything I ever thought to be true.

Or, as an alternative, I could not.

I have fought you, but none of my pilots are named Aramarth. You don't impress me, and arguing that firing a guided missile takes any amount of skill when compared to weapons that need aiming makes me question not only your intelligence, but also your experience playing the game. You speak like an expert, but you're obviously quite new. Heck, you called neuts 'homing' weapons. I really don't need an argument to prove you wrong, you've proven it yourself.

As far as proms mounting swarms to ward off tani fighters, you seem to have forgotten something. A swarm rack is heavy as all hell. Sure, you could make three enemies run away for a few seconds, but in the meantime you won't dodge any incoming fire and be dead before they need to help out.

Additionally, the way most people fly the prom revolves around the gatling turret. Now I've never flown a prom in combat against a player (only bots), but it is pretty obvious that taking away the ship's primary weapon is kind of defeating the purpose of flying one.

"If they'd simply quit thinking about things"
Yeah, that statement doesn't make you a hypocrite or anything. Stop thinking about things? Now who has 'abandoned all forms of logic whatsoever?'

You don't fly ships with large ports. Oh really. Then how can you presume to know anything about swarms? Your argument is paper thin, and all the while your tone conveys than you believe you are talking down to me.
Mar 20, 2007 Surbius link
Skill isn't so much about what flies between Ship1 and Ship2 but how Ship1 makes Ship2 fly into what is between Ship1 and Ship2.

Simple enough?
Mar 20, 2007 TRS link
This thread got old about... well.. the opening post I guess.

Using only swarms, and avoiding all other contact, and then running when out of ammo, is a waste. But it is also an option. This, sadly, is the skill level of some players, and while it is a skill that can be refined, it is still a very limited skill set. Every one has dyed to spam, but good pilots learn how to force the spammer out of ammo. Once the spammer has to go rearm without a single kill in hand, call it a win.

Consider the next spammer as your spam practice partner, and have at it. Make them dump that ammo to zero effect.

edit: a prom has about twice the thrust to mass ratio of a rag.
Mar 20, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
Aramarth, are you by chance Serco? Fast friends with a dude named Cunjo perhaps? Just a wild guess.

" "If they'd simply quit thinking about things"
Yeah, that statement doesn't make you a hypocrite or anything. Stop thinking about things? Now who has 'abandoned all forms of logic whatsoever?' "

Yeah, but I don't have any of the problems you do. I *like* flying against Proms. I like to fight Valkeryes, and people who use swarms. I like most of the things about VO, which is why I play this game. As for my posting on this board, I figure it's good practice for rhetoric. SAT's comin' up, you know. =)

Anywho, I think this is my last post.

Off topic, please!
Mar 21, 2007 Aramarth link
I'm not sure what problems you think I have, other than people. I kill proms, swarmers, valks, and every other ship combination, assuming I'm the better pilot. If I'm not better, I lose, and that's life. What does in fact bother me is when people presume they are really good when they are clearly not. People like you.

In the cockpit. If we fight in any empty sector with identical ships (and the duel command to assure fairness and public record), you'd see what I mean. We can even try best of three. Vults with gauss, rags with swarms, hogs with rockets, doesn't matter to me.

and on the forum here too. Look at your last post. You didn't counter any of my points. You ran, dodged, ducked. Yes, you quoted me, but not in a qualitative way. This is not the first thread where you've done this. You often post your viewpoint in threads as if the mere fact that it is your idea makes it holy writ. Well guess what? I know you can do better. I know there is a mature, thoughtful man inside you waiting to be set free. All you have to do is choose to let him out.

Cunjo uses swarms when flying his alts. I, conversely, practice what I preach. I fly Serco and UIT. And I don't make a new alt every time I want to shoot someone inside monitored space, you lazy kid.

Yes, that is the key. Laziness. That is why you defend swarms, why you have a new pilot every three days, and why you make poorly informed forum posts.
Mar 21, 2007 SuperMegaMynt link
Alright, thanks Aramarth. I'll be sure to keep your opinions in mind. It's nice to have someone who understands me so well, without ever seeing my face. Society needs more, diligent people like you. Take care. =)
Aug 18, 2008 Roby Wood link
I miss you
Aug 18, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
As for my posting on this board, I figure it's good practice for rhetoric. SAT's comin' up, you know.

That's gonna be some harsh pwnage.
Aug 19, 2008 toshiro link
What the... thread necromancy this early in the week?
Aug 29, 2008 SuperMegaMynt link
Meh, wrote too slow. The writing portion's stoopid anyways.
Aug 29, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Meh, wrote too slow. The writing portion's stoopid anyways.

Excuses won't interest those reviewing your score. Lots of things you have to do in life are "stoopid"--you still have to manage to not fuck them up, genius.
Aug 29, 2008 MSKanaka link
Remember, it's Mynt that you're talking about.
Sep 03, 2008 SuperMegaMynt link
Excuses won't interest those reviewing your score. Lots of things you have to do in life are "stoopid"--you still have to manage to not fuck them up, genius.

Dense! The irony is that for all the time I spend 'trolling' the forums, I didn't realize that it's poor practice for the very reason that I have all the time in the world; this is strictly different from the fascist, and much complained about new SAT's which include a 30 minute (canst thou believst!?) writing thingy, usually about how to solve the world's problems.

Complaining is a valid tactic to changing the world. Martin Luther King didn't 'fight' for any sort of racial freedom. He complained about it, and enough people figured he was probably justified. That one black lady thought sitting in the back of the bus was pretty stupid, and she fucked that up pretty bad. Lo, and what ho! What a storm of change that ended up causing. Ghandi made excuses day and night why them British occupying his country were a bunch of lousy blockheads, and it interested quite a few people.

It's been awhile since you've had to apply at a college, but in fact writing excuses for your life is nowadays often a required piece. If you don't know what I'm referring to, then you're an ancient dinosaur, and I render your judgement hopeless.

Is there a functional difference between complaining, and verbalizing causal relationships? If either one was not a valid tactic for survival, how can you justify their passing the crucible of human evolution? I assure you, the interest of species survival as a method will permeate a diverse spectrum of humanity, regardless of profession, even if you won't take my word that excuses are particularly interesting to those reviewing my scores.

In short, you're wrong, bitter, and out of date.
Sep 07, 2008 Dr. Lecter link
Dense would be most apt in describing your prose.

I've applied to colleges and graduate schools recently enough to have written a personal statement, and I've known enough admissions people to know that they really only serve as a harder to challenge way of screening for "diversity." If you're too dumb to do well on whatever standardized test is being used at the time, your application is going to be circular filed early on, unless you happen to be a URM.

Given the emotional, incoherent four paragraph defense of mediocrity above--I think you're the bitter one ;) Next up, for your consideration and enjoyment, remember that unless you're going into academia or sucking at the State teat as an employee . . . someone with my "bitter, wrong, and out of date" views on the importance of not sucking at life will probably be your boss :)
Sep 07, 2008 Pointsman link
Don't feed the trolls, Lecter!
Sep 07, 2008 SuperMegaMynt link
no u! (amidoingitrite?)