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A note to Mynt

Mar 19, 2007 Norseman link
I dont take back anything, i was fighting MB, Strat, Impavid and vehemot or whatever his name is in Verasi c-2, when you came along firing swarms at me many times in a row, i think the vipers can confirm this aswell.
Mar 19, 2007 TRS link
The weapons in VO are well balanced.

Swarms can be used with out skill, but so can many other weapons. Using swarms well, requires a certain skill set. A skilled swarmer must pick a target that may be vulnerable to swarms, and may also have to consider the targets current speed, distance, and direction of travel, and may have to actually aim the missiles to achieve an interception.

Light fighters can practically dance hand in hand with swarms. But heavy ships that let their speed drop into the swarms operational range are prime targets.

For the unskilled, swarms favor the attacker. But for the highly skilled, swarms are barely a nuisance to the defender, if even that, and the mass of chaos missile launchers can end up being a considerable burden to the attacker.

I have seen swarms used effectively against very experienced light fighters, but this is the exception, and demonstrates the skill of the swarmer. I have seen heavily armed centaurs fly directly into the path of oncoming swarms, and at the last instant successfully maneuver around them, but again, this is the exception, and demonstrates the skill of the dodger.

If swarms are a problem for you, check your ship's mass to thrust ratio, keep an awareness of the battlefield, and keep heaver ships moving at speeds beyond swarms operational range.

There are many valuable pvp skills in VO. Using and avoiding swarms are but two.
Mar 19, 2007 Norseman link
hmm after long toughts i might have confused Tosh with Daggoth Korronoth, if so i apoligize to tosh.
Mar 19, 2007 Millenium Blackhawk link
My only issue with swarms is they are addictive and trendy. Once someone brings out swarms, more bring out swarms and they don't stop using them until the day is done.

But... yes swarms take skill and experience to use effectively. Certain angles/arcs and distances (without hitting yourself with splash) work better, and not to mention swarms are more effective when paired with certain weapons. Have fun with swarms... use them, try different tactics, but eventually put them down because it does get tiresome to keep boosting around swarms.
Mar 19, 2007 zamzx zik link
Bojan splash : Go to hell. Seriously.

Next time I'm online, I'll take this vendetta to you, you itani son of a UiT.

Mar 19, 2007 upper case link
good luck with that.
Mar 19, 2007 bojansplash link
As BG's replay shows, truth hurts.
I am disappointed. He is so underexposed to information he can't even recognize a compliment when he sees one.
However, I do find threats about personal vendetta from feeble minded people mildly amusing.
Mar 19, 2007 zamzx zik link
You said I'm just an average pvp'er. The people who are my peers, usually, are

Cunjo (Haven't really fought him in awhile)
Norse (depending on if he's in a prom or not :))
Bunny (she never fights straight on, so it's usually 1 to 1, 2 to 1 in my favor if it's a fair fight)
Miharu ( I win slightly more, it's close)

People I usually* beat

Mystic Rogue (No offense to anyone who's on this list, I hope)
Genka ( :P)
Bojan (seriously, counting swarm uses on you, I've creamed you..I honestly don't remember fighting you without 'em)
Smittens ( give or take)

People who beat me
Lots of others

Eh, it's been awhile since I've done serious pvp. But usually, I have the upper hand. I can easily recall a time a couple months ago, I took out three VPRS (at once) And numerous times when I've taken 2+ people with ma' swarms (in the past) These are the people I clearly remember off the top of my head. If anyone would do me a favor, please give me your honest input into how much my ego is affecting the accuracy of this, and give me corrections.

I'm better then average.

*It's been awhile. My memory might be wrong, and I am fairly rusty ATM.

VO rules

Mar 19, 2007 LeberMac link
Hey! You forgot me you Spamming L-Mining punk! ;)
Mar 19, 2007 Impavid link
Kill me with swarms, fine.

Brag about it like you have some combat skill? No.
Mar 19, 2007 Millenium Blackhawk link
~Z --> "I took out three VPRS (at once) And numerous times when I've taken 2+ people with ma' swarms"

It's certainly fun to sit on the receiving end of a story like: "I killed 7 giants in blow!" Way to go! :)
Mar 19, 2007 Whistler link
Hmmm...Off Topic or Role Playing....
Mar 19, 2007 zamzx zik link
Not sure what that exactly means Blackhawk, but it's probably a reference to me running my mouth off, like usual.

I think roleplaying. I can start a flame topic for my ego later.
Mar 20, 2007 bojansplash link
This is not s pissing contest BG.
I said:
1. *He made an art out of using swarms*
2. *without swarms he is just an average pvp-er*

Even intellectually challenged people can see the difference in those two statements.
You want to prove me right on everything i said later on?
Mar 20, 2007 Mynt link
Aramarth: "Neutrons- or any direct fire weapon for example- require the user to be in a specific position with a specific velocity in reference to his enemy. Hitting with them is entirely dependent on how both ships move."

Millenium Blackhawk: But... yes swarms take skill and experience to use effectively. Certain angles/arcs and distances (without hitting yourself with splash) work better, and not to mention swarms are more effective when paired with certain weapons.

They both have their advantages. In an actual fight, there are some positions where I can hit with a swarm, that I can't hit with a Neutron Blaster. There are also some positions where I can hit with a Neutron Blaster, but can't hit with a swarm. The difference between the two weapons' bullets is not so much one of style, but rather of degree. Swarms home alot, neuts home a little. Swarms are slow, neuts are fast. Where one is strong, the other is weak. I don't see how this qualifies Swarms as a less viable gun, unless of course they're overpowered. That would explain the tears.

Aramarth, I could very well be irrational and argue the opposite point, that Neutrons are the n00b's best weapon, since you can fire at 50m and almost never miss. In contrast, any idiot can dodge swarms, and so to use them effectively one would have to be tactical genius, able to predict precisely when and where his opponent will be with far more accuracy than any n00b spamming neuts... But that's just not the case. In the end, there's only one weapon in VO that's the true n00b gun; trying to shame your opponent out of using any technique that's too powerful for you to handle. Please don't do that.
Mar 20, 2007 toshiro link
Neutron Blaster projectiles (like any other Blaster, Cannon or Gun projectile, as well as dumbfire rockets) do not home. They have an autoaim cone within which the weapon can freely move and track targets, without the user having to aim.
Mar 20, 2007 Whytee link
I wonder if I am special Mynt...seeing how I can repeatedly fire my Neut at 50 meters and miss every single one. Then again...I seem to miss with the swarms as well:)

I fail to see why some weapons are hated so much that several threads discuss this. If it is in-game, use it. If you want to avoid getting shot with it when doing PvP, make sure your opponent doesn't use it. For me, I hope the pie rats use swarms. It makes them complacent and lazy and thus avoidable even in a moth.


btw, to all pierats, it was not an encouragement to hunt me with swarms to prove some point^^
Mar 20, 2007 zamzx zik link
/me is shamed

Sorry bojan. I guess I wasn't listening(again)

I think my dad summed it up pretty well
"You aren't listening; you're just waiting until I stop talking so you can talk"
Mar 20, 2007 LeberMac link
OMG 'hole your Dad summed it up perfectly! Hehe.

You still didn't addd me to your list. :(

Oh, and Whistler - Community Projects. That category needs more stuff.
Mar 20, 2007 zamzx zik link