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A Problem With the Balance of the Universe.

Mar 11, 2007 Cunjo link

I try to stay in character with Cunjo on the forums as well as in-game, and unless people are taking it personally, I don't see the harm in it. Besides which, any Itani players who feel so insulted by a Serco PoV on the forums, probably deserve to feel insulted for taking things too seriously. As for my attacking SMM, I tend to bite back when people insult me and make an ass of themselves, especially stupid/annoying/disgraceful people with lesser standards than me -- I hate that.

If you have a problem with me expressing Cunjo's inner Serco on the forums, perhaps there needs to be less inner Itani expressed here too... you know, comments like this:
"Which is fine by me. I like a good gank. >=D"
"If you're regularly using swarms or proms, don't whine about being ganked. // Reduced prices? New Capitol eye-candy? Great! You should add a psychological support team for ganked members and a cyber teddy bear consolation price when you get pwned in BP."

Nobody takes me seriously when I say nice things about the Itani as Cunjo anyway, so why not stick to PoVs that work?


Obviously I can't speak for all Serco, but I personally never used the prom at all until very recently. Itani gank proms and make a big stink of it whenever they're used, but since I'm going to get ganked and insulted no matter what I'm flying, it might as well be a prom -- at least it has enough armor that I stand some chance of taking someone down with me when I'm being attacked by 4 or more triflare valks.

Not that I blame other Serco for using them. I think the prom is fine in its role, and while it could use some more balancing, I'm fine with keeping it how it is until some other issues are seen to, like the valk and IBG (which are way too inexpensive) and the whole Serco/Itani balance in general. I'm just real fucking sick of hearing "OMG U SERCO FLY PROMS! U DESERVE TO BE GANKED FOREVER FOR IT, EVEN WHEN YOURE NOT FLYING THEM, CUZ EVERYONE KNOWS PROMS ARE UBER AND LAME, WHILE MASS-GANKING SERCO IS PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE BECAUSE THEY HAVE PROMS!" -- it's a stupid argument, and would be contemptable even if it wasn't so hypocritical and conceited. We all know that the claim that if Serco stopped flying proms they would stop getting ganked is complete bullshit, so why can't we just cut the crap and stop using the prom as a lame excuse for un-sportsmanlike behavior.

I don't bitch and moan whenever someone uses a prom against me. It's only pathetic when they run away in it once they start figuring out that the prom isn't an instant ticket to winning.


Please learn to use S P A C E S after your punctuation marks, thank you. Your language genocide is making my eyes bleed.

"In regards to missiles. They're very effective when used as a secondary weapon. I wouldn't say they're lame =P Unless the spam and run tactic is being employed."

I agree, though I'd add that relying on them as a primary weapon, whether spamming and running or not is a sign of weakness, and shouldn't be done.

Now, back on topic...

IBG needs a license and price increase, and Valk needs a price increase, while Serco ships need a price decrease.

Personally I think that Serco who are Itani Hated and Serco Admired or higher should be paying MUCH less for ships and repairs, while the Border Patrol/Skirmish missions should be paying more for success on the Serco side.

The Serco are a Warrior culture, they have a Military government, Military Economy... with all this funding to the Serco war effort, they should be paying more to keep their soldiers on the front lines. That's the RP aspect, and as for practicality, well I think that should speak for itself; making combat more affordable for the Serco will bring more combat-oriented people to the nation, and that's exactly what we need. I really don't care if Itani are fighting in BP as Serco and passing the money to their Itani characters, as long as it's getting them to come to the Red side and fight occasionally. Cutting the prices on Serco ships and repairs won't create an exploit either, and it will do a lot to alleviate the financial pinch on the Serco, both the vets and the newbs, while giving players more incentive to play as Serco - all good things right now.

Perhaps the prices of military ships and repairs could be dynamicized and woven into the military climate of the universe - as the Serco feel the pinch from being outnumbered, their government pumps more money into the war effort to help gain lost ground, and the prices for military equipment go down while salaries for warriors go up. If and when the universe swings the other way, the Serco government makes budget cuts while the Itani government gets desperate and starts moving the money to the war department. Right now, the Itani are in no immediate danger of invasion due to the dwindling Serco forces, so why should manufacturing weapons of war be such a high priority for them? supply should go down and price up for the IBG and the Valk, and the government should be paying less for missions that further the war effort.

An adjustment like this in addition to the already dead-beaten-horse suggestion of better nation descriptions and a re-ordering of the nations on the selection screen could fix the problem entirely given enough time.

Of course any catalystic contributions to the Serco from experienced players help a lot too.
Mar 11, 2007 Dr. Lecter link
/me surveys the thread, such as it is...

Yet another in the cycle of Serco-Itani flamefests. Yawn.

And once again AJRimmer* has demonstrated his odd theory of life, VO and everything: anyone who VO-owns him must be part of a kindergarden conspiracy to get back at the good, mature, decent folk of the Real World (such as himself) for Life-owning the little trolls. In reality, of course, Rimmer has been forced to invent a similar theory to explain how all those nasty, immature, stupid people manage to keep Life-owning him, too. I wonder if he blames it on the times!, the morals!

*i.e., that mouth-breathing putz who keeps lobbing sanctimonious tirades against "trash" into threads, posts that are only redeemed by the amusing/sad irony of their being the most poorly written trash in these forums.
Mar 12, 2007 bojansplash link
@Cunjo: I find it a bit odd that you have to roleplay in suggestions forum, it's a... freaking suggestions forum where ppl exchange ideas and opinions on how to make VO better.

Roleplaying mean hardliner mf Serco in this forum gains you nothing but disrespect.
If you cannot get out of character here, please take it to RP forum.
Same goes for others who RP Itani in suggestions forum.

And regarding ganking, proms, missiles... it has been discussed many times.
Imho it is quite pointless to talk about that anymore.
Ships and weapons are available in VO to be used by players. So players use them all. Some apply lame and cowardly tactics/ships/weapons, some dont. It is not going to change.
Mar 12, 2007 CrazySpence link
I love killing serco they are my favourite snack cause they always come back over and over again, UIT people just go a different direcion or turn into a biscuit which is not fun to fight. I demand more people play as serco to feed my war hunger.

Also on a second note, balance is fine. change your bloody tactics instead, you shouldnt techinally be able to kill anything in anything so if some mean serco keeps killing you in their awesome war machine go fly a kite! or get some heavy weapons, or a friend!

To solve this balance problem give everyone the same bloody ship as it seems no one is ever happy if someone in a different ship beats them anyways everyone should have the same ship then.
Mar 12, 2007 Whistler link
Well, this has become too off-topic for Suggestions, so it can go to off-topic.