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Kill the Person Before You...

Mar 11, 2007 toshiro link
Whistler should have noticed the shadows in the skybox. Unfortunately, the Prometheus' rather smallish canopy does not allow one to see too much besides one's own prey.

Just outside the No-Fire Zone, a dark shape crashes against his Prometheus' port side with a muffled 'thump', slightly shoving it to starboard. The dark shape moves away again, before Whistler could turn and identify it. Another thump, from the rear. And another from the starboard side, with a shorter pause than before. Suddenly, there is silence again, and the skybox seems to mock Whistler's surprise by appearing empty, save for a lone asteroid. Distractedly, Whistler notes that it probably holds Xithricite, when suddenly, a flurry of blows shakes his ship and moves it towards the asteroid, with increasing speed.

The last thing Whistler hears over the comm before his Prometheus is ground to space junk against the 'roid by a stampede of trained space cows is a dry voice, saying "Well, I was going to say you'd die like a roid farmer... but Leela told me not to be too mean."
Mar 13, 2007 saints shadow link
Saint shakes off the disorientation from the respawn, and hacks up a plume of black charcoal. "Man I hate that." he mutters to himself. After picking up the data pad and reviewing what all he has missed while he was out Saint gets ready for his next job. "Hmmm... Toshiro huh? This should prove most interesting." He says stowing the pad into his bulging duffel bag.

Later that night (if night really exist in space), Toshiro is found in a Bar with Leber and a few of the other well known fellows of Vendetta. He is ranting about his "brilliant" tactics in hunting down and killing Whistler. Everyone there is enjoying his drunken state and some what uncharacterized boisterousness. He has earned a good kill and is entitled to enjoy himself. Even the freshly revived Whistler is laughing. Even if he is three shades of red with embarrassment. Regardless the party is raging and all are unaware that right below them Saint is in the environmental control units of the station.

Being vastly poor and unable to purchase anymore sleep inducing drugs Saint is forced to do things the hard way. He whips out an extremely old, archaic looking orange book. the title reads "Environmental Control Systems for Morons". Saint silently thanks AJ for letting him borrow the book after the whole party incident. This sense of gratitude is shot lived, however, as saint opens the book to find numerous pages covered in crayon. Saint bites his tong and writes a memo to curse uncontrollably later. Shaking his head Saint focuses on the task ahead of him. "Now what exactly can we do?" he mutters. "Ah, I think this will do." he says as he finds the gas ratio panel.

Saint floods the entire deck with Nitrogen reducing the oxygen content considerably. "Here's hoping that that didn't kill them all... yet" he smirks. Moving to the security control panel saint checks the deck for movement. Every one is passed out. Just in case, Saint shuts down all the grav lifts and manual exits to the deck by tricking the computer into believing that there is a bio emergency and initiating containment protocols. "Ok, on to faze two" he says.

Being locked out might seem like a problem for some, but Saint had planned this one out (quite a change from his normal tactics). Pulling out his data pad he establishes a link with his "insider". Among the oxygen depraved deck next to sub section D in the janitors closet sits an archaic mk II android. Suddenly the droid springs to life and marches strait to the bar. Unaffected by the oxygen levels the droid quickly finds Toshiro and injects him with a poison even more archaic than the android itself. Saint had no idea what is was called. He stopped trying to pronounce it after Lecture had spent an hour giving him shit about his grammar and poor pronunciation. Regardless, true to Lectures word the substance took effect immediately.

Toshiro shot strait up in to full consciousness despite the lack of oxygen. However, there was nothing behind his eyes anymore. All that was left of the old Toshiro was his body. Saint smiled at his creation, and restored oxygen levels to normal. Soon he could here the scream coming from above him as the entire deck realized that they where trapped. More than that they where trapped with a zobiefied Toshiro who was tearing into all the flesh he could. It wouldn't take long for the virus to spread to the entire deck. Soon the ravenous and insatiable zombies would start to feast on each other. In the end, if left to stay their course, only one would be left.

Saint couldn't let that happen. No survivors. So Saint returned to the controles when he was certian that there was no longer any froms of life that would be affected by a change in the oxagen levels and quickly recalibrated the gas levels for optimum flamibility. Then, smiling as he went, he launched from the station with the greatest hast and activated the self destuct of his Mk II. The Station erupted in the most beuiful aray of colors. Saints smile wouldn't last though. He just pissed off a lot of very sick people...