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us army: rumsfel must go

Nov 11, 2006 Snax_28 link
Man, you all need a lot more of this.

Although, like they said. I would go with a ratio closer to 1:5 instead of 0.75:5.

And go with number two. That shit floors you and immediately makes you forget all about the stone-age neanderthals dragging their knuckles around down south. 'Specially when you've got our own neanderthals to ignore.
Nov 11, 2006 chillum baba link
Ok, since this is now the pot thread... rumsfeld -> pot... very interesting I say.

That is BY FAR the best way to make pot butter... and as far as ratios (didn't read it, as I already know it all, so if the ratio bit was in RE: the brownies... well my information is still... informative... anyways), all depends on your own tolerance and the quality of the pot. Using that pot butter technique you can use any old shit you have laying around (If leaf say, just use like a pound of leaf to a pound of butter, nice thing is it is infinitely scalable, just keep adding water 'til your material floats (and add the appropriate amount of butter)... straining mass quantities is difficult (especially getting all the oils that stick to said mass quantities out again). My mother taught me this technique many many years ago, and as I said above: it is by far the best technique.

EDIT: oh, the ratio refers to the first technique... USE THE SECOND... the paragraph above refers only to it... the first SUCKS in comparison.

EDIT: 30 minutes is too short... I do about 3 hours for maximal extraction. Also freezer is way better for obvious reasons then the fridge (though you don't want to leave it there til it's a block of ice). Also take the remaining material (the leaf or buds) and put it back in the pot with more water and boil again for a short time and reseperate to extract the maximal amount of butter (and cannabinoids) from the material, it may only yield a few tablespoons but (made properly) this stuff is VERY potent and a few tablespoons will keep you wasted (should that be your intent, if not: USE VERY SPARINGLY) for a few days.

EDIT: you can use ANY fat that is a solid at room temperature btw.... MUST be solid at room temperature or even in a fridge you'll not get good seperation. (so yeah, lard even... though that's just GROSS)

EDIT: To remove some of the green (and that strong flavor) wash the butter under very cold running water. (MUST BE COLD or butter is gonna go down the drain.) To wash simply kneed and work the butter with your hands while holding under the stream of COLD running water... keep going 'til it is no longer green and is instead kinda golden. Lots of work for little gain in my opinion. The ayurvedists say it is absolutely neccessary though, as the unwashed ganja butter is supposed to contain toxins that can cause negative effects. (sore muscles and nausea sometimes for instance)

EDIT: One reason eating ganja is more potent is because when you smoke, the cannabinoids are absorbed directly into the bloodstream, while when you eat it, they go through the liver first, where they are converted into metabolites that are much much active in the body. (There are cannabinoid receptors in the brain naturally and so (obviously) the body naturally produces small quantities of these same chemicals. Current thinking is that they are related to appetite regulation... hence the munchies.)
Nov 11, 2006 toshiro link
The problem with ingesting cannabis is that you have to watch the dosage. If you're an apothecary and used to doing this, fine, but if not, you should be careful, since you can only diminish the dosage, once it is administered, by vomiting, which is temporally limited and also not too much fun.
Nov 11, 2006 ananzi link
dude im an apothecary. i have like +125 alchemy and like +65 herbalism in world of warcraft. i know all about how much leaves you need to make butter. the good +25 butter that gives you mana for 30s (unless in rested mode, then its like 45 s)

PROFESSOR CHAOS: hey uhm how old are you?
Nov 11, 2006 Lexicon link
Umm... You guys know WAY too much about using pot as a dietary ingredient. Remind me to never go over to your house for dinner. I'm gonna leave now...
Nov 11, 2006 chillum baba link
Umm toshiro.. why watch the dosage exactly? Worst thing that can happen is that you get too wasted and sleep it off. Based on animal tests, the LD-50 (Lethal Dosage 50... the point at which 50% of the test subjects die. There is no LD-100, they ran out of pot before then.) would be measured in pounds for a human... so if you cook down a few hundred pounds of ganja into one pound of butter and then eat the whole pound (well, 2 pounds now, and it'd not be butter really anymore, more like eating hash) watch-out... otherwise you'll be just fine.

And I already warned people to "USE SPARINGLY" unless they want to get really wasted. The webpage does the same.

Oh and as far as vomiting... eat too much and you'll be doing that anyways. (Generally. Everyone's reactions are different. Some vomit at just the tiniest quantity for instance.)

EDIT: Ok, I might be exaggerating just a bit on the amount you'd have to cook down to reach LD-50 in humans, but not by much. And what'd end up killing you is probably NOT the cannabinoids (which remember are produced in the human body naturally (they seem to be involved in appetite regulation among other things)) but other toxins that you'd have concentrated.
Nov 11, 2006 Snax_28 link
Sleep it off?!? Must be true about you American's not getting the same caliber of bud as us up here (you're a yank right Root?). Stuff I've eaten I wouldn't say it's easy to overdose with, but good luck getting to sleep anytime soon.

My girlfriend's little brother made some brownies a week or so ago, and me, not having eaten them in a while, forgot all about moderation. Mostly because the brownies were damn good. Anyway, he used the second technique, and used a LOT of shake/bud. Five or six brownies later....

Needless to say I had no choice but to partake in a self induced epic BSG marathon.
Nov 11, 2006 chillum baba link
I live in Hawaii... and the very best pot in the world is STILL grown in the Emerald Triangle. (Humboldt, Mendocino and Trinity counties in California). BC bud is sold at a steep discount in Cali. As far as average US bud quality vs. Canadian? Don't know, I'm not an average American.
Nov 12, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Holy crap there's a lot of interesting info in this thread.

ananzi: I'm 24, why do you ask?
Nov 12, 2006 toshiro link
The lethal dosis of THC is 50 and 86 g of THC (pure) for a 68 kg person (female/male resp.). This taken from the wikipedia. I wonder how cannabis is administered in hospitals and such (tea, I know... but do they use purified THC, too?).

The wikipedia articles also notes that animal toxicity can most likely not be applied to the human organism, due to fundamentally different distribution of THC receptors.
Nov 12, 2006 chillum baba link
I assume you mean the LD-50 is 86g for a 68kg human. This is reasonable, 86g = (just under) 3 ounces... of PURE THC. That's like 2 pounds (at least) of the best hash in the world... this pot butter would be SIGNIFICANTLY weaker than that, but you could be killed by some toxin that you'd inadvertently concentrated perhaps. Bottom line, you might make yourself feel pretty sick, but you aren't gonna poison yourself with pot butter, pot, hash, hash oil, or any conceivable product, quantity, or method of taking pot. (Cept you could fuck up your lungs pretty bad if you were to smoke more than say a 1/4 ounce or so a day. But cancer link is not what we are talking about, and ALL smoke and even burned food is slightly to greatly carcinogenic.)

EDIT: Also, you are aware that the wikipedia has more misinformation than information in it? So take ANYTHING you read there with a pound or 2 of salt. (which just could kill you, table salt is FAR more toxic then marijuana)

EDIT: In rereading I see that you are saying that the lethal dose is 50-86g... ok. My statements are still (roughly) accurate though I'm referencing just the high end obviously.
Nov 12, 2006 upper case link


because, quite frankly, discussion about pot is clearly out of the scope of this thread wich is about rumsfeld having to go (and he did get the boot!).

just to close this thread on-topic, rummy is, apparently, going to get hit with a war crimes charge by germany. let the heads roll!

he fully deserves that. but he's not alone in this.

edit: link to support my statement:,8599,1557842,00.html
Nov 12, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Hmm, so Germany couldn't stand with us against the torture and abuse committed by Saddam against his own citizens, but they can't wait to get at Rumsfeld for something he didn't do? Remember that the Abu Ghraib story broke as a result of an investigation by the army into their own affairs, and they were open about it. It was the media who turned it into a conspiracy. There's no comparison between hacking off someone's head with several blows from a dull knife and publishing the film, to putting underwear on someone's head and making dogs bark at them, and things that pale in comparison to hazing in fraternities. Rumsfeld had nothing to do with this! Besides, were those Germans in the prisons, or muslim terrorists? Even if Rumsfeld is guilty, we have the responsibility to defend him from Germany. If anyone is to bring charges against an American citizen, it is America. I can't believe that the cleanest, most civilized war in history has everyone crying "war criminal" all over the place. I'm surprised France isn't the first to bring charges, since they're so pissed off that we ended their deal to get oil from Saddam in exchange for money to build his palaces.

EDIT: The article you linked said: Germany was chosen for the court filing because German law provides "universal jurisdiction" allowing for the prosecution of war crimes and related offenses that take place anywhere in the world.

Only the United States of America has jurisdiction in the United States of America.
Nov 12, 2006 Lexicon link
OMG. Germany wants Rumsfeld's Blood? Fuck them!

The 20th Hijacker Qahtani was "...subjected to forced nudity, sexual humiliation, religious humiliation, prolonged stress positions, sleep deprivation and other controversial interrogation techniques..."

Oh no! Not sleep deprivation! This is torture? Better check if we called him mean names and took his lunch money, too! That'll add a couple of years onto the sentence!

They also want to try Alberto Gonzales, George Tenet, and a myriad of other Military officials and Bush Cabinet positions.

Holy crap, can't we reserve the criminal proceedings for folks like Milosevic (BTW interesting find here re: Milosevic and the ICC.)
How come the ICC isn't calling for the heads of terrorist organizations?
Nov 13, 2006 Snax_28 link
Hmmm Root... Perhaps back in the 80's. I find it slightly difficult to believe that nowadays.
Nov 13, 2006 WE WANT LEEBS! link
you are all missing the point :

it's the unknown known dammit!
Nov 13, 2006 toshiro link
chillum: For someone trashing wikipedia (perhaps rightly, perhaps no), you surely make a pretty bold statement: Salt being more toxic than THC. If THC's lethal dosis is 86g (which is quite a lot, no disagreement there), it's still lower than that of NaCl, that being around 40g (pure), if I recall correctly. The problem is that you'll have a hard time swallowing 40g of salt in crystalline form.

Also, THC how I perceive it is that it's okay to use it as medication, but not at all to relieve stress, unless that stress is a pathological symptom (it isn't always).

But, you are right in that you'll have a hard time poisoning yourself with THC. Still, I don't like it if I cannot directly influence the dosage of any drug (I'll quickly and generally define any psychoactive substance as drug) I consume, and with THC that's exactly the case, since I don't smoke. Hmm. Maybe I should try that tea?
Nov 13, 2006 ananzi link
If any of us cared about any of this stuff, we could go read the wikipedia articles on the ICC, war crimes, legal system, abu grahib, etc. But I personally think it is more fun to blither like the uneducated sop I am.

Nov 14, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Wikipedia is not always reliable on political issues, since anyone with any bias can change the article at any point. It's sometimes more revealing to read the discussion page, and try to find all the cited sources, though sources can be biased, too.
Nov 27, 2006 chillum baba link
Well, the salt thing was a bit of creative argumentation (or something). I have bunches more info to share on this topic btw... just got my scrip (prescription, i.e. I'm legal) and the doctor was an amazing font of wisdom... lemme know if anyone still cares.

Oh and screw the ICC, war crimes, rumsfeld, etc... this is the pot thread now.

And snax... you sir are a Canadian... nough said? No? Ok... your Canadian boosterism knows no bounds... I've seen this alot with residents of relatively small, (population) relatively unimportant, (cept to the citizens seemingly) countries... they think they do it all better... (and somethings, y'all do do better for sure)
I can guarantee BC buds go for 2 to 2.5k per lb. Cali buds are 2.5 to 3.5k per lb. (in California) It's not really quality so much as quantity though... your BC countrymen are flooding the market... tell em to chill eh?

EDIT: Ummm... just reread your post on salt vs. THC Toshiro, perhaps you need to also... 40g of salt is toxic... 86g THC... so... You are agreeing that salt is more toxic while criticizing me for saying so? What?

And as far as THC as a medicine... good for painkilling and memory loss prevention (yep... believe it or not. THC is a promising treatment/preventive for Alzheimer's for instance). CBDs are the main medicinals though. Basically all the cannabinoids have profound (generally positive) effects throughout the body... The endogenous cannabinoid system goes back 34 million years in animals, and is fundamental to cellular communication. (Especially when the cells are stressed. There are receptors in just about every part of the body, not just the brain.)