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can you say knockoff?

Oct 08, 2006 who? me? link

i wonder how much better this game will be than vendetta? or if vendetta will be superior.
Oct 08, 2006 genka link
Windows only, unrealistic goals, mediocre art, disgusting addiction to lensflares, and for some inconceivable reason, no anti-aliasing in any of the screenshots I bothered to take a look at.

Basically, what vendetta would have looked liked in 2001 if it was being designed and written by one seventeen year-old kid who took all the programming classes his highschool offered, went to a camp for kids that want to play with java to make "games," and decided that he is an amazing h4x0r.

All in all, might have some potential, so if you want to be a super-duper elite veteran in a space fighting game, this is probably your best chance and time to go join up. G'luck to'em.
Oct 08, 2006 toshiro link
I only have a beef with the 'windows only' thing. The rest is likely to change over time.
Oct 08, 2006 Galaxy613 link
Thats not what it is at ALL Genka. -.-'

And no it is NOT a VO knock off. There will be a place for both of them. Though the genka troll says a good point. Their goals are unrealistic especially for only one programmer. After playing their Combat Prototype ( ) I am more then sure, myself, that they will deliver. They are just like VO in the fact that the dev team (because having one programmer doesn't mean it's a one man dev team) listens too the fans and actually asks the fans for many ideas and there is even a contribution forum right now for serious modellers to contribute ships.

"Mediocre art" is another reason that genka is just a troll. Goto watch the videos there, like the new nebula video, of real-time footage taken within the game. And take a look at the screenshots. These are anything BUT Mediocre. And YES the Combat Prototype has untextured ships (more like, all ships are textured with the same tiled texture), but it's a PROTOTYPE, it's not even a Alpha of the game.

Saying that Infinity is being made by a 17 year old, basicly a idiot programmer with no skill, is also VERY VERY WRONG. He has been on other projects before. And the most recent one has failed. But he has learned from the mistake that made it's downfall and is now steaming ahead. Read the posts on the forum in the Dev section, and tell me that it's made by a 17 year old 'h4x0r'. ( )

I am just debating what Genka said just so people don't think what he said has any base in reality. Well, his reality..
Oct 09, 2006 Professor Chaos link
I was reading about the Combat Prototype for the game (sadly I can't try it out, since it's only Windows and my iBook won't run Windows), and there's a really good idea in there that could be used here for applying experience points.

Whenever a ship is destroyed, everyone who damaged it gets a certain amount of points based on what percent of the damage that player inflicted. This would prevent complaints when one percen does 99% of the damage to someone, then someone else steals the kill with one shot.

I'll put this in the suggestion forum later.
Oct 09, 2006 roguelazer link
That already exists for bots, actually. It's not based off of percentages, but there is partial XP gain possible.
Oct 09, 2006 Gavan link
Yeah, but you can land on planets. Or you might be able to. Kinda like how we can purchase stations and pilot capital ships.
Oct 09, 2006 upper case link
Will there be a Linux port ? A Macintosh port ?
A Linux port might come later after release, if there are enough requests. A Macintosh port is unlikely.

Oct 09, 2006 moldyman link
Question is linux port to what build? AMD? Just a windows box with a better OS then.
Oct 10, 2006 toshiro link
I wonder how realistic expectations for ports to really different OS (BeOS? :P) are, since I thought that it was easiest to go cross-platform right from the start.
Oct 10, 2006 Professor Chaos link
Well, this is the one thing that I have not liked about having a Macintosh: Most of the good games are for Windows. It's less of a problem now than in the past, but it still happens. It's not quite enough of a lure to get me to put up with the stress of Windows, but it's annoying. Now I just wish I had an Intel Mac. The IT guy at the university I'm attending is switching to Mac so he can have a better machine to run Windows on. I can't even try the guy's combat simulator. The videos look pretty impressive, though, and landing on planets and a true Newtonian physics engine are temptingly cool features of this guy's game....

By the way, are all the guys developing that game Swedish or Icelandic or something? 'Cause they all have cool names.
Oct 11, 2006 upper case link
the planet landing is nice though.

we can only wish.
Oct 11, 2006 Aleksey link
By the time Infinity is finished Vendetta will have (almost) everything it promises.
Oct 13, 2006 upper case link
i dont see planet landing anytime soon. not even "soon(tm)".
Oct 14, 2006 Aleksey link
Do you see Infinity relesae (with all promised features) soon?
Oct 14, 2006 ananzi link
anyways.. uhm..

the planet stuff looks nice but theres something wrong with it. first problem is the planets seem incredibly small, maybe a few km across at max.

i remember playing the Xwing finale where you had to fly down to the death star and fly into the trench... it took a long time ... i have played other games with 'planet landing' ( Planetary Raiders , later, Raider Wars ), and something about this just seems 'not right'.

Oct 15, 2006 Professor Chaos link
I actually agree with you. In the video footage either the planet is tiny, or the ship is extremely fast. I want to know what kind of heat shield technology the ship uses. Other than that, it looks really nice, though, like you said.
Oct 15, 2006 Galaxy613 link
It seems really small because the ship, infact, IS going rediculously fast just for showing off the basic transition from planet to space. That video is in no way repersentive of gameplay. Infinity WILL be 1:1 scale. This isn't going to be a Freelancer sized galaxy.
Oct 15, 2006 roguelazer link
I'm not sure how much fun 1:1 would be, either, though... I'm not sure if I'd like to sit through a week straight of playtime just to get anywhere...
Oct 16, 2006 Professor Chaos link
I want a universe that LOOKS 1:1, but where it's possible to play like you're watching it on TV (i.e., the boring stuff happens off-camera).