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can you say knockoff?

Oct 16, 2006 Galaxy613 link

When I said 1:1 I ment the scale of the galaxy. Time in the game will be sped up a bit so you don't have to spend many many hours just wait for a sunset. It will definetly not take a whole week to travel somewhere. Mostly a hour most, less if there are Jump Gates to there. For more info on Faster than Light travel:
Oct 17, 2006 Professor Chaos link
I was thinking in terms of how big the planets are. They look very very small. Maybe at most a couple thousand kilometers across, I'm not a good judge of that.

The guy on the Infinity forum was wondering about jumpgates vs. hyperdrives. I imagine it would be like EV, where hyperdrive takes fuel and jumps to the next system, while a gate takes none of your ship's fuel and takes you a much farther distance.
Oct 17, 2006 who? me? link
the planet video gives nothing to compare scale to, so all this discussion of is planets gonna be big or small is all speculation, and gossip.
Oct 17, 2006 ananzi link
who me my suspicion comes from previous discussions people have had here about the necessary memory requirements (disc space, not to mention RAM) required to render a realistically sized planet.

either that or the planet surface is generated automatically at runtime, from something like a fractal terrain generator.

either way, it just seems like a 'nice demo', but it looks like it is using 'movie magic' instead of showing a realistic version of how the engine will actually work in the real game.

then again i havent played a lot of the newer games like starwars galaxies, so im not sure how far things have come as far as planet-rendering goes in games, but maybe someone else has some more information or something?