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because it is YOUR country

Sep 10, 2006 toshiro link
What IS it with VO people and bikes? I smell a conspiracy.

Seriously, though, I hope he's well. No-one's political opinion can make me wish for bodily harm to come to the person.
Sep 10, 2006 LeberMac link
Well, except jexkerome.
I kid.

Seriously, tho - no one's heard from 'ol nigel since some kind of accident? That's... bad.
Sep 11, 2006 toshiro link
Yes. 'Buddy gone to Antarctica and hasn't reported back to base in 2 months' bad. Let's hope for the best.
Sep 11, 2006 drdoak007 link
Sep 19, 2006 break19 link
I'm so glad he NEW it.. rather than OLDed it.. thats a load off MY mind.
Sep 19, 2006 upper case link
get the word out

and fuck your conspiracy theory bullshit. if you can't admit to yourself these video, audio,m eye-witness accounts, then the world is fucked.
Sep 19, 2006 LeberMac link
Oh good Lord. Do you seriously think that some governmental agency was able to rig the world trade centers for controlled demolition?

I suppose that it was a cruise missile that hit the Pentagon as well, and that flight 93 was downed by air-to-air missiles?

We need to sit down with some beers and discuss this more.
Sep 20, 2006 jexkerome link
Oh, FFS, what's with people trying to make a bad thing even worse?

It's not enough that 9/11 made americans into paranoid cowards, allowing their batshit fundie president to hijack the country and launch an idiotic campaign that is killing off thousands of innocent people while reinforcing its batshit fundie enemies, is it? No, it isn't. It MUST have been done by Bush, because, otherwise, the only other explanation is that the americans wet their pants and gave him an authority he's been quick to abuse and won't relinquish; I mean,that would suggest the americans lost their wits and overreacted in the most stupid way imaginable. And Gods no, that couldn't be it, could it? I mean, isn't America the strongest? Isn't american the best? Americans aren't that stupid, are they? They keep their cool under battle, don't they? I mean, they single-handedly won both WWI and WWII, didn't they? At least, according to them.

No no no, the only possible answer is that Bush had it all planned; because otherwise, the american people is as guilty as the people who commited torture in Abu Graib or Gitmo or the CIA secret prisons all over the world, or the soldiers who have murdered innocent families in Iraq and Afghanistan as revenge for a fallen comrade. They are as guilty of alienating the world and tarnishing their reputation as Bush and Company's idiotic rethoric; they are responsible for their own loss of civil liberties and the depths into which their economy is sinking. All these things that are going so wrong and making the world a more dangerous place, all these things that by helping create resentment and hate fuel the terrorist numbers, it would be their fault as well.

A conspiracy theory is much better to accepting responsability for all the misery and death the american people helped Bush create. So a conspiracy it must be.
Sep 20, 2006 Gavan link
My biggest problem with the 9/11 conspiracy theory is simply this:

If the CIA or some other agency was behind the World Trade Centre collapse, why would they bother with the logistical nightmare of secretly rigging a building for controlled demolition when the main objective was to kill as many civilians in the most terrifying manner possible? Did said agency have something to protect in the surrounding area? Wouldn't it serve a better purpose to have the towers fall ackwardly upon a 4-5 city block radius, effectively wiping out another 1000 people and their homes and businesses?

I'm not saying I don't believe in the conspiracies. While I wouldn't put it past certain self serving governments, I could really care less in the end. In modern day democracy people don't get the governments they want, they get the governments they deserve.